Today’s Fashion: Dressing For Cold Weather

January 17, 2018

Our brutal cold weather can be dangerous. It’s important to dress in layers, cover skin and limit time outside, according to the National Weather Service.

With a low forecast tonight in the teens here in Florida, here’s how to dress for cold weather:


2 Responses to “Today’s Fashion: Dressing For Cold Weather”

  1. Sage2 on January 17th, 2018 8:03 pm

    @dman: Some folks get it…others…WELL? There is a level of intelligence to be measured when dealing with folks that wear flip-flops year ’round!

  2. dman on January 17th, 2018 2:43 pm

    It has always surprised me how people dress around here. Wearing shorts, flip flops and T Shirts when it’s below freezing. I think today was the 1st time, ever, that I haven’t encountered some confused person who thinks Pensacola is the same as Key West. We’re not. It gets cold here for Cripe’s sake, haha!