‘Mr. Pervert’ Gets Prison Time For Cyberstalking

February 24, 2018

A man who called himself “Mr. Pervert” has been sentenced to prison for cyberstalking over two dozen individuals.

Sean Michael Vest of Pensacola pleaded no  contest to 18 counts of aggravated stalking and eight counts of obscene or harassing phone calls.

He was sentenced to serve 10 years in prison followed by 10 years of probation.

Prosecutors said between December 2016 and January 2017, Vest cyberstalked at least 26 people in the area, mostly in Escambia County.

Vest’s conduct included repeatedly calling and text messaging the victims obscene messages in which he threatened sexual violence to them or their loved ones. In the messages, Vest referred to the victims by their names. He also sent many of them altered photographs of themselves and loved ones he had taken from social media sources. In the messages, Vest referred to himself as “Mr. Pervert”, according to the State Attorney’s Office


5 Responses to “‘Mr. Pervert’ Gets Prison Time For Cyberstalking”

  1. Bill on February 26th, 2018 9:05 am

    If the judge was smart he would have sentenced him to 1 minute with me that’s all it would take to solve this problem .1 chance 1shot 1 time problem solved and the tax payers save millions funny how that works so well .

  2. not tech savvy but... on February 25th, 2018 11:03 am

    they tracked him to an IP address i’m fairly sure. your phone, computer, blah blah have one. also, they can track anything back to where it came from, fake or not. 10 years, he knew what he was doing. he needs mental help yes but he still was well aware of his actions

  3. Charlie Mike on February 24th, 2018 11:20 pm

    Scott, I guess he didn’t threaten your 4 year-old daughter with sexual assault on numerous occasions. He terrorized the parents. Put yourself in their shoes. Ten years was not long enough for the hell he put these people through.

  4. Jim on February 24th, 2018 9:04 pm

    @Scott : He pleaded no contest which, while not an admission of guilt, is certainly not the act of an innocent person. I didn’t see the evidence, but it seems like he was doing this regularly enough to have provided a ton of documentation. 26 victims! The anguish and anxiety he caused his victims must have been extreme. This isn’t a one-time incident; this is hjs lifestyle! 10 years sounds more than fair, especially considering that, historically, these behaviors frequently escalate to actual physical assault or worse.

  5. Scott on February 24th, 2018 12:40 pm

    Wow that makes me sick to my stomach. I see this man get 10 years behind bars for cyberstalking? How can you beyond a reasonable doubt people that someone else wasnt sending the messages using apps that create mock locations and fake messages showing from any phone number you choose, which includes people you knows phone numbers. Be aware you may not be texting or getting calls from who it says you are. But however it sounds like that this man is guilty of crimes that obveously indicate he needs to be locked up. I just think ten years is wrong. The man needs psychiatric help not to be locked away for a decade. Maybe s year with medical help..Unless he actually raped someone. In that case life in prison is t anyone deserves. Please dont think I’m saying he is over punished. He still deserved it. I just think the prison length is to long and won’t correct anything without mental treatment.