Northview Grad Appears On National TV During Oscars, More Appearances To Come

March 6, 2018

Northview High graduate Lakelynn Parker had a (sort of) Oscar moment Sunday night during the national broadcast, and we’ll be seeing more of her on national TV in the coming weeks.

T-Mobile debuted a new commercial titled “Parade” during the Oscars. It begins with seemingly disheartened boy outside his New Orleans home. But things come to life as a parade of people wearing T-Mobile pink approaches, including a shot, albeit very brief, of Parker on horse JoJo.

The Oscars commercial and several others were filmed about a month ago in New Orleans.

“It’s been so hard to hold this in,” Parker said. “It was a great experience. Everyone was so professional and fun to work with. Getting to ride JoJo made it even better.”

Monday, T-Mobile also debuted their campaign on social media with a video that features a longer scene with Parker. And we’re told there should be additional national television ads and social media posts to come over at least the next month.

As for the experience, Parker said it was a great experience working on the ad campaign and the people involved with it.

“I loved meeting so many new friends,” she said.

Parker, of Molino, said she hopes to land more commercials, and would even like to do stunt work.

And if you think you remember Parker from another recent story, you’re right. She was in camouflage, not rhinestone cowgirl pink, in a story about two local young people that rescued and owl. [Read ...]

To view the Oscar’s T-Mobile “Parade” ad, click here. For the social media ad, click here to visit the Facebook page.

Pictured: Lakelynn Parker in New Orleans in a television commercial. First below and inset courtesy T-Mobile. Additional photos for, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Northview Grad Appears On National TV During Oscars, More Appearances To Come”

  1. Horse owner on March 8th, 2018 12:21 pm

    It is great to see people from our area with a positive story, especially when it involves a horse..

  2. Me on March 6th, 2018 6:41 am

    Love the video, Lakelyn!