Court Backs State In Felon’s Rights Fees

April 26, 2018

Siding with Gov. Rick Scott and the other members of the Board of Executive Clemency, a panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals late Wednesday blocked a federal judge’s order that would have required state officials to overhaul Florida’s process of restoring felons’ voting rights by Thursday.

The appellate court ruling was a decisive victory for Scott, Attorney General Pam Bondi and the two other members of the Florida Cabinet, who serve as the clemency board, in a legal battle in which state officials have been on the losing side in a series of rulings by U.S. District Judge Mark Walker.

“The Fourteenth Amendment expressly empowers the states to abridge a convicted felon’s right to vote,” appellate Judge Stanley Marcus wrote in a majority opinion joined by Judge William Pryor. “Binding precedent holds that the governor has broad discretion to grant and deny clemency, even when the applicable regime lacks any standards.”

Walker ruled the state’s vote-restoration process violated First Amendment rights and Fourteenth Amendment equal-protection rights of felons. Last month, he gave Scott and the board until Thursday to revamp what the judge called a “fatally flawed” process and rejected a request by Bondi to put his order on hold.

Scott and the board immediately appealed Walker’s decision and asked the appellate court to put a stay on what the governor’s office branded a “haphazard clemency ruling.”

In its 2-1 decision Wednesday, the three-judge panel not only granted the state’s request to put Walker’s decision on hold but also indicated the judge’s invalidation of the vote-restoration process likely would not stand up.

Echoing arguments made by Bondi’s lawyers, the majority found “there is wisdom in preserving the status quo” until the appellate court issues a ruling in the overall case.

The clemency board “has a substantial interest in avoiding chaos and uncertainty in its election procedures, and likely should not be forced to employ a rushed decision-making process created on an artificial deadline now, just because a more thorough decision-making process could be employed later,” Marcus wrote. “We are reluctant to upset the system now in place — particularly since the district court order creates so truncated a schedule — when there is a good chance the district court’s order may be overturned, and the system would need to be changed again, potentially re-disenfranchising those who have been reenfranchised pursuant to the district court’s injunction.”

Scott has steadfastly defended the state’s process, saying it is founded on a 150-year old system enshrined in the state Constitution.

“We are glad that the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has stayed the lower court’s reckless ruling. Judges should interpret the law, not create it. Governor Scott will never stop fighting for victims of crime and their families,” Scott spokesman John Tupps said in a statement Wednesday night.

The majority also found that the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, filed last year by the Fair Elections Legal Network and the law firm Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC on behalf of nine felons, had not shown — or even claimed — that the state’s vote-restoration system is discriminatory.

“All we have is the assertion by the appellees (the plaintiffs) and a statement by the district court that there is a real ‘risk’ of disparate treatment and discrimination, precisely because the Florida regime is standardless,” Marcus wrote, adding that such a risk is “insufficient” under previous case law.

Lawyers representing the felons issued a terse statement following Wednesday’s decision, saying it “preserves the status quo” and “will be briefed and argued to the 11th Circuit on the merits.”

The court also rejected Walker’s finding that the state’s process violated the First Amendment rights of felons because, in part, “no First Amendment challenge to a felon-disenfranchisement scheme has ever been successful.”

But in a dissent, Judge Beverly Martin agreed with Walker that First Amendment rights of speech and association encompass the right to vote.

The board “has ‘unfettered discretion’ to permit an applicant to exercise her right to vote ‘at any time, for any reason,’ “ Martin wrote. “This unbridled discretion is not just concerning when it confronts expressive and associational freedoms traditionally protected by the First Amendment, but also when it threatens the right to vote.”

Martin wrote that, while she disagreed with Walker’s decision that the state could not completely do away its vote-restoration system, she would have left the rest of his injunction in place.

Due to the appellate court ruling, Scott canceled a hastily scheduled Wednesday night meeting of the clemency board, planned in case the Atlanta court did not grant the stay.

The restoration of felons’ rights has long been a controversial legal and political issue in Florida, with critics of the state’s process comparing it to post-Civil War Jim Crow policies designed to keep blacks from casting ballots.

Florida, with about 1.6 million felons, is considered an outlier in a nation where more than three dozen other states automatically restore the right to vote for most felons who have completed their sentences.

After taking office in 2011, Scott and Bondi played key roles in changing the process to effectively make it harder for felons to get their rights restored.

Under the current process, felons must wait five or seven years after their sentences are complete to apply to have rights restored. After applications are filed, the process can take years to complete.

Since the changes went into effect in 2011, Scott — whose support is required for any type of clemency to be granted — and the board have restored the rights of 3,005 of the more than 30,000 convicted felons who’ve applied, according to the Florida Commission on Offender Review. There’s currently a backlog of 10,085 pending applications, according to the commission.

In contrast, more than 155,000 ex-felons had their right to vote automatically restored during the four years of former Gov. Charlie Crist’s tenure, according to court documents.

Siding with the plaintiffs, Walker in a March 27 ruling chastised Scott and other state officials and ordered the clemency board to devise a constitutionally sound program with “specific, neutral criteria that excise the risk — and, of course, the actual practice of — any impermissible discrimination, such as race, gender, religion or viewpoint.”

Walker scalded state officials for threatening to do away with the rights-restoration process all together and gave the clemency board until Thursday to “promulgate specific standards and neutral criteria” to replace the current “nebulous criteria, such as the governor’s comfort level.”

Walker also cautioned that there is a risk that the clemency board “may engage in viewpoint discrimination through seemingly neutral rationales” or a “perceived lack of remorse” that “serve as impermissible” masks for censorship.

“Therefore, the board must promulgate specific standards and neutral criteria to direct its decision-making,” Walker ordered in March. The judge did not specify a particular process but ordered that “Florida’s corrected scheme cannot be byzantine or burdensome.”

Arguing that they needed more time to craft new regulations, the state’s lawyers asked Walker to put his decision on hold, again drawing a rebuke from the judge.

“Rather than comply with the requirements of the United States Constitution, defendants continue to insist they can do whatever they want with hundreds of thousands of Floridians’ voting rights and absolutely zero standards,” Walker wrote in a six-page decision April 4. “They ask this court to stay its prior orders. No.”

The legal tangle involving Scott, the federal judge and the felons in the case comes months before Floridians will decide whether felons should automatically have their voting rights restored.

A political committee known as Floridians for a Fair Democracy collected enough petitions to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot that would automatically restore voting rights to felons who have served their sentences, completed parole and paid restitution. Murderers and sex offenders would be excluded. The amendment, if approved by 60 percent of voters, could have an impact on about 600,000 Florida felons, according to supporters of the measure.

by Dara Kam, The News Service of Florida


7 Responses to “Court Backs State In Felon’s Rights Fees”

  1. Mike J. on April 27th, 2018 10:23 am

    The purpose of jail is not first rehabilitation. The first purpose of jail is PUNISHMENT for the crime, as in “don’t do that again or you will be back here!”

    IF while they are in jail they are taught the skills for a job and the personal skills for rehabilitation then that’s great. But don’t forget that locking away criminals from the rest of society as punishment is the primary reason for jails/prisons.

    In my opinion, giving voting rights back to felons is stupid because they will always vote for the candidate and cause which is less restrictive on crime, thereby making laws and punishment not as tough on crime.

    If you want to keep your freedoms, then don’t commit crimes. Period.

  2. jerry on April 27th, 2018 12:32 am

    let us remember its not ” giving them a right to vote” Its restoring a constitutional right that was taken away.

    If you don’t want felons to have the right to vote, then we might as well ban all guns as well and just forget what the constitution says.

    if the purpose of jail is rehabilitate a person to be in society, then why dont we support that? Why not let them vote ?Why are they so afraid of felons voting?

  3. David Huie Green on April 26th, 2018 10:04 pm

    ” Either they have been rehabilitated and can be released, or they have not and should be retained in prison.”

    You may be right, that some felons should be incarcerated forever, however sentencing is not based on rehabilitation. I’m fine with letting them vote while in prison, maybe even carry weapons for self-defense against each other — although I suspect Corrections Officers might disagree.

    Nonetheless, passage of time behind bars does not assure rehabilitation.

    David for better people

  4. Tabby on April 26th, 2018 7:44 pm

    Sedition is spot on. And while I’m just about as conservative a body can be, I must say all the stigma surrounding the title of felon doesn’t help one stay out of prison. Many construction jobs now require a background check. Sucking poop out of a port-a-potty @ $12/hr requires a background check. Let alone can’t hold a professional license such as Realtor, Nurse, or Engineer. They are prohibited from living in almost any apartment complex in town. I could go on. So why expect them to do right. There’s lots of “extras” that go along with prison time they don’t tell you about.

  5. concerned citizen on April 26th, 2018 2:55 pm

    If you want to give them their right to vote or any other rights. that’s fine. However, before they are allow to have all the rights back. They should be made to pay any outstanding restitution or outstanding fines. The victims that were robbed or stolen from, deserve to be paid. Not just have a judgment on these x prisoners. Stand up for the victims for a change. PLEASE
    Because over 1/2 of them are back in jail or prison again. And citizens still are paying for the room & board

  6. cj on April 26th, 2018 2:10 pm

    It is a shame that Governor Scott did not back his state employees in the Corrections Department for all these years

  7. Sedition on April 26th, 2018 9:46 am

    I’ve always held the view that if the felon can’t be trusted to vote or carry a firearm or enjoy every other natural right, then why are they trusted to be released into the general public to walk among us?
    Pretty simple question to which I’ve found no logical argument against. Either they have been rehabilitated and can be released, or they have not and should be retained in prison.