Century Joins West Florida Regional Planning Council

February 5, 2018

The Town of Century is joining the West Florida Regional Planning Council.

The $500 annual membership fee includes a seat on the planning council’s board of directors.

The mission of the West Florida Regional Planning Council is to provide professional planning, coordinating and advisory services to local governments, state and federal agencies and the public to preserve and enhance the quality of life in northwest Florida, according to their website.


3 Responses to “Century Joins West Florida Regional Planning Council”

  1. Chelleepea on February 6th, 2018 3:52 pm

    We have to be involved in whatever council and economic development boards that are avsilable, The more PR and networking we acquire can only help us in the long run.

  2. chris on February 5th, 2018 6:46 pm

    If Century cannot muster attendance to an economic development summit, then they cannot complain when they are never considered for new business development. The condition of the Alger Sullivan property speaks volumes about Century in general; left to deteriorate.

  3. Citizen on February 5th, 2018 1:18 pm

    Century is also on this committee: PEDC but I see from the Salt Marsh notes and audit that Century has not attended lately. It is for economic development.


    I propose they send a council member. I noticed Freddie McCall’s name was there on some of the past meeting notes, but it noted he was not in attendance.

    Florida West attends. Century could promote the helicopter building, Industrial park and especially get to the bottom of why Old Alger Sullivan at one lumber is still demolished. I noticed it is for sale for about 1.5 million, zoned industrial.

    It should not be allowed to be a disaster area waiting for the next storm to blow debris everywhere destroy the newly built residences.

    This has been turned in to District Five and also to Emergency management so they are aware it is still demolished, yet it is still in tatters two years later. No property taxes collected. I wonder if the CRA could exercise powers of imminent domain and use the .5M EPA grant to clean it up if necessary. I trust they are looking into all this.

    I wonder if Century could change the FLU and rezone the property and a developer might chose to build houses similar the ones being built on Front Street. It is near the river, has potential. New tax base and new residents could be a plus.

    Keep the industrial uses in the Industrial Park.

    Of course Century needs to charge impact fees and appropriate taxes to new development and not get in the quandary like they did with the new apartment.