Concept For Nine Mile Road Flyover At Navy Federal Under Consideration

January 29, 2018

Three proposed concepts are under consideration to alleviate traffic problems in the area of the Navy Federal Campus on Nine Mile Road, and the Escambia County Commission is set this week to consider support for one of those plans.

Navy Federal and the Florida Department of Transportation have recommended a plan that includes an elevated overpass on Nine Mile Road. This would allow Navy Federal employees to exit the campus on a new Navy Federal Way using two turn lanes to head east, while allowing Nine Mile Road traffic to flow both directions on the overpass above.

Eliminating the traffic signal will improve travel time along Nine Mile Road, according to transportation officials.

It is estimated the plan will cost $68 million and take 4-6 years to complete if and when it is approved.

If the Escambia County Commission votes to support the concept at its Thursday meeting, it will not bind the county to any funding or resource commitment.

It is anticipated that the concepts will be presented to the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) at its February 14, 2018 meeting for further support and possible inclusion into the FL-AL TPO Long Range Transportation Plan.

If the county supports any of the Nine Mile Road Navy Federal concepts, it will not negatively impact or replace the County’s support for the Beulah Interchange and Beltway Project.

To view the three concept plans, click the links below (pdf files, hosted by Escambia County).

Pictured: The Nine Mile Road Flyover at Navy Federal Way proposal favored by Navy Federal and the Florida Department of Transportation. image, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Concept For Nine Mile Road Flyover At Navy Federal Under Consideration”

  1. Bob C. on January 31st, 2018 12:45 pm

    Maybe a Round-Abouts or some Tunnels like are planned for the Beach would work.

  2. Ray Kicklighter on January 31st, 2018 12:05 pm

    The proposed flyover is premature at this point. They should finish the current 4 lane of 9 mile road project, and consider roundabouts instead of the more expensive flyover at this point. The flyover proposed seems to be a quick fix and traffic could still bottleneck at I-10 East. I suggest taking more time and getting it right in conjunction with the Beulah Road Project. A back exit from the Navy Federal Campus should be considered too. And what is going to happen with the adjacent helicopter field going forward. That needs to be included with any projections and planning. Also how will the proposed flyover affect the new development of shops, offices and restaurants to be built on the East side of Nature Trail Subdivision on South side of 9 Mi Rd. A study needs to be done including all options and future growth. Big decision. slow down.

  3. Citizen on January 29th, 2018 4:17 pm

    The people squawking the most are the residents that bought in a subdivision right next to the highway in an area targeted for growth and the commissioner is trying to placate them.

    Think how the people felt when I110 was built over them. They must have become used to it.

    Growth is over rated. The more I look at what goes on.. the more I appreciate our little dramas up here.

    “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.. or the one” Star Trek

  4. $$$$ on January 29th, 2018 3:26 pm

    Let Navy fed pay for it they have deep pockets

  5. Jr on January 29th, 2018 11:46 am

    And people are surprised by this?

  6. Johnny Freedom on January 29th, 2018 10:58 am

    Maybe Navy Fed and the county could have worked this out 5+ years ago when all this expansion was announced. It’s not like traffic is GOING to be bad, its bad NOW. Daily traffic during shift changes backs up all the way from the entrance to beyond the I-10 overpass.

  7. A. Alex on January 29th, 2018 10:56 am

    20 years ago would have been a good time to weigh this in. 9 mile in the mist of being widen and the county fixing to ad 75-100 million more to the coffins of politicians. How much more for the bypass that is wanted for the west side going north???

  8. scott on January 29th, 2018 9:53 am

    They should consider the Hurlburt Field — Highway 98 interchange as an option. Navy Federal does not get nearly as much traffic.

  9. John on January 29th, 2018 9:45 am

    I remember the talks of extending 110 up to 65 and that would have been great for commerce. The problem is that Escambia voters keep voting in anti jobs and anti consolidation county commissioners. Consolidation saved Indianapolis and it has worked well in other cities, but the powers to be here will do everything to lie and bamboozle people against it. Why? Because when a city and county consolidate, that means someone has to step down. Get it?

  10. Mike on January 29th, 2018 9:30 am

    4-6 YEARS to complete? Are you kidding? And why wasn’t any of this done in conjunction with the Navy Fed development rather than waiting to become a major problem first? Zero planning.

  11. northofI10 on January 29th, 2018 7:49 am

    Many excellent points made here. Some 20+ years ago there were many stories in the PNJ about the need for Nine Mile Road to be expanded for more businesses and to handle the increased traffic. In one article a prediction was made that the community could pay for it now or pay for it later at a much higher cost. Well the politicians did what politicians seem to do and now this project will be very expensive and at completion still years behind—sounds like a typical government operation.

  12. Smith cooner on January 29th, 2018 7:05 am

    What we are seeing is this past and current leadership failure of the BOCC! This should have been done 15 years ago! But nothing ! Now lets go back in time and remember I10 it seems like 10 years to complete that right. So we are looking at that time line here 10 more years to a nightmare! Looks like it time to sell my house before you look out the back door to a flyover!

  13. Dale Crabtree on January 29th, 2018 6:48 am

    Why not wait until the 9 mile road current project is complete to see what impact on the traffic issues that has, as well as push for the the Beulah interchange project first before spending all this money on a project that does impact the folks who just bought new homes out in that area? They just put up 15 foot walls to help with the noise issues and now they are proposing a 25 foot flyover? I am all for business and the growth of our county but this seems only to benefit one business.

  14. Brian on January 29th, 2018 5:23 am

    Here’s a concept, let’s have politicians who are PROactive vs reactive. None of our elected officials seen to understand the concept of managed growth. Instead they rubber stamp any and all of the mass builders desires leaving John Q Public to have to put up with increased traffic due to non planning.

  15. Gregory Thompson on January 29th, 2018 3:06 am

    Traffic circles at all of the entrances/exits of Navy Federal. If the proposed +$20,000,000 projects is good enough for Pensacola Beach, why wouldn’t it work here?