Road Prison Inmates Graduate From Welding Program

March 4, 2018

The Escambia County Corrections Department recently recognized eight Road Prison welding program graduates with a ceremony at the Escambia County Road Prison. Two of the graduates also received their GED in addition to the Occupational Certificates of Participation and American Welding Society certificates.

  • Joshua Carr – GED and AWS Certification
  • Nicolas Feraci  – GED and AWS Certification
  • James Johnson – AWS Certification and OCP Certification
  • Kenneth Munoz – AWS Certification and OCP Certification
  • Herman Dillard  – AWS Certification and OCP Certification
  • Johnathan Ross – AWS Certification and OCP Certification
  • Marcus Dale - OCP Certification
  • Jared Stanga – AWS Certification

Ceremony attendees included Road Prison Commander Charles Snow, Escambia County Corrections Director Tammy Jarvis, Assistant County Administrator Matt Coughlin, Instructor Danny Cain and George Stone Technical Center Principal TJ Rollins.

Through a partnership with George Stone Technical Center, the Escambia County Road Prison offers nationally-recognized certifications including stick welding, pipe welding, MIG and TIG welding, or metal inert gas and tungsten inert gas. Participating students choose to opt into the program during their time at the road prison.

During the 2016-17 school year, 30 inmates participated in the welding program through the county’s partnership with George Stone Technical Center. George Stone issued 45 Occupational Certificates of Participation for various welding disciplines, and 21 of the 30 inmates received American Welding Society National Certifications that are recognized through the United States.

Photo for, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Road Prison Inmates Graduate From Welding Program”

  1. Joshua H. on March 8th, 2018 6:05 pm

    I’m a previous graduate from Mr. Cain’s Welding Class of 2013/2014. Mr. Cain is the most honest mentor, best teacher, greatest leader in faith, and one of the most patient and understanding role model that I have ever met. His dedication to rehabilitating offenders and giving us new found hope, is unremarkable. I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a student as an inmate in his class at the road prison. I not only became a Certified Welder, but also took away critical life skills, that I would have never received from anyone else working in corrections. He genuinely cares about his students and wants them to be a beneficial, contributing member of society.

  2. Teresa on March 8th, 2018 7:36 am

    Congratulations !! This is a great program with an awesome instructor (Danny Cain) who cares so much for each and every student as his own to help them succeed as they continue their life in the right direction. We are so proud of their accomplishments as it benefits the student, facility and community as a whole. Great Job!!

  3. ELW on March 7th, 2018 12:14 pm

    This is a good program for young people who otherwise may not have any training to get good jobs. Hopefully, they will take advantage of this opportunity to better themselves. More programs like this should be offered to all inmates. It might help to decrease the crime rate.

  4. David Huie Green on March 6th, 2018 9:47 pm

    “Extend these trades to all vo-tec programs and help these folks get a job.Beats Crime.”

    They have good jobs waiting for them when they get out and that speaks well of them.

    This doesn’t change the fact that some people with jobs still commit crimes just as some without jobs still don’t commit crimes. Still…people busy working have less free time to do crime and those who have made anything are more likely to respect what others have made, those who have earned money are more likely to appreciate what others own.

    David for effort

  5. Vicki Sharp on March 5th, 2018 2:43 pm

    Thank you. Danny for your commitment to these men. You are making a big difference!

  6. tg on March 4th, 2018 6:41 pm

    Extend these trades to all vo-tec programs and help these folks get a job.Beats Crime.

  7. anne 1of2 on March 4th, 2018 5:04 pm

    God Bless these guys. All of us deserve another chance at a good life!

  8. A.Wilton Thompson on March 4th, 2018 4:19 pm

    Amen good to see these men bettering themselves for their return to society.There will be many good paying jobs in shipyards and in construction in the near future for them.

  9. Debbie on March 4th, 2018 9:33 am

    I love it !! Congratulations guys ! Now these men can return to their neighborhoods with a great tool in their hands that grant them the opportunity to be successful.
    A lot come out only learning how to be better criminals. If they are successful it is a win win for all of us. I wish you bright futures gentlemen .

  10. Anne on March 4th, 2018 6:55 am

    CONGRATULATIONS to these men for their Great Accomplishments in gaining a trade and their GED.
    Thank You to the devoted and dedicated instructors at George Stone Technical Center for helping these men prepare for a good career.

    Follow up of hearing the County has hired these men as permanent employees with their skills being put to use and future learning would be GREAT.
