ECSO: Man Threatens To “Shoot Up” Several Local Schools

February 16, 2018

An Escambia County man has accused of making social media threats against local schools.

During a press conference Friday afternoon, Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said 23-year old Gabriel Brooks Harvell was threatening to “shoot up” Escambia High School, Pine Forest High School and Pensacola State College. Harvell was immediately arrested on an outstanding warrant for a probation violation in a stalking case.

“In Escambia County, we are going to take any insinuation or threat involving our school system and our children beyond serious,” Sheriff David Morgan said. “If you are stupid enough…to be be engaged in this sort of communication, you can expect the full weight of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office to be visited upon you. To state that this is not a joking manner is to state in in the minimus.  These are things we do not joke about.

Also Friday, the Pensacola Police Department announced the arrest of 13-year old student for the disruption of a school function after he share message on social media that alluded to a school student. Because the charge is a misdemeanor, the student’s name was not released.

Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille said “anybody that is arrested will be treated ver”, referring to school threats, and seeking maximum available punishments.

“We’ve had more weapons found this school year than we have found in a couple of years,” Superintend Malcolm Thomass said. “That’s unacceptable.”

“If you bring a weapon to school you are going to face the most serious consequences that I  can issue as superintendent,, and I will be referring those students to law enforcement,” Thomas said. “School  is not a place to bring a weapon.”

Thomas asked that parents keep their children away from guns…change gun safe combinations or find a new key hiding location, and he urged parents to check  their child’s book bags and social media posts.

“I’m calling on the entire community…if you see something, say something,” the superintendent said. “For our students, if you see somebody at school that is acting weird and think that they are a little off, you need to report it.

Pictured top. Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas addresses school security as Sheriff David Morgan listens Friday afternoon.


10 Responses to “ECSO: Man Threatens To “Shoot Up” Several Local Schools”

  1. David Huie Green on February 19th, 2018 9:51 pm

    ” bullet proof glass, steel doors and armed Security guards. We can do no less for schools.”

    Sure we can, since we do.

    Schools should not be inverted maximum security prisons. They are part of the community. You can’t wall them off successfully. Kids need to be able to go outside for play or to evacuate. Parents need to be able to bring them and pick them up.

    Buses need to be able to enter and there won’t be a metal detector at every entrance of every bus.

    In fact, if the killer really wanted to do some damage, he’d've simply shot a single bus driver (like me) while going down the road with maybe 77 kids on board. Do it at the right place and all would die, possibly killing a few carloads with us. He could pick off any survivors or people trying to help until he was killed or decided to kill himself.

    There is only the illusion of safety when nutjobs and killers run around freely.

    David for safety through sanity

  2. Karl Lyon on February 19th, 2018 12:16 am

    Over 50% of NRA funding comes from gun manufacturers. If a background check pops for legal psychotropic drugs or treatment for mental health, that should be a no/go. Remember…Back in Feb…
    “The White House has refused to release a photo of President Trump signing a law making it easier for some people with mental illness to buy guns”.

    Guns or Kids! …You decide…

  3. Walnut Hill Roy on February 18th, 2018 12:53 am

    Remember who’s paying for the schools, us., To create a situation where the payers would be excluded would be just plain wrong. Issue an identification badge to parents who have children in a particular school..I can remember walking my youngest daughter to class in Maryland, her mother moved meaning that she went to a different school, the Gym Teacher was blocking the door keeping parents out, I darn near went to the mat with him.

  4. Nunya Bizness on February 17th, 2018 2:36 pm

    We harden places for Security like banks, Government buildings and even cashier’s at gas stations with bullet proof glass, steel doors and armed Security guards. We can do no less for schools.

  5. SL on February 17th, 2018 8:29 am

    Security guards at every door, hand wands and metal detectors…just like the airports…it seems to be working…bring back chain gangs and hard labor to our prison system…this just might change the minds of the would be offenders from “3 hots and a cot” to “ah hell no”…It’s time to put children first, after all, they are creating the future….

  6. retired on February 17th, 2018 7:01 am


  7. Mary Brake on February 17th, 2018 6:36 am

    As A Mother I can not fathom the undescribable pain these parents must be going thru today. My daughter is 16 and they’d have to bury me along side her cause I couldnt take it. And instead of everyone, as a nation of parents, children, students, teachers…Not White, black. jew, muslim. gay straight…REALLY?? At the end of the day and at a time like this of all times cant we show each other a little kindness and respect? This isnt about religion or race,or political views. Its not even about gun rights or restrictions. Its about common, human decentacy and RESPECT.. I think thats the one major thing we neglected to teach this generation of kids is respect for other people. When I was a child we knew that not only would our parents spank our
    butt for misbehaving but so could aunt betty or Mrs. jones next door, and God forbid they did cause then you were getting it twice. From them and then from your parents! But these days were afraid to discipline our own children let alone anyone elses and Ive actually heard one adult tell another adult “you or nobody else is gonna get on to my child” And they say this in front of the child basically telling them they dont have to respect thier elders or anyone else for that matter. These kids arent afraid of repercussions or consequences for thier actions. Theyve been taught there arent any. We used to pray and say the pledge of allegence at school every morning. That taught us to believe in a higher power and to have respect and love for our country and the people living in it!! These days you cant say anything without SOMEBODY finding offense in it or wanting to start a arguement over it. Grow up people. How can we raise decent human beings that will run this world when we ourselves cant get along and treat each other with kidness and respect. Ok my rant is over and Im sure Ive offended some body but u know what? Bring it on cause I can take it. Sadly, these children can not and shouldnt be expected to!

  8. Guardian on February 16th, 2018 9:26 pm

    Time to restaff all Escambia County SRO positions that were taken away by the Sheriff over budget power play politics.

  9. A on February 16th, 2018 8:23 pm

    I understand that kids don’t want to create an enemy by speaking out. Teach your kids to at least tell a parent. That we are capable of alerting authority anonomously to avoid that. It will still be taken seriously and will save lives. Please please parents speak to every child you have.

  10. TJ on February 16th, 2018 4:14 pm

    Idiots like this should be put under the jail!