Killer Of UWF Student Exhausts State Death Sentence Appeals

February 16, 2018

With the scheduled execution a week away, the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday rejected an appeal by Death Row inmate Eric Scott Branch

Justices issued a 15-page unanimous opinion that included denying Branch’s request for a stay of the February 22 execution.

Branch, now 47, was sentenced to death in the 1993 sexual assault and murder in Escambia County of University of West Florida student Susan Morris.

In the appeal, Branch’s attorneys argued, in part, that Branch was 21 at the time of the murder and that brain development continues into the mid-20s, according to court documents. As a result, they contended he should be considered like a juvenile for death-penalty purposes.

The U.S. Supreme Court has barred the death penalty for people under age 18 because it would violate an Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment. But the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the argument that Branch should be considered like a juvenile, saying that “the United States Supreme Court has continued to identify 18 as the critical age for purposes of Eighth Amendment jurisprudence.”

The Florida Supreme Court last week also denied another stay sought by Branch on other legal grounds.

“Branch will most likely appeal this decision to the federal courts,” the State Attorney’s Office said Thursday. “However, this concludes his state appeal process.”


12 Responses to “Killer Of UWF Student Exhausts State Death Sentence Appeals”

  1. David Huie Green on February 20th, 2018 10:27 pm

    ” he is now a totally different person,”

    Unlikely and would have to be proven, not just proclaimed. People I knew when we were both 5 are still basically the same people — just older and a bit more experienced. The fact that the brain develops for a while doesn’t change the fact that the core person remains. Maybe he would stop killing for the fun of it, but it would still be fun for him.

    David for truth

  2. yogi bear on February 20th, 2018 8:02 am

    please do not compare animals with humans…humans are far more dangerous than any animal….monsters seem more appropriate….and less insulting to the animal kingdom. thank you Yogi Bear.

  3. ROBERT on February 17th, 2018 8:21 am

    He should have gotten his punishment years ago….get it over….

  4. Tabby on February 16th, 2018 9:30 pm

    @Jdub, Robinhood, and nod
    Agreed. He isn’t the same man although this is what we have to work with. When evidence is overwhelming, technicalities shouldn’t matter anyway. Should’ve strung him up outside the courthouse for a community display of justice. Only then would the death penalty be a deterrent. However, too many bleeding hearts. The same idiots are being programmed into thinking tougher gun laws will somehow stop criminals from killing instead of just impeding the rights of good folks. Only gonna get worse though.

  5. Native 1950 on February 16th, 2018 6:15 pm

    He should be killed exactly like he killed Susan Morris!!! Long overdue…

  6. Bob C. on February 16th, 2018 4:02 pm

    THIS Defense statement is just STUPID.

    In the appeal, Branch’s attorneys argued, in part, that Branch was 21 at the time of the murder and that brain development continues into the mid-20s, according to court documents. As a result, they contended he should be considered like a juvenile for death-penalty purposes.

    Hope they give him the Kikapoo Joy Juice and rid the world of this monster.

  7. Jdub on February 16th, 2018 1:38 pm

    @ Robinhood…I wholeheartedly agree with what you said…I feel justice should occur sooner than waiting years & wasting taxpayers money to fund prisons. I really think if our country would get tougher on criminals & swiftly handle these issues that maybe people may think a little longer on violent crimes for fear of the swift & hard punishment. That is just a pipe dream though…too many liberals out there want to give sorry criminals too many rights they don’t deserve.

  8. anne 1of2 on February 16th, 2018 1:27 pm

    How many will gather on the UWF campus that night? Seems like there should be a closing gathering for Susan Morris.

  9. nod on February 16th, 2018 10:18 am

    this is not justice. he should have been fried in 94. after all this time executing him is just plain murder by the state. he is now a totally different person, do it quick or not at all. may God have mercy on his soul.

  10. Robinhood on February 16th, 2018 9:26 am

    Branch should have had ONLY One (1) appeal just like he and all other KILLERS give to their victims. Sad, Victims have only One (1) appeal and that is to those people who chose to DENY the victims of their appeal and kill them anyways. I say the United States needs to provide ONLY One (1) appeal to those killers and then put them to death soon as possible to free up space and money that taxpayers should not have to pay for long lengths of time. He should have already been dead.

  11. Carolyn Bramblett on February 16th, 2018 7:20 am

    Long overdue. Justice is not justice when it takes this long to carry out. The family of the victim should not have to endure this.

  12. KK on February 16th, 2018 4:21 am

    Why do these animals think the only life that has value and should be preserved is their own? He should have fried years ago so that the burden on his victim’s family and the taxpayers could be lifted.