Escambia Commission Gives Support To Navy Federal Nine Mile Road Flyover Project

February 2, 2018

The Escambia County Commission gave support  Thursday night to a plan to alleviate traffic problems in the area of the Navy Federal Campus on Nine Mile Road.  The move came after Navy Federal warned commissioners they may reconsider their growth plans in Escambia County without action to improve the traffic situation.

The commission voted 4-1, Commissioner Jeff Bergosh dissenting, to join Navy Federal and the Florida Department of Transportation in recommending a plan that includes an overpass on Nine Mile Road. This would allow Navy Federal employees to exit the campus on a new Navy Federal Way using two turn lanes to head east, while allowing Nine Mile Road traffic to flow both directions on the overpass above.

Eliminating the traffic signal will improve travel time along Nine Mile Road, according to transportation officials. It is estimated the plan will cost $68 million and take 4-6 years to complete if and when it is approved.

The plan will no go to the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) at its February 14, 2018 meeting for further support and possible inclusion into the FL-AL TPO Long Range Transportation Plan.

A Navy Federal officer warned commissioners that the company reconsider growth plans in Escambia County unless traffic problems are solved soon.

Kara Cardona, vice president of Greater Pensacola Operations for Navy Federal, read a prepared statement, saying, “”We love Pensacola and we appreciate the great support we receive from this community, which is a big part of why we have decided to expand from 3,000 to 10,000. However, if the traffic flow problem is not addressed quickly, we really do not want to be in a position where we have to reevaluate our growth in this community.”

Current employment at the site is over 6,000 and will climb to 10,000 by 2026 at the very latest, but Cardona said they expect the employment level to by reached sooner. Cardona says it is common for employees to waste 30 minutes getting out of the parking lot at shift change.

The discussion and public input in the plan lasted for over two hours Thursday night. Bergosh told commissioners that he wanted more time to hold a town hall and get input from his constituents.

The county’s vote of support for the plan will not negatively impact or replace the County’s support for the Beulah Interchange and Beltway Project.

Pictured: The Nine Mile Road Flyover at Navy Federal Way proposal supported by Escambia County, Navy Federal and the Florida Department of Transportation. image, click to enlarge.


35 Responses to “Escambia Commission Gives Support To Navy Federal Nine Mile Road Flyover Project”

  1. Mark on February 8th, 2018 8:14 pm


    Where the heck are you pulling this information from? Navy Federal is STILL listed as a top 100 place to work, and NEVER have they ” fired all the full-time employees and dropped their benefits package like a rock.” as you stated. That’s basically a slanderous statement unless you can back it up with facts!

    You sound like a disgruntled employee to me, or someone that applied at Navy Federal, but was never hired.

  2. Tabby on February 6th, 2018 6:11 pm

    I’m glad you can get some laughs. However, it’s not about the impatience that permeates the new culture of America. But yes, I’d trade all of those jobs to retain my way of life. When my great grandpa moved here and built a home on the property I still live on, I envisioned leaving it to my children. Instead, I’ll probably sell it because they’ll turn quiet little Barrineau Park into Ensley over some jobs. Heck, you yuppies, Yankees, and progressives will have Starbucks et al swarming the area.

  3. Linda on February 5th, 2018 8:51 pm

    Pensacola and Cantonment do not have the infrastructure to add any more NFCU jobs. The road is darn near impossible right now. When I have to take my grandson to school, I have to come back a different way because the offramp at Exit 5 is on a 4 or 5 light cycle. When i moved here in 2007, NFCU was one of the top 100 best places to work. It’s not now. Now it is a beast that ate our community. There are two brand-new apartment communities on 9 Mile Rd. There is not enough road, even with the upgrades to handle this. Yes, it’s not Atlanta or Dallas traffic, but it is because of ONE company. If I wanted traffic, I’d have moved downtown. We need to curb their enthusiasm and pit them in their place. They have tax breaks out the wazoo and they fired all the full-time employees and dropped their benefits package like a rock. See ya!

  4. John on February 5th, 2018 7:11 pm

    I agree with Rob. Most of these people would rather have Navy Federal go somewhere else. Sad which is why cities like Mobile and Jacksonville do a better job. Instead of whining, how about consolidate. Don’t listen to the local fringe who have always and will continue to oppose consolidation.

  5. Beulah boy on February 4th, 2018 2:03 am

    I rest my case !!!!!!!

  6. Irisheyes on February 3rd, 2018 11:38 pm

    Can’t they stagger the shifts so they are not releasing thousands of employees at the same time? At least until improvements are made. Every one who grew up on Chemstrand road understands. ……..HEY lets be safe out there.

  7. Watching on February 3rd, 2018 3:48 pm

    Build the fly over. Bergosh we see through the crying. Grover did you a favor, for all we know you talked it over at the animal shelter the day before.

    @Adam Stevens you are right about this the beach roundabouts to a point

    Spending one million, eight hundred thousand dollars, voted on and passing unanimously just when the county has a nine million shortfall because of going into debt for the jail.
    The 1.8 Million is JUST for the PLANS and design and study. This is not a state funded project, is supposed to come out of COUNTY FUNDS— 20 million????

    The change order to 1.8 million was also unanimously supported AND get this the SANTA ROSA ISLAND AUTHORITY didn’t even approve this. Where the H^&& is it coming from?

    Grover Robinson and Doug Underhill have been driving this train. It looks like commission Barry may have woken up, Comm May doesn’t seem to know what is going on and defers to “the commissioner in their district.” How about waking up and reading what you vote on. Simple citizens can see it.

    Bergosh– the blame game..”I am impressed by all the people Grover lined up on the late late night of May 30, 2017 to get this through and golly gheez putting all his discretionary money for years and years certainly has my attention” paraphrased– is NO excuse.

    1.8 million spent to Volkert for a few ‘design and engineering” soil bores to tell you where the water table is.???

    Guess what? I bet a five year old can tell you what the soil is and where the water table is on a “BARRIER ISLAND”

    What happened to Fiduciary Responsibility? Waiting until May or April?
    Kill it and do what Forte said. We have more important issues in Escambia.


  8. Lorene on February 3rd, 2018 3:34 pm

    people progress and traffic are here, we just have to deal with it. Progress has caught up with Escambia County. They are having to make decisions now that should have been made years ago. Our county citizens should be thankful for the good paying jobs that come here.

  9. Tabby on February 3rd, 2018 9:21 am

    Someone stated that Navy Fed isn’t offering any ideas that if something isn’t done they said they’d take their ball and go home.
    That would be the very best outcome with hopes the locals they hired would move with them and I could remain in my Barrineau Park property in my family for decades. I don’t need more people or “progress”. I was fine in 1985, 1995, and didn’t start getting annoyed until 2005. You want your cake and eat it too. Stay down in the cesspools of Pensacola. Don’t bring your “progress” my way.

  10. Willis on February 3rd, 2018 7:49 am

    They say love hurts well so does growth.
    @Adam speaking of big boy pants….
    Sounds like someone’s panties are in a twist, traffic stinks anywhere you go at those certain times.
    Not just poor lit Ole beulah.

  11. Beulah Girl on February 3rd, 2018 7:17 am

    They put that thing on the wrong side of the road. Why put it on the side where the majority of the employees have to cross traffic to go east? Nature Trail should’ve have been on that side. Even better, should’ve left Beulah alone and put that company somewhere else.

  12. Adam Stevens on February 3rd, 2018 4:19 am

    Beulah Boy,

    Why don’t I give him a chance? I think his chances were over more than 3 years ago when this traffic problem started. If he lives in the area of Navy Federal, he surely has heard something before but he acts like this is all a new problem within the last 2 months.

    I know the beach and it’s round-a-bouts aren’t his district but he was a very strong supporter and has no issues with throwing +$20,000,000 dollars at a problem. How did that town hall meeting turn out? People didn’t want them but the BOCC moves ahead regardless at a snails pace.

    I agree with “Home Owner” and “Jessica Smith”. A Park-and-Ride” or carpool program is a fantastic idea. There is a lot north of the Starbucks that could be razed and graveled, it’s been vacant for years and there is the old Food World parking lot which will eventually become something but until then. ECAT could be contracted with 15 minutes buses from those lots to/from Navy Federal since we supplement ECAT with our .06 cent gas tax already as a vehicle owner.

    The second idea also is right on the money. Bergosh, your political crying and bantering, especially at Commissioner meetings, is old and immature. Because another Commissioner threw this agenda ahead without your knowing ahead of time, you decided to “get him back” by doing the same in his district. If you dedicated as much energy into the real issues instead of this “poor me attitude”, maybe you would make progress. We know you’re going to tell us that you “inherited” this problem and it stems back about 15 years ago but we don’t want to hear it. You’ve been a politician long enough to know what was on your plate when you walked in and it’s time to clean this mess up and look ahead, beyond 1 day.

    You’re bickering and crying has already come back to bite you, the public doesn’t know half of the story.

    We need a fix and you’re 5 years late! Now put on your big boy pants and help us fix this immediately. We cannot wait for your master 5-10 year plan, that is a failure. Yes, I forgot as someone else mentioned, the new school that hasn’t opened yet…you’re going to really have more problems soon!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Home owner off West Nine Mile on February 3rd, 2018 12:13 am

    What Navy Fed needs right now is carpooling by bus or trolley from some of the vacant lots along Pine Forest. Ever hear of Park and Ride? All these cars with one person each that congest Nine Mile every day are unnecessary.

    Navy Fed can afford to rent lots or whatever. Give their employees bonuses/incentives for not bringing their car to work!

    We should not be 10 years from a Beulah exit from the interstate, but then again, Nine Mile should have been four lanes at least six years ago.

    I do not want a flyover, double decker version of Nine Mile Road at the end of my street, thank you very much.

  14. Jessica Smith on February 2nd, 2018 9:38 pm

    Bergosh was a disaster when he worked for the Escambia county school district and he’s a disaster as a county commissioner. Please, is there anyone residing in District 1 willing to run against him?! He really is working at his full potential – foot dragging, poor planning, etc. District 1, wake up! Whatever your position about the traffic issues on Nine Mile Road, we deserve innovative leadership. The good-ole-boy bickering at the county commissioners meetings is impairing our county’s growth.

  15. Rob on February 2nd, 2018 9:21 pm

    So funny to see some folks complaining about NF and traffic even though they are doing all they can including spending their money to redo roads etc. Some of you would trade the 6k jobs so you dont have to sit in traffic for a few minutes. However, just remember the value of your land and homes has increased substantially in Beulah. Think about all the additional money that is pumped into our local economy which is a benefit to ALL of us. Half of you have no ability to see big picture. You would rather folks turn to welfare and the economy go into the toilet then you spend a few minutes of your time.

  16. Beulah Boy on February 2nd, 2018 7:43 pm

    Adam Stevens…..

    We worry about the extra traffic when OLF is developed as a commerce park. What happened to the commerce park on Hwy 29 that has 2 occupants and plenty of land for development? No one was interested in it.

    Ellyson Field commerce park is not full and has alot more room for expansion. Where are the industries that were going to fill this site?

    Who is going to come to the OLF field on 9 Mile? Brookley in Mobile was very successful….why? Better tax incentives? Easy access to I-10? The OLF area next to Navy Federal will not have easy access to I-10 unless the Beulah/ I-10 exit is not completed before hand. Having to use 9 Mile for access will be a strike against the site for future companies to locate there until the Beulah exit has been completed.

    The beach round about is Grover Robinson’s district not Bergosh. And yes, Bergosh does travel the traffic direction each day as well as his family. So he is very interested in a quick resolution that will benefit all. He was just not informed prior to now of it being a consideration.

    He is just asking to have a town hall meeting before the 2/14/2018 meeting which will not delay anything. Why not give him that opportunity?

  17. freda on February 2nd, 2018 7:32 pm

    And the best part about this is the school they just built in Beulah. Has everyone forgot about that traffic that is gonna become a huge issue. Let’s face it 9mile is a wreck. And Beulah road is a nightmare during school rush hours. And Beulah and mobile hey really we all know about that… And why does half of Beulah go to Tate and the Other Pine Forest. The last of the kids need to be sent to Pine Forest. That back road to ransom and Tate is just not safe for all that traffic. So what happens when they open the school 4:00 nine Mile road really.

  18. Mark on February 2nd, 2018 7:23 pm

    @Old Man –

    Please, what is your source of Navy Federal stating they will “take their toys and leave”? I have NEVER heard them state that if something does not go their way, they would leave. The 4H deal was simply without that property, they would not expand. All those jobs could have easily gone elsewhere.

    As far as staggering shifts, Navy Federal already has staggered shifts. However, you also have to understand that Navy Federal has to have their employees there during the peak hours that their membership calls in. Unfortunately, the majority of people do not call after 6:00pm CST.

    Obviously, the majority of people complaining about the traffic have never lived in a “big” city. You think THIS is a traffic problem? Try driving in L.A, Detroit, Atlanta, Chicago, or any other major city during “rush hour”.

  19. resident on February 2nd, 2018 7:01 pm

    @Beulah Boy

    Grover’s beach stuff is NOT shot down. Bergosh made points (votes) with his constituents. That’s about it.

    Bring on the Flyover..and the beltway and two county connector.


    Our President Trump and Governor Scott are on board for FL infrastructure and JOBS (ie NFCU)

    Get the State and Fed and PP corporate $$ money, not the county general funds. We are in debt up to our eyeballs..

  20. David Lamb on February 2nd, 2018 2:59 pm

    Wait , They will eventually develop the Navy landing zone that “could never be obtained” then enjoy the worsened traffic flow!

  21. Adam Stevens on February 2nd, 2018 2:52 pm

    Beulah Boy:

    Well, we are 10 years away from an on/off ramp at Beulah/I10 so now what? This county has NO forethought and it’s meetings after meetings to tell us what? A small 2 lane road is incapable of handling the traffic and the construction for the entire length of 9 Mile Road isn’t fast enough. Maybe FDOT could concentrate ALL of the resources from the interstate – Navy Federal, then complete from the interstate to US 29. If Bergosh lives in Nature Trail then he is avoiding the bottleneck since the morning back-up is westbound and the afternoon is eastbound. That means he travels in the opposite direction every day and doesn’t feel the grief. We don’t need a 10-year plan that will be obsolete in 5 years. Where are his coveted $20 million dollar traffic circles that he supports for the beach? Place them here and let’s get traffic moving. If traffic circles can handle the beach flow during the summer and special events, surely it can handle this….

  22. No Excuses on February 2nd, 2018 2:48 pm

    While I agree that the traffic is horrendous and something needs to be done immediately, I am very grateful for the Navy Federal presence in Pensacola. They employ SO MANY local people and yet just about all I see on here is griping and complaining. Well, the way I see it is that the jobs, etc. should be more than welcome and locals should be thankful. The planning, etc. was poorly done by OUR county administrators – NOT Navy Federal, so point the finger where it needs to go. Thanks Navy Federal for the opportunities extended to so many in our community.

  23. Commuter on February 2nd, 2018 2:17 pm

    Although the residents in the area and Bergosh think it’s a District 1 issue, it is not
    It is regional and out of their lane and jurisdiction.
    Commissioner and public may have some good ideas though.

  24. mike on February 2nd, 2018 12:20 pm

    bow to your corporate masters! :D

  25. old man on February 2nd, 2018 12:19 pm

    well navy fed got the 4h club property now they want a fly over have they made any suggestions about what they can do to help solve this problem as suggested stagger shifts not that i know of instead they have said they will take their toys and leave (like a spoiled kid ) what will they demand next

  26. D.O. on February 2nd, 2018 11:51 am

    Wasn’t there a study done before picking this ridiculous site to put this campus predicting traffic problems? A responsible news outlet should re-print this. There is a whole lot of unused space in this county that would have been an ideal place for this business. 68 million dollars, we should have built that goofy overpass on the beach, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to this albatross.

  27. Beulah Boy on February 2nd, 2018 11:19 am

    Adam Stevens….Jeff Bergosh does go through this traffic maze twice or more a day as he lives across the street from Navy Federal..

    He was not given the opportunity before hand to know this was coming and set up a town hall meeting to learn the desires of those in the area impacted. That is what he is asking for now to get the public’s feel for the proposed projects. This was evident last night in the BOCC meeting and how Grover Robinson set up and proposed these plans without contacted or coordinating with the commissioner from the impacted area. Grover’s other proposal for the beach area, for where his district is, was shot down over public concern.

    We have alot to be thankful for to have this employer in our area and let’s make the right decisions to help them as well as other future large companies benefit from our great area.

  28. Sage2 on February 2nd, 2018 10:30 am

    There IS a level of defined intelligence within the minds of our Escambia County BOCC! Looking at the whole scenario, they had to make this decision…which is the correct one. It may not appease all, but it will benefit the community as a whole.

  29. Beulah Girl on February 2nd, 2018 9:07 am

    Well, if we ever get into a wreck there because of the traffic or someone not paying attention in that traffic, we know where to send the bill until the concrete “decision” is made

  30. stuck in traffic on February 2nd, 2018 7:55 am

    Sounds good. Do it now. That area in front of Navy Federal is the bottleneck backing up traffic for miles. The Beulah Beltway is a decade away. This could be done in a year if the powers that be concentrate on it.

  31. randy on February 2nd, 2018 7:49 am

    YOU GOOD OLD BOYS better listen to NAVY FED

  32. baffled on February 2nd, 2018 7:19 am

    Thanks Mr. Bergosh for your attempt to slow this train wreck down to give further thought into this. All this is about Navy Fed, I surely hope that they are the ones flipping this bill. Nope. They are the reason why traffic in Beulah is the way it is. All this including a flyover for Navy Fed traffic. So what is going to happen when the commerce park is built after the land swap adding another 4-5,000 employees that surely will be coming to and getting out of work at the same time of the day as Navy Fed? Let’s build a double hump flyover or better yet a super-bypass for the commerce park so they can not be delayed 30 minutes every day too. Oh wait, the bypass is already in the works and it’s called the Beulah Beltway. Boy, how glad I am that I built a home to retire in way out in quiet Beulah that had a huge 4H property and an occasional H-57 helo flying by. So Navy Fed folks, enjoy your flyover direct route that the taxpayers will cover the bill on. Until then don’t get upset when we don’t allow you to budge your way into the traffic jam that your company has caused. Better just wait for one of the two red lights that were created just for you to give you an opening. I wish the Nature Trail owners had an avenue to do a joint lawsuit against Navy Fed to recoup future property values loss.

  33. Brian on February 2nd, 2018 6:18 am

    Bergosh, you may not work for Navy Fed but a lot of your constituents do. Stop playing the blame game and start planning ahead of time so we’re not forced to make quick decisions. What are you going to do once the OLF next door to Navy Fed is completed and ready to be developed? Think ahead. Navy Federal is the best long term partner our community could have wished for, no pollution, never had layoffs, and above average pay. Nature trail won’t know how good they have it until a paper plant is put next door to them.

  34. Option on February 2nd, 2018 5:13 am

    Another option to alleviate traffic issues would be for the Navy Credit Union to consider staggering their shift break over several hours (30 minutes between shifts) Less employees would be arriving or leaving at any one time.

  35. Adam Stevens on February 2nd, 2018 4:17 am

    I cannot believe Bergosh wants MORE TIME to explore this issue. He doesn’t sit in this traffic twice daily and wishes to delay any proposed changes that will already take a minimum of 5 years to complete. I believe that based on the amount of taxes being generated by the 6000 employees, at a minimum, exceeds the taxes collected on the Nature Trail subdivision. Subtract maybe 1000 that may live in Alabama or Santa Rosa County and it still is more beneficial.

    I’m sorry Nature Trail, I’m going to side with navy Federal on this. The economic impact that a large corporation like this brings to an area is overwhelmingly positive. For the sake of simplicity, lets assume all 6000 current employees live in Escambia County. The rent or own factor for housing/apartments/condominiums, locally generated fuel tax, sales tax far exceeds the 100 people in Nature Trail.