Century’s Mayor Takes On Public Transit Before County Commission In ‘Bold’ Move

February 2, 2018

Century Mayor Henry Hawkins went before the Escambia County Commission Thursday night to plead to keep an Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) bus to his town. And instead of the bus being cut, he may have walked away close to having his own $400,000 commuter transit system after what was termed a “bold” move.

In an article published Thursday morning on NorthEscambia.com, Commissioner Doug Underhill took aim at eight low performing ECAT routes he wants to see cut. Instead, he said wants to see an estimated $4 million of gas tax money funneled toward bridge maintenance.

Hawkins approached the commission after learning of the idea that could cut his town’s only bus route to the rest of the county.

“We have a lot of folks that ride the bus that is there only source of transportation, so please don’t kill that route,” he said.

“You actually don’t have a lot of folks that ride that bus. It’s actual a very low usage route,” Underhill said. “That bus route costs almost $400,000 per year, and that is gas tax money that could be used for transportation based infrastructure.  Would it not be beneficial to the city of Century to have $400,000 per year in transportation based infrastructure instead of that bus route.?”

“You gonna give us $400,000, we’ll create our own bus route,” Hawkins quipped, drawing a little laughter from the audience.

“Each of these routes costs an enormous amount of money,” Underhill said. “What I am looking at is this money could be re-purposed for infrastructure associated with transportation.”

Hawkins said with just three buses stopping per day — morning, midday and late afternoon — the service is not frequent enough.

But Underhill said data would not support more riders with more frequent routes — “that defies logic”, he replied.

“They are paying $20 for somebody (an individual, not the bus) to take them to Pensacola and back,” he said. “If we could have buses that were more consistent during the day, then yeah you would have more riders.”

Hawkins said with $80,000 and four mini-buses, Century could enter into an interlocal agreement with ECAT and connect with an ECAT route in Cantonment every hour and a half. He said that would fill the buses.

“That’s an interesting idea,” Underhill stated. “At this point, anything other than what we are doing is certainly on the table. That’s a pretty profound statement. I like the fact that you did it as bold as you did.” He questioned whether the $400,000 cost of the ECAT route to Century is having $400,000 worth of impact.

“If you come to Century on any given day, you’ll find people walking, pushing strollers, toting babies getting to and from the clinic. That’s every day.”

“If something like that would serve your people better,” Underhill said, referring to the citizens of Century, “I would certainly be wide open to it … that’s a pretty cool thing you are taking about. I would like to hear more about that idea.”

Commissioner Steven Barry said he would support exploring the idea. He also pointed out the current ECAT route north serves not only Century but other stops along the way such as Cantonment and Molino.

Commissioner Lumon May stated he is not interested in eliminating any public transportation in Century or cutting routes, but he said he would be supportive of better spending with increased ridership.

Mike Crittenden, who directs mass transit for Escambia County, said the Century route is partially funded by a grant, and the county is looking at smaller vehicles for additional local commuter runs in the area.

The commission took no action on ECAT or mass transit Thursday night, instead rescheduling discussions for their next meeting on February 15.

Pictured: Century Mayor Henry Hawkins addresses the Escambia County Commission Thursday night in Pensacola. Images for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “Century’s Mayor Takes On Public Transit Before County Commission In ‘Bold’ Move”

  1. BT on February 5th, 2018 12:55 pm

    Sometimes, government services are just that…services. They do not always pay for themselves, and people who do not use the services have to pay the tab for those that do.

    I don’t have kids in the public school system, but pay the taxes so that other’s kids can get an education. It is in the public interest to have an educated population.

    Similarly, Century and the county are better off if its citizens have affordable public transportation to get to jobs, doctors appointments, and even just shopping. Now, I agree that $400,000 is a lot. Certainly we need to be looking at more cost-efficient options like vans instead of buses.

    Suspending all public transportation to Century is not the answer.

  2. Dudley Herrington on February 5th, 2018 8:41 am

    First, I would like to know how much it cost to RIDE the BUS ??
    If people are paying $20.00 for a Private Ride, then they could pay to Ride the Bus !
    All of us who do not Ride the Bus has to Maintain a Vehicle, Pay for a Tag, Purchase a Drivers License, Pay Insurance, and Buy Gas, {PAY GAS TAX} !!!
    Maybe a Bus Ride should cost , NO body should ride for FREE !!!

  3. John on February 5th, 2018 6:20 am

    I’ll tell you what we should be hearing….is from the commissioners “We are going to remove this ‘gas tax’, and get it back to the people. We are then going to get estimate on bridge repairs, instead of calling it maintenance…People should be up in arms about this!!!

  4. Michelle D on February 3rd, 2018 4:03 pm

    Thank you Mayor Hawkins for looking out for the town. Now, if you look out for us on other things, it will be great!
    Standing tall for the Town of Century!!

  5. Citizen on February 3rd, 2018 1:22 pm


    If Century wants more of that grant money they need to pay more attention to how to get it and compete.

    Obviously Barry did not seem to be on board for going to bat For Century, but it is up to the leaders to figure that out. I have passed information on to them.

    Seek and ye shall find.

    They missed the Nov 15 deadline for Triumph gulf coast for any Century projects. The RESTORE board passed them over for first round although they scored high in the Dewberry scoring process.
    It does look like they may be getting some of the work force training stuff and the SOAR farce but as far as the waste treatment lift station $ to protect head waters of the Escambia river, looks like it was ignored, even though much of that waste is from the Correction Center which is actually out of the Century limits and directly in District Five. Hopefully they will all work harder if we continue to point it out that it is their job to do it since they stepped up to the plate to serve and be elected.

    Info can be found on myescambia.com

  6. just sayin on February 3rd, 2018 9:24 am

    Once again Mayor Hawkin for looking out for the Town of Century

  7. mel on February 2nd, 2018 6:36 pm

    can we get more of that grant money that seems to come from no where that everyone thinks is free money ? just saying . lol

  8. Citizen on February 2nd, 2018 6:01 pm

    and to add to it,

    I propose we throw out the 20+ million Beach Congestion plan and put it on North Escambia Roads and bridges.

    This was probably just a red herring to stir everybody up and hope they didn’t notice the other swift moves..

    We see you dude…

    “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

  9. Chelleepea on February 2nd, 2018 5:37 pm

    Good job Mr. Mayor!!

  10. Citizen on February 2nd, 2018 1:59 pm

    To be clear, route 60 is not just the “Century” route. It passes all the way up and down highway 29. Century is the terminus. In fact it should run all the way to the State Line to the Grocery Store.

    People walk carrying groceries pushing strollers with children in tow in what I see as side walks that are not ADA compliant, close to 18 wheel trucks speeding through town with fences that are allowed to be too close to the road for safety.

    I commend Mayor Hawkins for going to speak up for Century (and in so doing for everyone in Cantonment, Molino, Bluff Springs McDavid, Highway 29–D5) and to keep the route but some of the banter was just that–Banter.

    It had been a long night and in some ways had become almost a town hall type setting. It was good actually. Clear discussions above board, but Underhill made it sound like if Century agreed to cut the route he would give then 400K. Well that is not the truth.

    Steven Barry keep up the work and thank you for your professional, non dramatic and fiscally responsible approach to things.

    Keep the route. Don’t give it to Century to manage either..please.

    You were quick on your feet when put on the spot though Mr. Hawkins!

  11. old man on February 2nd, 2018 12:06 pm

    suggestion publish the number of rider per day or month for each route then the cost of transporting these people find out the cost per rider then the people will have the information to make a decision i have suggested this before if the CC are serious and want to be transparant they will do this

  12. Grand Locust on February 2nd, 2018 10:05 am

    Smaller sometimes is better. Thumbs up for folks fighting for North Escambia. Why don’t we just call North Escambia “Forgotonia”, because when spending money on the needs of North Escambia County, people forget that citizens live there and pay taxes, but rarely get services commensurate with taxes paid. Keep our bus routes and fix the bridges. Yes, try to chew gum and walk.

  13. Jason on February 2nd, 2018 8:54 am

    If the good folks in Century can pay someone $20 to give them a ride to Pensacola then they should be able to pony up the funds to pay more for their bus service. Those using the bus service need to pay their fair share of the cost and not expect non-users to pay the largest share of the operations cost.

  14. TUMom on February 2nd, 2018 8:31 am

    Good for you Mayor Hawkins! Century has always been treated like the redheaded stepchild of the county. I know the county doesn’t like to think that Century is a part of the county, but it is. IT IS TIME WE ARE TREATED LIKE WE BELONG!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Willis on February 2nd, 2018 7:12 am

    Don’t forget the community transportation buses running around all over.

  16. T on February 2nd, 2018 7:06 am

    Mr.S. Berry could you support letting the chamber have there crumbles back to keep the lights and internet on? Money, busses, High property taxes for our businesses what’s next?

  17. 429SCJ on February 2nd, 2018 6:53 am

    For the working poor, this may be their only means of transit, to and from work.

    Instead of all this money to Israel, The Palestinians, rebuilding the world, ect, let us focus upon our domestic needs.

    If we free ourselves from the yoke of detrimental influences, we would be shocked at the things we could accomplish.

  18. tg on February 2nd, 2018 6:43 am

    Only person on that bus is the driver.

  19. Rita turk on February 2nd, 2018 6:14 am

    I hope Century does not loose its bus route as the mayor states there is alot of demand for transportation to an from pensacola from daily uses. Like dr appts. Grocery shopping,.an Visitations. I pickup my grandsons ( who is 2 )dad in century often for visits. He has a job in pcola an on off days he rides up an often catches Ecats on last bus route to return..i hope we dont loose the public transportaion .thank you Mayor Hawkins for think outside the bix with ideas for your peopel with needs

  20. Sam on February 2nd, 2018 5:29 am

    ECAT to century is a waste of taxpayer money. Everyone knows it. Anything else would be better.