School District Publishes Plan For Lockdowns

March 8, 2018

The Escambia County School District has published instructions on their website for students, parents and the community outlining what to do in regards to school lockdowns, which they now term “Elevated Security Notifications”.

From the Escambia County School District:

What to Expect In the Event of a School Elevated Security Notification


  • Stay calm and alert.
  • Follow the directions given to you by teachers and staff.
  • Refrain from speculating on the event and broadcasting via cell phone or social media.Misinformation can aggravate the situation.
  • In the event of an evacuation, remain calm and follow the directions of school staff and law enforcement.
  • You will be reunited with your parents as soon as practical.


  • Teachers and staff have been trained to handle emergencies that affect your student’s school.
  • There will be no student checkout during an event.
  • DO NOT attempt to access your student at the school during an event.
  • Information provided by staff and students in the school during any event is generally incomplete and sometimes inaccurate. Refrain as much as possible from reacting to any information not originating from local authorities
  • Remember, in most cases, school security is elevated as a precautionary measure because of an external threat or because of law enforcement activity in the vicinity of your student’s school not because of activity on campus.
  • Normal school activities will be impacted by security-related events.
  • Status updates will be provided by the District.


  • Be alert and report suspicious activity to local law enforcement.
  • Consider your ability to assist with recovery efforts if community support is requested.


5 Responses to “School District Publishes Plan For Lockdowns”

  1. Dennis on March 9th, 2018 6:36 am

    What David just said!!

  2. David Huie Green on March 8th, 2018 6:15 pm

    “All well and good, but what is to stop a person with a gun entering one of the doors? How have these schools been hardened with wireless locks on all doors, and bullet proof glass in all entry doors.”

    Nothing can be assured of stopping them.

    By law you can’t use doors which would trap children in a burning public building. That is more likely than a shooting. A would be shooter just has to knock on any door with a kid inside willing to let him in.

    A perfectly secure building is impossible.

    David for reality

  3. Sage2 on March 8th, 2018 4:54 pm

    With reference to expectations for students…Stay calm and alert. Alert maybe. After 39 years in our public school system, even a fire drill is just short of bedlam in many cases where a few will seek to disrupt the event. Calm is in the back of their minds!

    For parents: Be a parent and relate to your child/children the importance of this and the life that may be saved in the event such would happen…could be the difference in life or death. Always be aware of your surroundings…every place you go.

    There can never be too much planning to attempt to prevent a disaster causing injury or death at a school or anywhere.

    God be with us!

  4. Grandma on March 8th, 2018 12:44 pm

    Well said Grand Locust! Let’s keep on asking that question until our schools are hardened. Demand more of that Lottery money for students.

  5. Grand Locust on March 8th, 2018 12:00 pm

    All well and good, but what is to stop a person with a gun entering one of the doors? How have these schools been hardened with wireless locks on all doors, and bullet proof glass in all entry doors. Why do we let bad guys into the school envelope to do metal detection and determine who a guest is? This should be done at a security station with intercoms and metal detectors at least 100 feet from the front door of a school. An elevated security does not mean a thing if a building has not been hardened to stop an unwanted person from just walking in any door. Armed resource Leo have been at most school shootings, but once a bad guy pierces non existent perimeters it puts the students and Leo in danger when responding. Keep the bad guys out, and show parents that the District has a plan for the same. Parents and students should have a safe zone where people are screened before entering the secure school envelope.