Deputies: Cantonment Mom Had Marijuana In Her Baby’s Diaper Bag

February 26, 2018

A Cantonment mom was arrested on multiple charges after deputies reported finding marijuana in baby’s diaper bag.

Erica Leanne Tull, 32, was charged with felony possession of marijuana over 20 grams, possession of drug paraphernalia, and felony destruction of evidence. She remained in the Escambia County Jail Monday morning with bond set at $5,500.

A relative reported that Tull was not properly caring for her four-month old daughter and was not fit to take care of the child. Deputies responded to her home and found no signs of physical abuse or neglect on the baby, and Tull showed deputies that she had several extra boxes of diapers and containers of baby formula.

As Tull grabbed a diaper bag and her purse and left the residence with the baby, deputies reported the strong odor of fresh marijuana coming from her person, according to an arrest report. The report states deputies asked her about marijuana use, at which time she dropped the diaper bag responded that she did not use drugs because she was caring for her baby.

Deputies reporting they could clearly see a plastic bag half full of marijuana in the open diaper bag that was dropped on the ground while Tull was still holding her baby. After a relative took custody of the baby, deputies said they observed Tull push a metal object under a patrol vehicle, and that item was determined to be a metal pipe.

Tull said the pipe was already on the ground and told officers that the diaper bag, where the marijuana was located, was not hers, the arrest report states.

The Department of Children and Families was notified of the incident.


19 Responses to “Deputies: Cantonment Mom Had Marijuana In Her Baby’s Diaper Bag”

  1. Escolaws R. Ludicrous on February 28th, 2018 9:08 pm

    This town is so backward… A little town starting to grow, to mature, being stunted by archaic laws and archaic enforcement of same. A bag of weed… Really? They ought to lock up the family member who lied to authorities and wasted cops’ time or child services or whoever… Free Erica!

  2. Momma M on February 28th, 2018 9:21 am

    I’m here for you E !! Love ya !

  3. Thinking on February 27th, 2018 9:03 pm

    Isn’t this the same girl that way arrested a while back for beating her father. Something to do with her deceased mother’s hope chest or something to that effect? Sometimes you just gotta look at the big pic. The pot isn’t a big deal but what’s going on with this young woman? Just thinking I’ve seen her face on NE before.

  4. Kay on February 27th, 2018 5:27 pm

    Just because she smokes a little mary jane doesn’t make her a bad mother. It helps alot with people with certain disorders. She could have some sort of issue that it helps out with I.E depression or anxiety.

  5. chris on February 27th, 2018 1:42 pm

    @Matchbox: With chemical name, (−)-trans-Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol, the term THC also refers to cannabinoid isomers. Any questions?

  6. Nod on February 27th, 2018 8:07 am

    @Chris. DITTO!!

  7. chris on February 27th, 2018 7:03 am

    Alcohol is a drug but weed is not? Mr Scientist, explain the chemical properties of THC.

  8. Henry Coe on February 26th, 2018 9:05 pm

    Well, if it wasn’t her’s, a drug test should prove whether she was using or not.

    That being said, because she had weed does not de facto mean she was neglecting her child or being a bad parent. Yes she was breaking the law, but IMHO it is a law that needs changed. I would have been more concerned about her as a parent if she had a six pack.

    If she wasn’t being a neglectful parent, now the child will be traumatized because mother was made absent. Yes the mother has to be accountable for breaking the law and has to face the consequences, but it’s a bad law that needs changed.
    I’m not interested in seeing my tax dollars going toward locking up non-violent criminal for a 1/2 ounce of weed and breaking up a family.

    If she is drinking and drugging and using every drug under the Sun and jeopardizing the wellbeing of herself and the child, that’s a different problem that would need addressed, but that isn’t what the article suggests in this case.

  9. Margaret on February 26th, 2018 8:12 pm

    I love everyone’s opinions. You do realize you have no idea what your talking about. Smoking marijuana doesn’t make you a bad mother or parent. It’s like saying because you come home and have a couple of beers or a couple glasses of wine makes you a bad parent. Funny, I don’t ever hear people complaining about that. Now putting it in the diaper bag was not responsible. It’s just more taxpayer dollars at awful use!

  10. Matchbox on February 26th, 2018 6:29 pm

    Marijuana is not a drug…alcohol on the other hand is

  11. DJC on February 26th, 2018 4:12 pm

    I think Marijuana should be legal. With that being said, Marijuana can be abused and make you an incompetent parent as well.

  12. John on February 26th, 2018 3:16 pm

    Good old Southern USA. If this was California or many other states it would be no big deal.

  13. chris on February 26th, 2018 1:43 pm

    @Kane: if she was transporting a heroine, a diaper box would not be big if enough to hold a human. Heroin on the other hand might fit in there.

  14. Dad on February 26th, 2018 1:26 pm

    Drugs are drugs, no excuse

  15. Grand Locust on February 26th, 2018 10:39 am

    I am very happy that people are looking out for children and LEO doing a well being check is a big thumbs up, but as a taxpayer I am so very tired of felonies being manufactured on non violent criminals. A mother drinking is never charged with a felony, but pot is more dangerous? Now the child will be separated from the mother, where a misdemeanor and counseling would help this family. Once again a felony has been manufactured. Stop it. At $50,000 a year housing non violent criminals as thirty calls come in on a mentally ill person who has guns and children are dead. It is time for some new priorities.

  16. Kane on February 26th, 2018 9:47 am

    She had several boxes of diapers and formula with no signs of neglect or abuse on the baby sure sounds like an awful parent. It’s weed people weed she wasn’t transporting cocaine or black tar heroine. The baby wasn’t starved and half dead hell it seems like the child was clearly being provided adequate care. This is clearly a case of a family member wanting that baby or maybe the mom wouldn’t share her stash. Either way another burden on the tax payer is sitting behind bars for less then an ounce of weed craziness.

  17. No Excuses on February 26th, 2018 9:06 am

    Or, better yet, DON’T HAVE BABIES if you want to do drugs and live in abject poverty for the rest of your life.

  18. willy on February 26th, 2018 8:13 am

    of COURSE the bag wasn’t hers and of COURSE the pipe was on the ground. Never mind being responsible for your child and owning your own problems. 32 years-old and still gotta get high instead of being a good parent. I feel for the child that has to have a mother that would choose doing dope over caring for the kid. Another child will get lost in a system that demands no correction from the perpetrator.

  19. Concern on February 26th, 2018 7:29 am

    These mothers,if you can’t care for your childern and it takes drugs everyday to deal with life,give them to a family member. I hope justice is served in this case.