Chip Simmons Prefiles For To Run For Escambia Sheriff In 2020

March 29, 2018

Escambia County Chief Deputy Chip Simmons has prefiled to run for Escambia County Sheriff in the 2020 election.

After nearly 30 years with the Pensacola Police Department, he stepped down as police chief in 2015 to become an assistant county administrator for Escambia County. He joined the Sheriff’s Office as the chief  deputy of operations in December 2016. He is responsible for running the patrol, investigations and SWAT divisions.

Simmons is the first local candidate to prefile to run for office on the 2020 ballot.


23 Responses to “Chip Simmons Prefiles For To Run For Escambia Sheriff In 2020”

  1. Copper on April 2nd, 2018 5:34 pm

    Our local media will give Chip a free pass. He is not the answer though. He did nothing for the city and he will do nothing for the county. Sure enough nice guy though with a pretty smile and a good speaker. But he will get Lumons , Lyters , Ashtons and Craigs support. Lol. Just another career politician. I will say I told you so in a couple years.

  2. Mike Amerson on April 2nd, 2018 5:07 am

    RJ, I guess Morgan hasn’t had enough time to take care of this issue since 2008? Yes, I’m a past employee. We all know Morgan loves to stand in front of the cameras and talk. Will you please inform us on why he hasn’t addressed pay issues since 2008? Also, you may want to ask around the Office and see just how many actually feel like he’s standing up for the deputies. If he’s been so concerned, he would have used the salary of all those employees he’s hired that were outside the agency. He’s no different than McNesby, Lowman, Seely, Davis or Johnson. You are going to naturally surround yourself with the people you trust which means promotions and/or hiring outsiders. If you feel this isn’t correct, please tell us about why he just had to hire David Craig? I think his pay was around 65k a year to start. I guess he didn’t know at the time he had a pay compression issue? It’s the same game, different players.

  3. Sunny on March 31st, 2018 2:59 pm

    Too early to decide who I’m voting for. I don’t blame Morgan for retiring. Too much squabbling going on. He may be the center of it, and that I don’t know. But I respect him for being our Sheriff and doing the best he can with what he’s got to do the job.

    Thanks to all those employed at ECSO. Not everyone is capable of dealing and handling the situations that are placed upon you.

  4. L T Masters on March 31st, 2018 8:29 am

    Morgan has been grooming Simmons – so don’t expect any changes if Simmons is voted in. He won’t be getting my vote as he is too close to Morgan and will continue the same, tired and inbred system that Morgan has dictated for too long. We really need new people with fresh ideas.

  5. Floyd long on March 30th, 2018 6:19 pm

    What is the salary for sheriff in Escambia County Fl?

  6. Tabby on March 30th, 2018 12:48 pm

    @Mike Amerson
    Sorry. I have an idea about what you mean now. Several men in my family worked as an ECSO LEO and a couple women as non LEO. My grandfather from 1968 – 1999. In those days though, officers had the support of their co-workers, supervisors, and community. If a criminal got out of line, they felt it. Not sure how it is today although I’d imagine they gotta watch their back from everyone. That’s not an environment I would be able to tolerate. Good idea for a ride a long though. It’d be cool to see how things are now days.

  7. RJ on March 30th, 2018 5:29 am

    @Mike Amerson – You mean a “has been” like you? At least this Sheriff has the guts to stand up for the deputies and fight for something that was compounded by your buddy for his 8 years in office.

  8. Mike Amerson on March 30th, 2018 4:42 am

    Tabby, you may want to go do a ride along with a deputy on a good evening weekend shift in districts 1/10 to get a better idea of what I’m talking about. The statement wasn’t made out of disrespect for any officer I can reassure you.

  9. Tabby on March 29th, 2018 9:45 pm

    @Mike Amerson
    “God knows there’s not that many people out there that cares whether you make it home or not.”
    Really ? I would consider any LEO my brother or sister and appreciate each and every one. Yes, some are bad. For the most part, LEO’s are the trademark of America. If anyone doesn’t care about a law man, they are either in the minority or a piece of filth. Rank and file cops are daily heroes that go unnoticed and unappreciated routinely.

  10. Mr. Metoo on March 29th, 2018 8:47 pm

    Dear wise Molino Jim enlighten us with thy wisdom and insight.

  11. retired on March 29th, 2018 6:20 pm

    DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha
    If he wanted to stay in law enforcement WHY DID HE LEAVE PENSACOLA P.D.?????????????????????????????

  12. Mike Amerson on March 29th, 2018 5:54 pm

    I hope he has a sense of humor when it comes to cartoons.

  13. Copper on March 29th, 2018 4:42 pm

    The PPD is actually a mess. It was a mess when Chip left just shy of his 30th year. He didn’t even finish his DROP. Why? Was it the Mayor? The Police union puts a lot of blame on Chip for the situation they are in now and say he did not have an open door policy. These are tough questions he will have to answer. Like, did he get his education at Troy on city time? Public records will show. And many other questions about what he knew about the current Chiefs shenanigans over the years. Did he promote people he did not feel worthy? If he is truthful we will give him a second chance. Because many of us know the whole truth and nothing but the truth.We will see before I pull the lever. But certainly glad Admiral Morgan is retiring.

  14. Citizen on March 29th, 2018 3:41 pm

    Long wait, if Morgan steps down what happens?

  15. Sam on March 29th, 2018 3:28 pm

    Hate it when law enforcement is political.

  16. tg on March 29th, 2018 12:04 pm

    Well folks you now have a real choice.

  17. citizen on March 29th, 2018 9:21 am

    Hopefully he will do a good well (if elected) and with the raises in the ECSO and getting along with the BCC between a new election in D2 (hopefully a new commissioner there) things will start improving in the County.

    Once the current sheriff and hopefully the other chief deputy leave the scene, the toxic, name calling, drama inducing, insulting styles of leadership in Escambia will come to a close.

    So unprofessional and apparently has contributed to the loss of deputies and viable discourse in these perilous times.

    Bring back pride to the Sheriff Department and to the citizens. We recognized manipulative, degrading conversations. The Silent Majority may not engage in the dialogue but are paying attention.

    Walk Tall and carry a Big Stick.

    Leave the insulting, name calling, online bullying to the mistakes of the past.

  18. molino jim on March 29th, 2018 8:48 am

    I have always felt it was odd that so many people on here “know how to run the S.O.”, but never ran for the office. It’s sad that some of the commenters don’t know the rest of the story about morgan and the reason for not running again. Chip should make a good sheriff. He has the background and is still young. Wishing you well Chip.

  19. Olin Stacey Schultz on March 29th, 2018 7:47 am

    Does this mean that the citizens of Escambia County will get a Sheriff that has true law enforcement background? Mr. Simmons did a good job at PPD. I am looking forward to seeing how he does if elected. Maybe we can keep good seasoned deputies.

  20. Mr. Metoo on March 29th, 2018 7:10 am

    Now that’s a humdinger we didn’t see coming! Chip is on more tv and billboard than old Sheriff David Dr. Oz Morgan. Tax payer funded early campaining in 2017.

  21. Tabby on March 29th, 2018 5:55 am

    Whoa, I’m amazed. Who would’ve thought this

  22. Anne on March 29th, 2018 5:54 am

    WOW….this is interesting news.
    Will Mr. Simmons have to resign his position to run?
    Does this mean that Morgan has decided to – finally – not run for a 4th term?
    What will Morgan move on to do? Some say he wants to be Governor of Fla.
    Feeling Morgan’s ego won’t let him go off into the sunset, and keep on going far away.
    Morgan has been Very Absent lately and not looking healthy at all when he is seen.
    Mr. Simmons, Best Wishes.

  23. Mike Amerson on March 29th, 2018 5:18 am

    Let the games begin. I guess either Morgan has finally decided to truthfully say he’s retiring or Chip just doesn’t care. At least if elected Chip knows how to be a Law Enforcement Officer and not a gate guard. It’s going to be interesting to see who else prefiles. Hopefully all of the “has been” one’s stay at the house. Sometimes it’s time to say I’ve had my chance, couldn’t hang on and I’m just going to stay at the house. You all be safe out there and take care of one another. God knows there’s not many people you deal with out there that cares whether you make it home or not.