Molino Fire Station Struck By Lightning

February 7, 2018

The Molino Fire Station was struck by lightning late Wednesday morning, damaging several electronic items.

The lightning strike about 10:30 knocked out power, fire radios and some electronic equipment at the fire station on Molino Road. There was no fire.

As of about noon, the station was still running on generator power and a communications company was on the way to repair the radio system. Escambia County Facilities Management will make other repairs.

Fire services are not impacted, according to a county spokesperson. Personnel have still have operable portable radios and pages and have the full ability to communicate and respond to calls.


4 Responses to “Molino Fire Station Struck By Lightning”

  1. Bob C. on February 8th, 2018 5:46 pm

    Have heard some areas attract lightening for some reason.
    Maybe some UWF students could look into the electromagnetic field of this location versus one a few miles away.
    Equipment can be replaced or fixed.
    Humans do not fare well when hit by lightening.

  2. Been There on February 8th, 2018 12:01 pm

    My electrician son installed a surge protector in the breaker box that protected the whole house. Well worth it.

  3. Who knows on February 7th, 2018 8:39 pm

    This is the 5/6 time this station has been hit in the past couple of years. Costing a lot of money in repairs. Can some one investigate why this hasn’t been corrected, more grounding rods installed, or surge protector? I bet some of the firefighters stuff has been damaged.

  4. Micah on February 7th, 2018 5:15 pm

    Geez, considering those expensive electronics and radios, I don’t see a lightning rod as a waste of money should they want one. Hopefully everything is insured.

    That was a bad storm.