Ernest Ward Teens For Christ Members Remember School Shooting, Violence Members

March 15, 2018

Wednesday morning, Teens for Christ members at Ernest Ward Middle School remembered the school shooting victims from Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. The event before school honored not only the 17 school shooting victims at Parkland, but all victims of violence in the United States.

“At lot of us get scared,” student Kara Hawkins of when a school shooting occurs. “There is a lot of anger and fear and sadness. A lot of people want to make it like a big conflict and talk about gun rights and all that, but what we really need to be doing is praying and just giving this world back to God. And saying ‘God it is in your hands’. We can’t control what is happening.”

“In the Bible….God says ‘do not fear’ 365 times. If it’s telling you do not fear everyday, ten you need to know you don’t need to be fearing. He has it all under control,” Hawkins told about 125 students on the front lawn of the school.

Betty Coon, Teens for Christ faculty sponsor, rang a bell 17 times –  once for each of the 17 Parkland victims.

The ceremony was planned weeks ago and was not part of the “National Walkout Day” movement, according to Ronnie Gill, EWMS Teens for Christ volunteer sponsor.

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6 Responses to “Ernest Ward Teens For Christ Members Remember School Shooting, Violence Members”

  1. liz on March 15th, 2018 9:26 pm

    READ the BIBLE people, these young ones are wize, they READ THE BIBLE.

  2. Lee on March 15th, 2018 7:56 pm

    I commend these students for their respectful remembrance of the students of Stoneman Douglas, and I believe many of us feel called to pray in the face of such tragedies. However, I believe we are also called to take action. If that were not the case, how do we justify our military history, forming police departments, or even establishing hospitals and training doctors? We need faith, but God gave us the gift of reason for some purpose, too.

  3. Ms. Beegee on March 15th, 2018 3:31 pm

    Kate,that was stated with wisdom and I thank you for it!!!!

  4. No Excuses on March 15th, 2018 2:30 pm

    I’m proud of these students! There is hope for the country as long as we have those who put Christ first and their personal agendas second. Great example for the others who aren’t doing that.

  5. Julia Major on March 15th, 2018 1:43 pm

    Preach it girl!

  6. Kate on March 15th, 2018 12:27 pm

    Wonderful story! This needs to be sent to Washington & to all the ones that were demonstrating yesterday to show them the proper way to show respect to the victims. What better way is there than to pray for our Country & ask the only One that can help us in these troubled times! What an example you are & so proud of the Students at Ernest Ward!