Jesse Layton Stancel

April 16, 2018

Jesse Layton Stancel was born on February 5, 1924 in the tiny hamlet of Bell, Florida as the middle child of three, having an older sister and a younger brother.

Growing up during the depression, his family moved frequently among the small towns of central Florida.

At the age of 9, a bout with polio left Jesse with a permanent limp, but he continued to work hard at numerous odd jobs and in his late teens for the Civilian Conservation Corps. Unable to serve in World War II due to his polio, Jesse contributed to the war effort by learning aircraft maintenance in Jacksonville, Florida. While in Jacksonville, he met and soon married the beautiful Jannette Baker.

Jesse’s professional life began in Jacksonville also. Having secured a truck driving position with the Navy Exchange Laundry, which he was assured would never lead to advancement, he worked hard, and within a few years was promoted and transferred to Pensacola. Nearly 32 years later, he retired as Clothing Services Manager for the entire Gulf Coast region.

For 16 years of marriage, Jesse and Jannette patiently waited on the Lord for children, finally receiving the answer to their prayers with the birth of their first, and only child; a daughter, Colette, in 1959. Shortly after Colette’s birth, Jesse and Jannette began attending church, acutely aware of the need for God’s help. Over the years, Jesse heard God’s word and came under conviction of his sinfulness and his need for Jesus Christ to be his Savior. He joined his wife as a child of God and they both continued to grow in the Lord together.

After retiring from the Navy Exchange in 1983, Jesse and Jannette moved back to Jacksonville which then gave him more time to enjoy the many never-ending building projects he continually devised. He and his wife also started a ministry for the Sunday School bus workers from their church. They would serve these college kids a lunch buffet every Saturday after bus visitation. These dinners were special
times for both the college students and the Stancels.

Although Jesse was a man of few words, he spoke with wisdom and kindness. He had an unusual sense of dry humor often demonstrated by a witty remark that could take people by surprise.

After Jannette’s death in 2007, Jesse returned to Pensacola and was able to enjoy the company of Colette and many new friends. Together they would scout Saturday estate sales and yard sales and occasionally visit the Smokey Mountains. Jesse had always had excellent health other than the polio affecting his legs. He continued going strong, living for the Lord until the ripe old age of 94 years, when after a short decline he went home to see his Heavenly Father. Toward the end he frequently said, “I want to go to Heaven NOW!” Praise the Lord, Jesse is in Heaven today running on two healthy legs and enjoying the rewards of a life of integrity given in service to the Lord his Savior.


One Response to “Jesse Layton Stancel”

  1. Janet on April 18th, 2018 9:25 am

    I’m sorry for your loss of your father. I didn’t know your parents but they would be pleased and proud of this beautiful tribute given with your fathers passing. My sympathies to you and your family.