Student Arrested For Making Statements About Taking A Gun To School

March 10, 2018

A Bellview Middle School student was arrested Friday for allegedly making statements about bringing a gun to school and harming classmates.

Dakota Hamrac, 12, was charged with a felony for a false report concerning the use of a bomb, an explosive, or a weapon of mass destruction, or concerning the use of firearms in a violent manner.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said his belongings were thoroughly searched  and no weapons were found.


26 Responses to “Student Arrested For Making Statements About Taking A Gun To School”

  1. Funny how some get away on March 13th, 2018 8:06 am

    @stumpknocker the little girl they threatened my sister has been known to has discipline issues. She treated to go to my sister house to end her life. My sister is scared to go to school now because she has to be in several classes with the girl and the girl has had her friends retaliate against my sister.Yet they didnt so much as suppend her for the day. All im saying is if you make a threat to kill someone literally saying “im going to hunt you down and kill you” you should face some sort of repercussion.

  2. No Excuses on March 12th, 2018 1:55 pm

    @ Ardian: Regardless of what was going on in this kid’s life, what he said was inappropriate and he is paying the consequences for his choice. What happens next will be up to him in regard to how he handles himself when he is interviewed and when the “other” authorities get involved.

    Personally, if I were employed at his school, or even a student there, I’d want him to be punished for making such a threat and not be allowed to return. It’s not OK to threaten innocent people with harm just because you may have something going on in your life. Bullied? He needs to report it, not threaten others. You get the picture. His choices have him exactly where he is today, just as my choices have me exactly where I am today.

  3. robert on March 12th, 2018 7:54 am

    well opened minded, he allegedly made statements of wishing to bring in a weapon and hurting people, guess we will find out when they pop open his computer or cell phone. but same thing happened in parkland, And people spoke out about it, yet nothing was done. So glad some one did, you see this is how it works. As I said in another post! Better to be pro-active, than stand a round later going, How did this happen? Will accept the back lash , from those because I thought it was posted! my bad, no excuse for it. But we are in the real world, and a threat must be treated as a real threat. no matter what age.

  4. robert on March 12th, 2018 6:46 am

    well he made a threat to take a weapon in to a school and hurt people, play time is over, law enforcement has ever right to do what they did, This is how you stop it, you make and example out of it, Oh some will say he is just a child! Really, never had ideas like that when I was 12, So yes, let the younger generation find out that they cannot make stupid idiot post, about this, We are now in real world, real time. And may be parents will be paying more attention to what they are doing on cell phones( which kill texting and driving) and their computers. better to be pro-active than stand around later going, How did this happen? Want to stop school shootings? treat ever threat as a real threat!

  5. Ardian dang on March 11th, 2018 10:12 pm

    you people do not know what was going on in this kids life you people just need to know that maybe something bad happen or maybe he did not say this at all you guys need to think that he could of never said this and got blamed for it you people can be ugly about this you people dont know how it is to raise a child i bet a lot of you are trolls but you people need to think about what he went through how about what if he was being bullied or what if he had some personal issues you people dont know!

  6. Bob C. on March 11th, 2018 10:54 am

    These kids making the calls or social media postings that are threatening to schools or other kids or whomever / whatever, can we get a count of how many have Violent video games at home on computers or on their cell phones and mobile devices?

    Thinking many of these kids are seeking attention in a terrible manner.
    What sort of attention do they get at home? Kids and parents need to fish together more.

    Violence in video games has changed the way kids view their world.

  7. Tabby on March 11th, 2018 9:29 am

    Sure. Cause the death penalty is such a deterrent to murderers. I’m sure your right, making an example out this kid will almost certainly make any other rational clear headed thinking child most definitely think twice about making foolish comments they have no ability of carrying out. I bet you believe the government actually cares about you and your family’s well being also right ?
    Why make any laws, murder is already illegal so nobody ought to be killing anyone, correct ? Oh, that’s right, criminals don’t follow the law anyway so we’ll keep punishing good folks. I think it’s time we get some clippers and fleece all you sheep.

  8. Janet on March 11th, 2018 7:31 am

    @Dee, Logic , BD and Chris… I wholeheartedly agree with what you think. Sad it’s come down to this but who’s to say the 12 year old was just spouting off. Better to protect others AND show it’s not a game these days to say such things. The investigators should also look into what is causing his anger issues. Is he being bullied? Using drugs? I hope they dig deeper into the why’s.

  9. Nita on March 11th, 2018 6:01 am

    My child was slapped in the face causing her nose to bleed n her lip was busted where her teeth hit her lip during the slap and my child was given Saturday detention and the one that hit her was given In school suspension. I really don’t understand how they decide to discipline these kids at Bellview Middle School. That other student just got a slap on the wrist last time I checked that’s battery

  10. Dee on March 11th, 2018 3:37 am

    Avis and Nod, the only problem with your rationalization is that 40 years ago we didn’t have constant school shootings. Our country has changed and we have to evolve with it. So if a kid goes to jail for making threats about shooting up the school, even if it was just a youngster lashing out with no real intent, so be it. Let it be a lesson to the other kids that these kind of threats aren’t taken lightly. After all, it’s our children’s lives we’re talking about.

  11. Avis Albritton on March 11th, 2018 12:06 am

    I’d never make it as a kid today. They would put me under the jail. Some of the things many of us did 40 or 50 years ago in our “learning curve” of life are now considered unrecoverable sins. Ask your grandpa what he thinks about this news story. Even the grumpiest of us wouldn’t put this kid in jail for “saying” what was on his mind. Good luck getting him to “open up” again. I won’t say what I really want to say or else somebody might be coming for me.

  12. Nod on March 10th, 2018 10:54 pm

    How many of you at one time or another said something destructive that you really did not mean. Well if you say it today and not mean it you could go to jail. Did this kid really mean what he said? Did he make specific threats? Could he carry through or were these just ramblings. Be very careful at what you say you could be next.

  13. BG on March 10th, 2018 9:29 pm

    put him behind bars for a week…see how he likes it

  14. Don Neese on March 10th, 2018 8:28 pm


    I agree

  15. Logic on March 10th, 2018 8:02 pm

    Don’t be so quick to hang the parents. Ive seen kids from the same family where one is constant Honor Roll and model citizen while another is busy setting fire to the orphanage on Christmas Morning and blowing up frogs with firecrackers. Yes, parents have considerable influence the same as school teachers, church people, cousins, friends, etc.

  16. A on March 10th, 2018 7:52 pm

    Without knowing ALL the facts and details I tend to agree with Sam.

  17. Jcellops on March 10th, 2018 7:49 pm

    This 12 year old is in great need of a psychological evaluation and in-depth counseling- in addition to the judicial ramifications that are going to happen. Even children from responsible parents can periodically do and say stupid things.

  18. chris on March 10th, 2018 2:33 pm

    If you want to do stupid, be prepared to have your face on the news. From tide pods to WMD’s. What a genius.

  19. Stumpknocker on March 10th, 2018 1:23 pm

    @funny how some get away, Read the law, just a person threatening another is not enough to arrest someone, the person must have the apparent ability to carry out such threats, placing that person in immediate fear for their life. Now when you cause disruption of a public place or school that’s another story. If all it took was a verbal threat law enforcement could stack charges on most everyone they arrest and include their families as victims also. Just imagine an arrest for every threat made, learn to defend yourself and let that be known.

  20. alex on March 10th, 2018 1:04 pm

    from not listening to going overboard. that is the way it always is now against the law to say what you would like to do not what you are going to or will do. evaluate the kid and let him go home he has learned his lesson.

  21. Tabby on March 10th, 2018 9:34 am

    That’s kind of foolish to think. How many school shootings or other such incidents have we had in the last 20 years ? The knowledge of death wouldn’t be a deterrent as children do not think of the consequences or severity of their actions. Besides, who heard the boy say these things ? Did they arrest him on another kids word ? During questioning, did he admit to making the statement ? Was he was tricked, pressured, persuaded, or manipulated into admitting ? Until any of you know more FACTS, shut up about what should happen to this boy.

  22. bar on March 10th, 2018 9:18 am

    back in the day if we did something like like we would have got taken to the wood not saying he needs a record the rest of his life.thats whats wrong with kids today,they think they are grown and they not.maybe he wanted to look big saying that who knows.he needs what we use to get.alot of parents today let kids raise them needs to be taught good things,like going to church with themspending time with many people live on their phone instead of watching what their kids see it every where you go.these smart phones is taking time away for what is important.he needs to get some working time.send him to the equine rescue and let him shovel horse poop every weekin and let him think whats hes said.

  23. CSM on March 10th, 2018 7:48 am

    I’m glad to see his name and punishment announced publicly. I think this will deter others from thinking they can do the same.

  24. Funny how some get away on March 10th, 2018 7:25 am

    Escambia schools need a real over haul where school violence and across the set punishments for things like this.This kid gets charged with a felony for threating to being a gun but my sister had a girl threaten to kill ger last week and got in absolutely no trouble.

  25. Sam on March 10th, 2018 5:03 am

    Can’t say i agree with putting thid kids picture on display. 12 year olds are not known to be rational individuals. I have grandchildren that age and what they say at times is totally unhinged and stupid.

  26. Dang on March 10th, 2018 2:41 am

    Parent of the year award goes to ??? Not this kids parents. If they taught him anything it was not the latest seriously taken offences… show your children attention and they won’t do things like this.