Escambia Sheriff, Commission Reach Preliminary Budget Agreement

March 15, 2018

For an update to this story, click here.

The Escambia County Commission and Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan have reached a preliminary budget settlement, months after Morgan appealed his budget to Gov. Rick Scott.

Under the four-year agreement, Morgan will receive an extra $1 million for the current fiscal year that ends September 30. The commission will increase Morgan’s budget by an additional $2.6 million in the next two fiscal years, and $2.9 million in the final year. The funds will be for benefits and raises for the implementation of a pay plan.

Beginning April 1, 2018, the BOCC will reduce budgets for discretionary outside agencies by 50 percent, except for Pathways for Change and Community Health Northwest Florida (formerly Escambia Community Clinics). In fiscal years 2019-2021, funding for outside agencies in the general fund will not exceed $734,374. These funds will be used for the implementation of the sheriff’s pay plan.

Discretionary funds for each commissioner, previously at $50,000 each, will be cut by half to $125,000 total ($25,000 each) for the next three years, with $125,000 going to the sheriff’s budget each year.

Under the agreement, Morgan agreed that 50 percent of Law Enforcement Trust fund monies will go toward funding school resource officers. If that is not possible, the remainder can be used to offset other ECSO general fund expenditures as allowed by law.

Commissioners Steven Barry and Lumon May voted against the agreement.

Morgan asked for over $2 million when he appealed his budget to Scott last October to help with pay compression issues.

Pictured: Gov. Rick Scott and Escambia County David Morgan during a meeting October 5, 2017, at the Escambia County Emergency Operations Center concerning then Tropical Storm Nate. Photos for, click to enlarge.


26 Responses to “Escambia Sheriff, Commission Reach Preliminary Budget Agreement”

  1. Tabby on March 18th, 2018 2:53 pm

    I’ve been following the conversation here. I am definitely pro LEO with many in my family working for ECSO since the 1960’s (one for over 30 years). There is a pay off for every single decision we make in life. I can say this. Most LEO’s don’t perform the job to “protect and serve”. Some may start that way but it’s the power, prestige, respect, fringe benefits, brotherhood, or any number of things that keep them there. What else would many do, work construction ? Think about the pay off.

  2. Bill on March 17th, 2018 3:01 pm

    Well Adam, you got it wrong as expected, but thank you for the comment. I know I am a genius and have been told so r many times. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, although that makes little difference. I have said, the pay for ALL county employees, should be set at a reasonable rate, and, looks to me like the study is a move in that direction. I have no problem with giving the Deputies a raise, nor the EMS people, nor the teachers. I have said, that my problem with the SO is THE MONEY I S THERE TO DO IT NOW. NOW, NOW. He does not need any more this year, and he has had the funds fodr at least the last 5 years to provide the raises, not only to his deputies, but the others behind as well. It is a matter of choice on his part. Try that one my boy, and as to County Comissioner, thanks but no thanks. You sound as if you would be an ideal candidate. But I have just been told the deal is off. Morgan did not get all he wants, and he is not going to allow anyone to play in his park, the LET …LOL

  3. Bill on March 17th, 2018 12:29 pm

    Steve. I have just started thru my copy. It is one hell of a pile of papers. Based on a quick glance the “theme”, I get out of it, is that there is great inequity between departments, and that some classifications are way out of line, both lower, and higher ones. But again, have only skimmed the report. Look forward to reading it. But let me suggest something. Why not consolidate (and I know that is a bad word here in E
    scambia) some of these “Constutional Officers functions. Why have multiple garages, why have multiple HR offices (bring back Civil Service, which should have Never, GONE AWAY), WHY HAVE ACCOUNTING AND PAYROLL DIFFERENT? WHY NOT PUT THE SCHOOL BOARD IN WITH ALL THIS The Air Force does most, if not all its accounting, world wide, from Denver. So this would be a small pond. , SOME TAKE BACK A Supertindent was willing to look at combining the accounting and payroll functions with the County., This could be done in so many ways. Memo of understanding, between officials, formal consolidation, and don’t tell me to start that it can not be done. It can. Involve our local delegation so if the laws
    need to be changed, they can be. I know I am just barking up a tree, but it is all there, my friend.

  4. Adam on March 17th, 2018 7:03 am

    So Bill, in reply to your statement, “But Deputies, have access to off duty jobs, that others could only dream of. Good for them, but the job of deputy also makes available very many different ways to earn extra money. Would sure like to know the average made, including, off duty work, at 22 an hour I think, although Morgan retains 2 per hour per job, am told. Quite a little sum of money, and wonder what he does with that little pot? Anyone know?”

    In your eyes, deputies don’t deserve a raise because they have the ability to work off duty details for $20 an hour? So in your opinion, if a man or woman wants to earn more money, and after they’ve already worked their 40 hours, they can go work a side detail and total out your work hours to 60+? Your statement is problematic since ANY county employee can go get a second job if they want to earn more money. Oh hell, lets take your statement to another level and sum up your idea like this; there is NO NEED to raise minimum wage. According to Bill, if you want to make more money in life and you’ve already worked your 40+ hours a week, you can go get a second job. You don’t deserve a raise because your profession isn’t listed in the top 10 most dangerous professions.

    You should run for County Commissioner with your idea Bill. Tell all of your employees that if want to earn more money then go get a second job. We won’t give you a pay raise unless your job title is in the top 10 most dangerous list. Also, every vehicle owner will pay an additional .06 cents per gallon so we can fund an public transportation company and their workers will make more money per hour and year than their counter-parts in the county. Great idea Bill, you’re a genius.

  5. Steve on March 16th, 2018 8:28 pm

    I received my copy from our local union, so it should be available to everyone. There is a huge pay problem with the county. It is not just with our deputies. Ecat for example, all there Bus mechanics are currently making over $20 an hour. Where as the road department mechanics make $14.54 and that is where they stay unless they get a cost of living raise, A lot of turn over in numerous departments.

  6. Bill on March 16th, 2018 7:29 pm

    Steve. got a copy of the report. Thanks for bringing it up, I frankly did not know it existed, but was sent a copy this afternoon. What a mass of paper. have not read it yet. And one last thought, and remember, I think all employees should be treated equally. Granted the first responders may deserve a bit more, but last time I looked, law enforcement was not in the top 10 dangerous jobs. It may be now. But Deputies, have access to off duty jobs, that others could only dream of. Good for them, but the job of deputy also makes available very many different ways to earn extra money. Would sure like to know the average made, including, off duty work, at 22 an hour I think, although Morgan retains 2 per hour per job, am told. Quite a little sum of money, and wonder what he does with that little pot? Anyone know?

  7. Citizen on March 16th, 2018 7:20 pm

    Poor wording, hope the inter-local agreement is more binding “if possible?” for SROs?

    And I didn’t think the outside agency page was part of exactly how they were going to find the funds. It looked like an information sheet to show how much they had funded out side agencies.
    My goodness they waste more than 2 or 3 million for a study here, a study there and OLF??? shhhh..

    How many millions were voted to be spent there last night?

  8. Bill on March 16th, 2018 4:37 pm

    Steve, may I ask where you got the study? I would like to obtain a copy. did it come from the County.? I told my Commissioner, today, it is wrong to give these raises, what ever they are, to a single group, if all others are also behind. That is really the good ole boy routine. My point is, the money I s there NOW, AND HAS BEEN TO FUND THIS AND other things. It is a matter of choice, on how you use the funds, and Morgan has made his choice. Not one I would make.

  9. David Huie Green on March 16th, 2018 1:28 pm

    “We need more of the criminals arrested and the good citizens protected. I hope this is not considered a racist comment.”

    It would be if you claimed all criminals were one race and all good citizens some other race. The second sentence implied that false claim.

    David for better people

  10. Withheld on March 16th, 2018 10:31 am

    So I saw a comment about funeral escorts wonder which one of his buddies owns the company that does it .Recently had a funeral and they did a great job escorting us thru a residential area going to the base but if we would have had deputies we wouldn’t have had to go over speed bump or watch for children to run out in the road . just craziness all to get the sheriffs point across sad really

  11. Steve on March 16th, 2018 9:08 am

    I have a copy of the recent pay study done by the county. According to the study most county employees are way under paid. My position with the county the pay study clearly states I am over $10,000 a year under paid. So it is not just the deputies that are under paid. The pay study does state that alot of upper management is actually over paid. This could be one reason the county does mention the pay study very often and push for raises for the under paid employees.

  12. FollowTheMoney on March 16th, 2018 7:30 am

    Sure is a lot of new funding in the name of that shooting. IT HAPPENED BECAUSE ALL LEVELS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT FAILED TO PROTECT THOSE KIDS. Congratulations Broward Cowards

    “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation. ” – A.H.

  13. Anne on March 16th, 2018 6:17 am

    First, God Bless and Protect each and every one of our First Responders, they are the ones we all call when there’s an emergency or threat.
    ECSO Chief Financial Officer has been “missing” for weeks. He has not been to work and there is great hush-hush surrounding the circumstances. There has been a few rumors flying around the offices and much speculation but when weeks and weeks pass with no comment from within the department one really has to wonder what’s going on.
    How can Mr. Morgan run his organization and how can anyone make the difficult Financial Decisions and statements that this agreement with the Commissioners will require without having input from the ECSO person who knows all about the budget and monies? What has happened to the Chief Financial Officer?

  14. Bob on March 15th, 2018 8:55 pm

    The county paid for a salary study why don’t they release it? That is what SO is using as the sledgehammer. Maybe they don’t want the public to know how bad it is. Do your homework Billy!

  15. Nod on March 15th, 2018 8:08 pm

    Keep up the good work sheriff Morgan. We need more of the criminals arrested and the good citizens protected. I hope this is not considered a racist comment.

  16. Esc co leo on March 15th, 2018 8:01 pm

    @ Steve

    The “rest of the Escambia County workforce” is not as underpaid as the deputies. For example, ems and firefighters in Escambia make about what they would in any other comparable county.

    This is not true with the deputies. They make less than other comparable Counties. Also, PPD and the Santa Rosa SO just agreed to huge raises over the next three years that would have put the ECSO way behind.

    You get what you pay for. If you want quality deputies, you have to attract quality applicants, and then have the pay to keep them here instead of going to better paying agencies.

  17. Time for action on March 15th, 2018 7:56 pm

    I can’t understand how people continue to vote for this Sheriff. He has done almost nothing to improve law enforcement in our county but for some unexplained reason the sheep just keep voting him in and the majority of county commissioners cower to his every demand. I wonder what percentage of stake he holds in these private funeral escort companies. Time to investigate.

  18. randy on March 15th, 2018 7:07 pm

    time for morgan to go

  19. Bill on March 15th, 2018 6:34 pm

    Be glad to explain to you anytime, Adam., and don’t have a job, right now, retired, but thanks for the thought. I understand his current Financial Officer, one is not available right now, and there just might be an opening. Why don’t you give it a shot???

  20. Steve on March 15th, 2018 5:10 pm

    I guess the rest of the Escambia County work force gets nothing as usual.

  21. Tina Donald on March 15th, 2018 4:46 pm

    Well, as long as the Titty-Baby has been pacified, that’s all that matters!

  22. Adam on March 15th, 2018 4:37 pm


    A complete sellout? If you’re so efficient with what the true numbers are, you should reconsider your current employment and go be the Financial Officer then. I’ve yet to learn of ANY sworn member having their pay decreased unless they were demoted. I cannot make sense of the last part of your statement, you went happy with periods and incomplete sentences.

    After many years of no pay raises and the risk, these deputies take daily, you’d rather spout off inaccuracies and banter about issues that started from the previous Sheriff. The BOCC repeatedly denied working with the Sheriff over the last 8 years and he’s had enough. I applaud him for not kissing the a** of the BOCC for a change, they are busy enough fighting like inbred children amongst themselves.

  23. Bob on March 15th, 2018 4:20 pm

    Good compromise! We should not be giving money to outside groups they need to fundraise. I don’t support Pathways for change either! That service should be put out for bid. It cost way too much per inmate. Let the churches fund it if they want to save the inmates. It is not gov job to save people that is a preacher’s job!

  24. Opinion on March 15th, 2018 3:29 pm

    Well both side had their “slush funds” looked at which is a plus for the taxpayers.–

    I still think after watching this past budget cycle that much of the problem in the sheriff dept is due to wasted money, top heavy, drama plus a poor management and environment.

    Should have not done a complete sell out. BOCC

    The past year of bickering was enlightening..

  25. Bill on March 15th, 2018 3:04 pm

    And forgot to ask, just what is his “pay” plan, that they have now accepted and funded? Where is it, and why does it also not apply to all “first responders”, and county employees?? And just who is going to “enforce it”? Once the funds get into the Sheriffs budget, he can do exactly what he wants, and believe me h e will.

  26. Bill on March 15th, 2018 2:14 pm

    This is a complete sell out by the Board, thanks to the two who voted No, Barry and May. Morgan has wasted funds like mad over the last 8 years in office. His current budget contains more than sufficient money to do everything that needs to be done, plus. If his positions were fully funded starting 1 October this fiscal year, and IF, he truly has 50 vacancies, as he says he does, then he has accrued about 2.5million since the start of the year, thru lapse alone.. Not only that, but he has been able to increase his base pay for NON sworn ALMOST A MILLION A YEAR, AND DECREASE THE BASE PAY FOR SWORN over the fiscal year 2014 thru 2017. Is this for his media department? Where I understand he n ow has 5 full time employees And take a look at his use of overtime, and yes, I am aware of what he will say, but really. from just over 125thousand a year, o\to over a million? In 3 years . come on now.