Walnut Hill Woman Arrested For Possession Of Crack, Heroin And Meth

January 24, 2018

A Walnut Hill woman was arrested on multiple felony drug counts after a traffic stop in Pensacola.

Victoria Lynn Burkett, 30, was charged with three felony counts of a possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of crack cocaine, possession of heroin, possession of methamphetamine and four counts of possession of drug paraphernalia.

An Escambia County deputy on patrol stopped a Nissan Altima driven by Burkett on Fairfield Drive at Missin Road. An Escambia County K-9 gave a positive search indication on the vehicle, prompting a search. Deputies found a white rock that tested positive for cocaine, a crystal rock substance that had a presumptive positive test for methamphetamine, a small bag of crystal meth, two syringes containing liquids and  spoon with residue, according to an arrest report.

Burkett was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $12,000 bond.


22 Responses to “Walnut Hill Woman Arrested For Possession Of Crack, Heroin And Meth”

  1. David Huie Green on January 27th, 2018 10:13 am

    “for all you people that have sympathy for these people REMEMBER YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW END OF STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    We can remember that and still have room for a little sympathy. Some folks don’t realize what they are sowing. Some don’t realize how bumper of a crop they’re going to have. Some think they can just plow it under if it gets to being a problem.

    That is separate from acting like it’s all hunky-dory.

    David for better crops

  2. Willy on January 26th, 2018 5:03 pm

    How can you people sit back and blame Morgan for all the drug problems that are happening in the county? The problem is much higher than Morgan. Every time a deputy tosses a dealer in jail it seems the dealer is back on the street before the LEO has even finished the paperwork for the arrest. The bleeding hearts in this backwards place continue to allow this behavior and do nothing to improve, but more to enable. The issues with meth, heroin, etc, grows faster than can be corrected with the attitude that everyone who gets busted is really an angel having a bad day. You can’t help people who don’t want/desire help.

  3. BILL on January 26th, 2018 8:53 am

    look here it is people choose to do drugs now its time to pay the piper. dont matter who you are or who’s sister ,brother ,aunt ,uncle ,friend, you are you need to be stoped IT IS ILLEGAL FOOL so stop your crying do the crime do the time and for all you people that have sympathy for these people REMEMBER YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW END OF STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Deanna Brown on January 25th, 2018 9:48 am

    Can’t judge the addict cause you never know what’s going on in their lives. I’ve been there and I’ve been sober & clean the 17th of next month will “1″ year that I’ve been sober & its on by the Grace Of God…..It’s truly a very hard road to go down…… All we can do is PRAY FOR HER…..

  5. Just Saying on January 25th, 2018 9:43 am

    Morgan is no t cleaning up North Escambia. Just come to Harvesters Village, you’ll see!

  6. HLH on January 24th, 2018 9:54 pm

    This is my family I love her with all my heart and sadly if been right where she’s at not that bad but still all she needs is help and sadly this is the best thing for her she isn’t safe on the streets if this isn’t rock bottom for her I don’t know what is I ask everyone to just pray for her pray for her kids her family don’t judge

  7. David Huie Green on January 24th, 2018 8:37 pm

    “@ David hue green. It’s easy to pick out a scripture or two to take up for someone. ”

    It’s Huie. Very important.

    I hope and wonder if you understand if I say “REGARDING” followed by words in quotes, that I am quoting what someone else said and responding to that statement.

    Just like here. Feel free to chew me out for my own words, but please not for what I am quoting someone else saying — although you can if you insist

    David for clarity.

  8. Ariel on January 24th, 2018 8:36 pm

    Please try and understand she needs love and support during this tuff time. I grew up with her and she was always so loving, caring and truly beautiful inside and out. Addiction changes how people behave but I know she still has a heart of gold and is such a great person. I pray that she knows people love her and are excited for her to beat this.

    Keep your chin up and look to God to help and love you. You are so worth it! You deserve the best. You are more the choices that you make. You are more than the sum of your past mistakes. How amazing and powerful will it be when one day you can give your testimony to others. You are loved! Don’t let others make you feel less than. We are all loved the same in Gods eyes, and those are the only eyes that matter!

  9. No Excuses on January 24th, 2018 7:25 pm

    @Oh Be careful: You are absolutely correct. We should pray for this young lady and her family. You are also correct in that she should not escape punishment for what she is doing, but we need to look at people in situations like this with a heart towards praying for them rather than condemning them. That’s what Jesus did. Jesus never said that there would not be consequences for wrong doing – only forgiveness if it was asked of Him.

  10. Anonymous on January 24th, 2018 6:05 pm

    Wow…I went to school with her! She was a grade or 2 younger than me. I can’t believe how she looks now. She used to be such a nice girl and very cute. This is sad…

  11. Pop on January 24th, 2018 4:44 pm

    @ David hue green. It’s easy to pick out a scripture or two to take up for someone. Need too look at the while picture tho in my opinion

  12. David on January 24th, 2018 2:48 pm

    This is very sad, I went to school with her and have known her for years. Drugs can change a person! But it says she was arrested for having a controlled substance without a prescription….since when did they start giving prescriptions for meth, crack, and heroin?

  13. Cantonment mommy on January 24th, 2018 2:43 pm

    @oh be careful…
    Thank you for the reminder. You are absolutely correct. My first reaction was pretty typical but you put me in check. Prayers for her and her family.

  14. David Huie Green on January 24th, 2018 2:32 pm

    ” how justified are you to laugh about her disaster, distruction, misfortune, or anyone’s else reguardless of if they have done wrong? And sad that some people that claim to be Christians will be the stone throwers! I can tell you that in her lowest point & right now God loves her just as much as he does you at your best! He even says in Proverbs 17:whoever mocks the poor taunts his maker and whoever rejoices at another’s distaer will not go unpunished.”

    Before condemnation of those who would mock her, one might consider waiting until it actually happens. (It’s sexist, but we tend to be more sympathetic and forgiving to girls and women.) It is obvious that she is throwing her life away if she’s using those poisons and most feel pity. That definitely doesn’t mean we should ignore her actions either for her own good.

    David for better people

  15. PandyR on January 24th, 2018 11:51 am

    She needs to do time..she has a ton of mugshots for drugs on the jail site. Obviously she’s been let off too easy and isnt learning any lessons or trying to get help. Sometimes prison is unfortunately what a person needs to “wake up” if nothing else is working.

  16. kriste on January 24th, 2018 10:32 am

    This is sad.. I went to school with this girl. Back then she was sweet and just wanted to fit in. I sure hate that this is how I bumped into her again. Praying for you Victoria! Let this be a thing of the past, and move forward with better choices. Everybody has a past, you can’t let your past identify who you will be in the future.

  17. Dan on January 24th, 2018 9:13 am

    @elmo and his buddy the sheriff
    The same places you could buy dope nine years ago you can buy dope now. The sheriff and his deputies know where these places are in cantonment in Barth in molino and on any street off 29 in century but they don’t do anything about it but scream about pay and needing more help why do you need more help certainly not to identify the drug dealers or places they sale drugs because those places haven’t changed the whole time Morgan has been sheriff this guy is a walking circus with a tent full of clowns

  18. John on January 24th, 2018 9:09 am

    Elmo, are you serious? Morgan has not been tough at all.

  19. Oh Be careful how you see & scorn people! on January 24th, 2018 8:25 am

    Who prayed for this young lady when they read this? Who cried for her? I am not excusing or condoning or justifying her wrongs or lifestyle. But this is someone’s daughter, grandaughter, sister , mother, friend and how justified are you to laugh about her disaster, distruction, misfortune, or anyone’s else reguardless of if they have done wrong? And sad that some people that claim to be Christians will be the stone throwers! I can tell you that in her lowest point & right now God loves her just as much as he does you at your best! He even says in Proverbs 17:whoever mocks the poor taunts his maker and whoever rejoices at another’s distaer will not go unpunished. Hmmm please pray for this young lady and her family , what man sees as unworthy or worthless God sees as worthy, lovable , healable and wait yes to die for because see it’s the young ladies like this who God sent His son Jesus to die for and save! God sees His plans of good & prosperous & delivered & usable & profitable to His kingdom here on earth & in heaven. So why don’t we pray for her & ourselves and others to see her the way God does & truly love her the way God does
    A pure, unconditional, non condemning , a non hopeless love! To Victoria’s family , & friends & to Victoria , God loves you NO matter what you have done & God Has Great Plans for you and this stumble no matter what the world or people say IS NOT the end. God does not need you, God WANTS YOU there is a big difference! And wants you as you are and He will take care of all of this if you will receive His Love & Gift of Grace which is Jesus death the payment of your sins with His life & ressurection the deliverance, restoration ,redeeming of your wrongs only God can change and turn all of this around and work it for Good & His Glory! I know because I was once there & God did it for me & many more! Apryl

  20. Trocarman on January 24th, 2018 7:05 am

    Sad. However, lock her up. She will live longer in prison than she will on the streets. Her face sores display to results of meth.

  21. 429SCJ on January 24th, 2018 6:09 am

    Down the yellow brick road; too far.

  22. Elmo on January 24th, 2018 5:07 am

    If you just have to do drugs or try to sell them, ya better get out of Escambia County Florida because Sheriff Morgan and his gang will catch up to you!! Does any of the criminals ever read the news paper or even listen to Sheriff Morgan on tv!!?? DON’T be stupid, go out of Escambia County Florida and you just may have a better chance of not being caught by Morgan’s gang of officers!! Just take your business elsewhere!!