Gulf Power Wind Energy Powering Over 130,000 Homes

March 17, 2018

Gulf Power customers may be surprised to learn that some of the energy they use to wash clothes, cook dinner and power their ever-growing inventory of electronics and smart-home gizmos comes from wind.

At the beginning of 2016, Gulf Power became the leading purchaser of wind energy in Florida. As the utility marks its second anniversary of wind in its mix, it has provided more than 1.7 million megawatts hours of wind-generated energy, enough to power 131,842 houses.

“Two years later, we continue to be the leading purchaser of wind energy in Florida,” said Kimberly Blair, Gulf Power spokesperson. “Wind marked a major step forward in our promise to an efficient and reliable energy future. By using a balanced energy mix that includes smart renewable energy like Kingfisher Wind Farm, our customers can count on us for their energy needs.”

The Kingfisher Farm is among six renewable energy sources that generate 11 percent of Gulf Power’s energy mix. The other renewable sources are three solar farms that make up the Gulf Coast Solar Centers — 1.5 million photovoltaic solar panels on three military bases across Northwest Florida — and the Perdido Landfill Gas-to-Energy facility in Escambia County, Florida.

The benefits of wind are significant. Research from the Department of Energy confirms that producing energy from wind involves zero direct emissions. Wind is one factor that has contributed to Gulf Power reducing greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 50 percent over the past decade.

While wind energy is seen as an emerging green energy source today, it’s been used for thousands of years — propelling boats along the Nile River as early as 5000 BC and turning simple windmills to pump water in China in 200 BC, according to the Wind Energy Foundation.

As of 2017, the United States’ wind power capacity surpassed 82 gigawatts, according to, making it the largest renewable generation capacity in the United States — enough to power more than 20 million average American homes. The projected growth of wind-energy projects is on track to provide 10 percent of the nation’s energy by 2020 alongside $85 billion in economic activity and 50,000 new jobs, according to the American Wind Energy Association.

“Desiring to harness this clean energy, Gulf Power entered into its first wind agreement involving a 178-megawatt portion of the Kingfisher Wind Farm in January 2016.  A second agreement involving an additional 94 megawatts was inked in February 2017, for a total of 272 megawatts of wind capacity.

“We are always looking at renewable energy opportunities that make economic sense for our customers,” said Blair. “Gulf Power is leading the way in Florida.”


6 Responses to “Gulf Power Wind Energy Powering Over 130,000 Homes”

  1. David Huie Green on March 17th, 2018 8:48 pm

    I want one.

    Wonder if I could mount a TV antenna on it somewhere a few hundred feet up.

    And if it killed a few careless birds in operation every day. we could probably cook them. How does eagle taste? buzzard?

    David for energy, signal, and food collectors

  2. BT on March 17th, 2018 3:09 pm


    Those nice, clean, wind-produced electrons never make it here. They go into the power grid in Oklahoma, and get used up there. Gulf Power is just paying someone to put them into the grid so that we can pretend those are the same electrons we’re pulling out in Florida.

    The truth is, all the electrons that run through your house are stained with carbon. If you were to stick a screwdriver into an outlet, black smoke would come out. That’s how you know for sure.

    (PSA: Don’t stick a screwdriver in an outlet)

  3. Nod on March 17th, 2018 1:12 pm

    If you noticed GP said they were the largest purchaser of wind energy not that they generated it. How it gets here ?????????

  4. Rachel on March 17th, 2018 12:04 pm

    I believe this energy is coming from Oklahoma?

  5. Grand Locust on March 17th, 2018 10:04 am

    Where are the wind turbines in Santa Rosa and Escambia County? The high ridges a mile from Navarre Beach and the entire 87 new four lane going from Navarre to Milton are high ridges with lots of wind in a growing corridor of electrical use. The photo used showed mountains in the background…..where are the turbines here in Florida? Texas, Iowa, and Illinois when traveling through those states, you see mile after mile of wind generators. It sure seems like Gulf Power is way behind the times on wind.

  6. Mic Hall on March 17th, 2018 8:34 am

    This is very deceptive. The power generated by wind in Texas or beyond is NOT transmitted to Florida for use. It is used close to where it is generated and power generated near here is used by homes in this area. No matter what someone tells you to get you to think you are being green.

    Of the renewable energy sources only the Solar panel generated power is used here and “Green”.

    Anyone that cares about wildlife should NEVER walk under one of these. They will be disgusted by the number of dead birds you will find.