Daylight Savings Time Is Back, Could It Be Year Round?

March 11, 2018

We all lost an hour of sleep Sunday morning that we may never get back.

Clocks moved forward with the beginning of daylight savings time for what could be the very last time for Floridians. That’s because the Florida Legislature has approved a bill to keep Florida on daylight-saving time throughout the year.

But there are couple of hurdles to be cleared first.

The next stop for the bill is the desk of Gov. Rick Scott, whose office said he will review the proposal after formally receiving it. If Scott signs the bill, Congress would ultimately be responsible for approving the proposed change.

If approved, Northwest Florida would be one hour ahead of neighboring Alabama during part of the year, including winter. For example, on Christmas Day if it were 10 a.m. in North Escambia, it would be 9 a.m. in Atmore.

The idea of year-round daylight-saving time has been promoted as a way to help the state’s tourism industry, as people would be able to stay out later with the additional sunlight.

Hawaii and most of Arizona currently don’t participate in switching from standard time to daylight-saving time and back. They stay on standard time throughout the year.


12 Responses to “Daylight Savings Time Is Back, Could It Be Year Round?”

  1. elmerpsuggins on March 12th, 2018 9:16 am

    It,s all about tourism The people of Florida should be able to vote on this tourist don,t feed Me I haven,t received a royalty check yet

  2. CC on March 12th, 2018 6:54 am

    JustSaying: There not changing the time zone. They just want to keep Day Light Savings all year around. So in the fall time would not change back, which would give Northwest Florida different time of day then Alabama.

  3. JustSaying on March 11th, 2018 8:03 pm

    Leave Atmore at 5:00, Pensacola will be 6:00, then Tallahassee will be 7:00! So which time zone will we actually be considered??? Living here in Northwest FL.

  4. Enough is enough on March 11th, 2018 7:19 pm

    Daylight savings time is a joke! So – tomorrow morning children will stand in the pitch dark waiting for the school bus. This should not be based on tourism. Those who come to Florida on vacation are going to experience what they want, when they want. Why can’t we just stay on standard time year round?? Let’s put our time and effort on issues that are really important for the people of Florida. Hint: daylight savings time vs. standard time is not an earth shattering issue!

  5. Time on March 11th, 2018 5:33 pm

    Again, trying to fix something that isn’t broke. Tourism has nothing to do with daylight or darkness and everything to do with the money in the pockets of tourists. Using that an excuse to change the time is nothing but an insult to people.

    The idiot politicians continue to pat themselves on the back for useless legislation. Politicians will lie to you while kissing your babies and unfortunately the few that are good are overshadowed by the rest of the worthless lot. Leave the time alone, work on protecting children and faculty in schools, spend the money on what is important – human lives.

  6. Don Neese on March 11th, 2018 3:57 pm

    Day light saving time is kinda like evolution.
    Millions and millions of years and a tadpole becomes a professor at Yale.
    Turn the hand on the clock and SHAZAM!!!
    We have a longer day :)

  7. Jimmy on March 11th, 2018 11:36 am

    Rick Scott just wants more daylight hours because he is a cold-blooded
    anti-constitutional reptilian!

  8. Hoosier Daddy on March 11th, 2018 11:30 am

    Many years ago I was told the story of the native American sage that commented this is like cutting off one end of a blanket, and sewing it onto the other end, in an attempt to make it longer.

  9. Molino Resident on March 11th, 2018 9:22 am

    Sounds like Hawaii and Arizona are the only states with some sense. All daylight savings time really does is cost us money. Energy companies love it. Anyone else who supports it obviously hasn’t ever actually researched it. They just believe their politicians who have their hands in the pockets of those who look to make the money off of us gullible citizens.

  10. A. Alex on March 11th, 2018 8:54 am

    And will be sharing Eastern time for New Year.. Tourists should not override common sence for the panhandle

  11. Anne on March 11th, 2018 6:41 am

    I’m kinda sorta confused about the folks down south Florida in Mouse Country and that place “Orlando-World”.
    They say having the clock turned an hour earlier means more daylight time.
    Poor things, they just don’t understand that the SUN will come up on an unwavering schedule – hopefully, for many more eons – and our Sun doesn’t care about the clock time at all.
    As I recall those Tourist Traps down south have now gotten a new fangled thing called, “Electric Lights” and they stay open from dawn till near dawn the next day anyway.
    Guess it could all be a politician’s smoke and mirrors to keep our minds off real issues like fixing the drainage, roads, prisons, schools and why our Vocational Technical Schools are getting shorted on funding.

  12. Suzanne on March 11th, 2018 4:53 am

    I recently read another post about this subject and that Alabama had tried to do this same change a few years ago. There was a link in the comments referring to it not being accepted, in part due to the laws stating that individual areas may opt out of changing to the daylight savings time but that option would make them remain on standard time.