Congressman Matt Gaetz Spends Day Meeting With Groups In The North Escambia Area

April 21, 2018

Congressman Matt Gaetz spent his Friday at events across the North Escambia area.

Gaetz started his day at Tate High School, speaking to Thomas Maher’s Gaming Academy and taking over Dana Gilmore’s government class for some tough questions — including one about gun control.

“In Northwest Florida, gun control means you’ve got a steady aim, most of the time,” Gaetz said.  “I don’t believe that taking guns away from people that don’t break the law makes anyone safer. I think that we can get a lot smarter with how we use technology to be able to red flag people who would do a tremendous amount of harm. The FBI today does not have a system today where they can use artificial intelligence and machine learning to just scrape social media for any warning signs. That’s crazy.  We know that tech exits, right? Like when we go on Amazon or when we go on Netflix, it can tell us what television shows or music we would like because they are able to use artificial intelligence and machine learning, but yet government hasn’t caught up with that.

“My assessment is we need to do a better job of identifying the people that can do great harm and a making sure they have all the services they need. Not that they just don’t have access to their firearm, but that we get them mental health counseling and all that other stuff. I do not believe that blanket restrictions of rights for people that have done nothing wrong is appropriate,” Gaetz said.

He then toured Ascend Performance Materials in Cantonment and held mobile office hours at PenAir on Nine Mile Road.

Then, he headed north to meet with Walnut Hill Ruritan Club — believed to be the first time a sitting U.S. congressman attended a public function in Walnut Hill. Gaetz then held a round table meeting with the Cantonment Improvement Committee (CIC).

As Gaetz listened to the CIC’s mission to help the community, he promised to reach out to various federal agencies for assistance to help the group and perhaps even an additional building.

The congressman wrapped up his day at a town hall meeting Friday night at Navy Federal Credit Union.

For more photos, click here.

Pictured top: Congressman Matt Gaetz Friday in North Escambia. Pictured inset: Gaetz tours Ascend Performance Materials in Cantonment. Pictured below: Gaetz meets with the Cantonment Improvement Committee at Carver Park, visits with a student in Gaming Academy at Tate High School, visits with the Walnut Hill Ruritan Club and holds a town hall at Navy Federal. and courtesy photos, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Congressman Matt Gaetz Spends Day Meeting With Groups In The North Escambia Area”

  1. Jack Spence on April 22nd, 2018 8:48 pm

    This guy pretty much epitomizes everything that’s wrong with our extremely polarized country and our inability to treat each other with open mindedness and respect. The grandstanding and angry conspiracy theorist utterances on the various cable news shows just makes all of us in the first district look foolish for actually electing this fool. I would love to see both democratic and republican extremism go away and the truly moderate return. This guy is tailor made for tabloid news. Not our Congress.

  2. Lou on April 22nd, 2018 8:44 am

    I love how much our Congressman is keeping us all in the loop of what is going on and happening. This man earns his money and my vote! This is the most informed and included I’ve ever felt! Thank You Congressman!

  3. joy bryant on April 22nd, 2018 8:28 am

    This character is unbelievable – his conspiracies – lying thru his you know what coming directly from FOX his conspiracy theories – I can hardly wait to VOTE HIM OUT

  4. Robert on April 22nd, 2018 2:57 am

    So Molino Voter,you just watch Fox News? That must give you very balanced information.

  5. Tabby on April 21st, 2018 9:15 pm

    @StopLying–Where is the lie ? He never said the government didn’t have the capability, he said they weren’t using it. “The FBI today does not have a system where they can use artificial intelligence………).
    So basically, you just heard what you wanted to because your so wrapped up with government oppression. In which case you are on point. They just want to control us to eventually impose their will or their plan upon us. Yet you take the congressmans words way out of context. Know your facts.

  6. Molino Voter on April 21st, 2018 12:00 pm

    Way to go, Matt! When was the last time anyone saw our congressman visit our

    area for an entire day? Never! He’s the best I’ve seen out of our last four

    congressmen. When did you ever receive weekly posts from our congressman as

    we do now? Never in my experience. I also like the way he has made a name for

    himself in the media – even the leftist oriented ones (ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC,

    etc.). I’m very impressed with Matt – he’s got what it takes to make a difference in

    Washington D.C. and I’m going to vote for him again this year.

    Good Luck Matt!!!

  7. StopLying on April 21st, 2018 11:25 am

    Literally everything Matt Gaetz said at Tate high school in regards to gun control and goverment possessing surveillance technology comparable to Netflix is so dishonest and misleading it’s almost laughable; if the pathological lies of our politicians weren’t so sad. The governments use of A.I. to spy on its citizen’s and its capabilities far exceed Netflix Matt. Stop lying!