Alabama Executes Mail-Bomber For Killing Federal Judge

April 19, 2018

Alabama death row inmate Walter Leroy Moody, 83, was executed Thursday night by lethal injection at the William C. Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore.

The execution was carried out at 8:17 p.m.  Moody was pronounced dead at 8:42 p.m.

Moody was sentenced to death for the 1989 capital murder of U.S. 11th Circuit Judge Robert Vance, Sr. in Jefferson County. Vance was killed when he opened a package mailed to his home that contained a bomb.

Moody did not give a final statement.


17 Responses to “Alabama Executes Mail-Bomber For Killing Federal Judge”

  1. Just saying on April 21st, 2018 2:25 pm

    I bet the man didn’t ask to live as long as he did. Most on death row are ready to go. I’ve work on it for 20 yrs and I’m telling you it’s no cake walk. The man has paid up so let it go!

  2. David Huie Green on April 21st, 2018 1:37 pm

    “We have a flawed judicial system.”

    Of course we do. Created by humans, run by humans, for humans. Bound to be flawed.

    Knowing it would be flawed, it was built to be flawed in favor of the accused and even the convicted, rather than risk even worse flawed.

    Add to that those who would rather let a killer live than become killers to kill him. They will do whatever they can to protect him.

    And there are the ones who profess to believe only God is allowed to judge people — which tends toward a Not Guilty verdict even when there was only the one person with the victim when he was beat to death. (Maybe next time…)

    If people wanting to commit crimes believed they would be caught and punished, many crimes which DO happen, wouldn’t happen. If they actually were caught and punished, they wouldn’t be free to commit many other crimes.

    David for safer streets and homes

  3. tg on April 21st, 2018 9:44 am

    JC a guilloteen only needs sharpening about once a year.

  4. BG on April 20th, 2018 9:46 pm

    Aman Dan and Bewildered

  5. Nod on April 20th, 2018 4:53 pm

    I agree with bewildered.

  6. pencil on April 20th, 2018 4:18 pm

    For those who think he waited too long to be executed . . . . . I guess you haven’t seen any of the HUNDREDS of cases that come on the news every year about someone being exonerated from prison and freed because corruption, faulty evidence and just plain errors.

    The very reason we are cautious with how we administer the ultimate penalty is because our justice system is very flawed . . . it has major issues from top to bottom.

    Moreover, many of those being executed now come from an era before video cameras & DNA testing where small town cops, judges and prosecutors routinely looked the other way and embellished the truth . . . . . . not that much of that is so different now!

  7. nod on April 20th, 2018 12:56 pm

    Justice should be swift. At 83 which was cheaper, a natural death (couldn’t be long) or the cost of death by injection. What a non-justice system we have.

  8. I was curious too on April 20th, 2018 12:45 pm

    For those curious about what his issue with the judge was…

    “Moody, who had attended law school, had a grudge against the legal system because the 11th Circuit refused to overturn a 1972 pipe-bomb possession conviction that prevented him from practicing law.

    Authorities said Moody mailed out a total of four package bombs in December 1989. A device linked to Moody killed Robert E. Robinson, a black civil rights attorney from Savannah, Georgia. Two other mail bombs were later intercepted and defused, including one at an NAACP office in Jacksonville, Florida. Authorities said those bombs were meant to make investigators think the crimes were racially motivated.”

  9. tg on April 20th, 2018 10:25 am

    That was more like a life sentence.

  10. jc on April 20th, 2018 10:09 am

    I believe there should be ONLY 2 methods of execution: 1: Hanging – no suffering, no delay in death, no screw-ups…and it is VERY cost effective – the same rope can be used over and over. 2: Firing Squad – 10 men…all volunteers!, each has a live round in the chamber and all ten fire at the same time…aiming at the heart or head (the participants MUST demonstrate marksmanship…so as not to miss and have the folks scream “inhumane”, and it too is cost effective, bullets are cheap and can be reloaded. Don’t like it? Hey, nobody FORCED you to commit a crime worthy of dispatch in this way. I would LIMIT appeals to just 2 that can only b e filed in the first 12 months, THEN…the ROPE OR THE BULLET, JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED…THE VICTIMS HAVE(HAD) RIGHTS…AND THEY WERE DISRESPECTED, I BELIEVE IN RECIPROCITY. WHAT YOU GIVE IS WHAT YOU GET!

  11. Bewildered on April 20th, 2018 9:47 am

    Totally ridiculous to wait 30 years to carry out a sentence. Truth is the state neither cares about the convict nor the taxpayers supporting him for all these years – it’s all about lawyers and courts raking in the money. I could plead guilty, a video could show me committing the Crime, a trial convinces 12 jurors of my guilt and the system will still allow one appeal after another. Cruel punishment, wrong day or month for an execution – go figure!!!

  12. Trocarman on April 20th, 2018 7:06 am

    Moody should have been executed in 1989 not 29 years later.
    We have a flawed judicial system.

  13. 429SCJ on April 20th, 2018 5:44 am

    I hope that I make it to age 83.

    Mail bomb. I wonder what that judge did to tick him off?

  14. Will on April 20th, 2018 4:52 am

    He did not make a statement….the best statement was the one the injection made…..

  15. Richard on April 20th, 2018 12:06 am

    why does it take so long for justice to be done for these murderers.

  16. mike on April 19th, 2018 11:26 pm

    wow, at 83? that’s harsh. finally got around to it, huh? i wonder what his beef with the judge was.

  17. Dan on April 19th, 2018 11:00 pm

    I would like for someone to add up all the money this guy cost the state of Alabama taxpayers and see what or if there is not a better way someone has to work hard for that money that feeds clothes and gives medical attention to this guy for thirty years just to run up the bill again at the he end to execute him