Ernest Ward Middle Holds Womanless Beauty Pageant

February 24, 2018

Ernest Ward Middle School held a “womanless” beauty pageant Friday night.

Kaden “Norma Gene” Odom was named “Womanless Queen”.

Noah “Noelle Fancy” Harigel was first runner-up, and Andrew “Andrea Louise” Hatcher was second runner-up.

The fundraising event was sponsored by the Ernest Ward cheerleaders.

Pictured above: First Runner up Noah “Noelle Fancy” Harigel, Womanless Queen Kaden “Norma Gene” Odom and Second Runner-up Andrew “Andrea Louise” Hatcher. Photos for, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Ernest Ward Middle Holds Womanless Beauty Pageant”

  1. Hailey Sanders on February 26th, 2018 7:31 am

    Omg they are such a beauties haha I barely recognize some of them!!
    So hysterical :) my nephew participated, do you have more footage??
    A photo gallery pls, I missed the event :/

  2. Ms. KIM on February 24th, 2018 7:57 am

    O..M..G..!!! So much fun! My cheeks are still hurting this morning from all the laughter.
