Locals React To State Of The Union Address

January 31, 2018

Local residents had a favorable response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Monday night.

Here are some reader comments to an informal NorthEscambia.com Facebook question “What did you think of the State of the Union Address?”

  • Lisa Franklin, Walnut Hill — He did a fantastic job! Proud of him!
  • Pamela Cohron, Milton — Proud to be an American under a strong enthusiastic president that really believes in the people of this country. America the Great!!
  • Jessica Ingram, Walnut Hill -Fantastic, Trump is bringing jobs back and cutting taxes. Keeping his word to the American people. Now if the Democrats and Republicans can get on board with what the people need.
  • Michele Dixon , Century — He is an excellent leader. Our president of the United States makes me proud to be an American!
  • Lindsay Cameron, Pensacola — Didn’t watch it, don’t care, that’s what I thought about it.
  • Willene Bryan, Century — I think it was a great speech. He spoke of everything that has taken place sense he got in office which is great and the plans of what he wants to do for our country. I pray that he gets all the backing he needs to do everything he wants to make America Great Again. He was awesome.
  • Randy Bell — Something for both sides to applaud.
  • Sandy Campbell, Pensacola — Fake News. There were so many lies in it I almost turned it off. I didn’t because I wanted to see how far he would go. He was campaigning not being a president. I am proud of the Democrats that did not attend and the ones who did who quickly left after the farce.
  • Micheal Lenhart — It was better than anything Bernie or Hillary would have had to say, particularly with respect to the economy. Before anyone throws a partisan insult, I voted for Gary, so there’s that.
  • Laura Cauley – I thought he was amazing! The democrats on the other hand, the rude ones, should be ashamed of themselves. And all those sour faces Nancy Pelosi was making, I hope she’s embarrassed!
  • Scott Gilley, Cantonment — The SOTU was a personal and inspirational series of stories woven with principles and plans of triumph for Americans and the Nation’s of the world.
  • Donna Burkemo, Pace — Loved every word of his speech. He doing what the American voter wanted him to do.
  • Debbie Ballard — Outstanding! Very seldom did you hear “I” it was always “we, us, and the people” also pretty comical watching the liberal democrats pout and Nancy chew her cud!
  • Cucka Stamoulis, Pensacola — Love our president making America first …great job in spite of sour grape democrats lack of reaction
  • Sarah Alfred – Love our president making America first …great job in spite of sour grape democrats lack of reaction.
  • James Virgin — Very inspirational. Much respect to our president. I hope our country goes in the direction he says it will. It will span across our future.
  • Robert Boothe,  Pensacola — What a GREAT speech. I’m proud of how far our President has brought our country in a year. Shame on the disrespectful democrats. They stand for nothing but obstruct.
  • Stephanie Carlisle — I think it was an awesome speech and that everyone should respect him and feel privileged to live in this great country.
  • Sheila Harrison –Great Speech!! He touched on a lot of very important issues, he honored his guests an the things they’ve battled over the past year, and recognized even the smallest of individuals, a young boy who showed compassion for this country by making sure flags were placed in a cemetery filled with veterans, Mr. President, you did an outstanding job..Keep America greater than the day before.
  • Tommy Hagren — I liked that he kept the tone both solemn and still inspirational. He didnt put democrats on the spot to look bad, he didnt put republicans on too high of a pedestal. The president didnt toot his own horn alot and kept to the message he wanted to convey. America is coming back, bigger, stronger, greater than ever and the rest of the world is on notice…Gitmo is open for business.

Pictured top: Northwest Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz takes a selfie with President Donald Trump following Monday’s night’s State of the Union address.


27 Responses to “Locals React To State Of The Union Address”

  1. Lee on February 1st, 2018 1:06 pm

    There hasn’t been time to credit Trump with changes to the economy. It doesn’t work that way. The economy has been on the upturn for years. And while a few employees may have gotten bonuses and, even fewer, raises most have not. The majority of leaders of big corporations have publicly stated that any gains they see will be turned back to their stockholders, not to their employees. Some of us may own a few shares of some stock, but not to the extent we are going to see huge profits; that’s reserved for the big gamblers. As for the extra we may see in our paychecks, that is TEMPORARY and when it expires our taxes are going to increase to more than they already are to pay for the PERMANENT breaks given to businesses. In other words, the working class will be funding the tax cuts in the long run. I’ve already calculated my “yuge” increase and right now it looks like the rise in gas prices have already eaten it up.

  2. willy on February 1st, 2018 11:59 am

    I didn’t watch it to be honest. I couldn’t just like other presidents before him. I detest the way the country has fallen to pieces solely based on partisan politics. The race wars have gotten worse(fifteen years ago nobody gave a crap what color you were) the two parties can’t find ANY common ground to walk on(and a third, logical party is out of the question) Most of todays younger voters expect something to be given to them NOW instead of having to wait for a change. It just doesn’t happen that way. I straddle the fence when it comes to politics and am honestly insulted by how our government is conducting itself right now. We are failing our forefathers in leaps and bounds. Our constitution is being raped and human rights only apply to those who scream the loudest(on any given day…..unless you’re a Caucasian) The rest of the countries are just sitting back, waiting for us to self-destruct and we’re doing a great job of making their dreams come true. And to President Trump, PLEASE stay off of twitter……PLEASE?!

  3. Susan H on February 1st, 2018 11:02 am

    The first year successes or failures are usually a residual effect from the previous President, whether it be Republican or Democrat. I personally have not seen a raise or increased quality of life under either party. I can not afford to get sick and I have health insurance, or what passes for it and I work in healthcare. I just did my income tax return and it was a joke! And I haven’t had a vacation in 5 years! People wake up! Quit idolizing politicians of either party. Both parties are killing this nation, both it’s people and the land!

  4. Robinhood on February 1st, 2018 8:10 am

    History Lesson 101 – After the President CARTER era it took RONALD REAGAN 8 years of REPUBLICAN service and then GEORGE “Old Man” BUSH spent 4 years in the President seat which makes up TWELVE (12) YEARS of Republican service and got the NATION’s budget balanced and back in the BLACK. Then shameful piece of crap called BILLY CLINTON got into the office of the President with a BALANCED BUDGET and MONEY in the bank and the DEMOCRAPS wanted to say Bill did that and was the only president that sat in the office and actually balanced the budget …….. WHAT A CROCK OF CRAP and the Republicans never ever took the credit as the DEMOCRAPS are doing at this time with how the economy is going. They want to say their DUMB ASS leader called OBUMMER is responsible for the economy doing so well WHAT A JOKE and they believe that crap as well. It really goes to show you how DUMB and STUPID DEMOCRAPS really are and LIE as well to push their illegal ideas.

  5. Grand Locust on February 1st, 2018 12:43 am

    As a result of this “gusher” of defense spending—to quote former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates—Pentagon leaders have not been forced to make the hard choices between competing programs as they traditionally have. And the ballooning defense budget played a significant role in turning the budget surplus projected a decade ago into a massive deficit that forces the U.S. government to borrow 43 cents of every dollar it spends. The worse part is many Republicans realize that our massive investment in carrier groups which now are totally vulnerable from any third world country with a tactical nuke on a million dollar ballistic missile , has chilled traditional tough cost cutting Republicans to question how effective our defense of America is. The French Maginot Line is the fear. These massive F-35 investments are putting all our eggs in one basket and the waste is not being reviewed for fear people will ask you to leave your country using traditional fiscal Republican responsibility.

  6. Howling at the moon on January 31st, 2018 8:40 pm

    I smell a wolf in sheep’s clothing claiming to be a locust of grandeur. As for the speech, not bad for his first SOTU. God bless the military men and women, money well spent for the freedoms we enjoy. For those who don’t want to pay the price, there are planes leaving for other countries everyday.

  7. Stephen Gundelfinger on January 31st, 2018 8:39 pm

    @ Toby, the Russia situation is a sham and Stormy Daniels herself said the allegations are not true on Jimmy Kimmel.

  8. Tom on January 31st, 2018 8:37 pm

    I’m indifferent to this speech it felt forced or acted out, a performance. His approval ratings are still very low in the rest of the country compared to Obama and Bush Jr. When I hear this man speak its almost as if he cant articulate what he is trying to convey. I really do wish we could have several political parties or more options like other countries. We’ve become very simple minded and anti intellectualism is a real thing in this country, If Trump had talked of overhauling our failed education system I would have more respect for this man.

  9. Grand Locust on January 31st, 2018 7:30 pm

    As a life long Republican, I am ashamed at how my party has just ballooned the deficit again. As a traditional middle of the road main street Republican I fought for balanced budgets for years with my party in the leadership. The military waste of 17 trillion not accounted for and continued blowing up the budget with military spending is insane. We have never been less threatened in the history of this nation. More people have died from bee stings since after 911 than have died from terrorist in America, yet the very thing my Republican idol Ike warned us about was the military industrial complex. The entire panhandle has become panhandlers depending on big government spending on military. Take a deep breath America, and stay within a budget. There is NO excuse for these type of deficits during peace times. Sorry, my republican party has been taken over by radicals who are destroying this country. What happened to experienced intelligent fiscal conservatives. They have left the building. Donald Trump is a democrat who is busting our budget. One trillion deficit already, and more to come since the tax cut for the wealthy. People just do not understand that the biggest threat to America is debt.

  10. Facetious Bob on January 31st, 2018 5:28 pm

    A veteran newsman, after the speech, while reviewing the phlegmatic response of the Dems, asked the question, “did their dogs die?”

  11. Toby J. on January 31st, 2018 3:23 pm

    He should have spent more time telling the nation what is being done about Russian election interference. I would have liked an explanation of his Stormy Daniels situation.

  12. fred on January 31st, 2018 12:09 pm

    @ A Johnson – I’m intrigued by your comment. Would you mind providing details about the lies you heard, and what evidence you have regarding those lies? Is the Stock Market actually down and the economy stagnant or failing? Have jobs and salaries actually gone down? Have Apple and Chrysler lied to us about moving manufacturing back to the U.S. and we didn’t notice? The only debatable issue that I’ve heard is whether the economy was recovering before Trump took office. It was recovering somewhat slowly, but it has sped up a lot and I know my 401K has gained a huge amount of value that was lost during the “W” and Obama years.

  13. SF on January 31st, 2018 11:33 am

    Good job Mr. President. I hope he gets more help from both sides and we can truly make America Great Again. I think he is putting America first and I applaud him. The liberal media is in meltdown mode over this President so he must be doing something right!

  14. Dudley Herrington on January 31st, 2018 11:02 am

    It Made ME PROUD I Voted For Him !!!!!! This really Shows that “GOD” is still
    in “CONTROL” !!!!!!

  15. Mrs.Beegee on January 31st, 2018 10:22 am

    Absolutely wonderful speech!!!!! We taped it while we were in church…..proud to be an American,under a great president that is for the people,of which he knows he is one and not a puppet,as the rest of the sour grapes that he is surrounded by ….we pray for him and his leadership…..

  16. EP on January 31st, 2018 10:09 am

    it was great, the dems are nuts I mean willing to fight tooth and nail so that illegals and stupid lotery visa programs can stay active I guess so they can come over here and rent trucks at home depot and run over us while we are on jogging paths like they did in New York and the dems are for that, its beyond trying to figure out unless they just are trying to get new voters and don’t care that they want to and do kill us

  17. anne 1of2 on January 31st, 2018 9:37 am

    I thank God every day and night for this president!

  18. A Johnson on January 31st, 2018 9:10 am

    A continuous speech of lies. It was hard to watch. He thinks he is still a TV actor.

  19. William on January 31st, 2018 8:30 am

    >>>Not a single negative comment, what are the odds of that?

    Read again a bit slower. :)

  20. Taree Hugger on January 31st, 2018 8:18 am

    Not a single negative comment, what are the odds of that?

  21. Jcellops on January 31st, 2018 8:01 am

    I thought that it was an excellent SOTU address. If I had more time, I would elaborate, however, my closing thought is reflected by a bumper sticker I once saw. “If you can’t run with the big dogs- stay on the porch.” Stop being an obstacle and allow our great country to move forward, like it IS doing, for the benefit of everyone.

  22. Frankie Lewis on January 31st, 2018 7:27 am

    I think it was an awsome speach.and he is a great president.

  23. tg on January 31st, 2018 6:56 am

    Was Nancy Pelosi Sucking her Gums I couldn’t figure that out. She kept looking back to see if any Dems were standing or clapping .

  24. Gary on January 31st, 2018 6:49 am

    I think the democrats at the SOTU are rude. They are so jealous of Trump they can’t stand it. Happy that Maxine Waters was not there.

  25. randy on January 31st, 2018 6:46 am


  26. ShakeYour Foundations on January 31st, 2018 6:19 am

    Thank God for President Trump! Great speech!

  27. A. Alex on January 31st, 2018 5:50 am

    Really, for you NONBELIEVERS, he has taken us out of being a stagnent nation and put our economy back on a running forward motion. And yes you nonbelievers your taxes are allot less and business is raising to high levels. No,Obama had NOTHING to do with this and N.Korea is not the threat it was under B.O.