Local Unemployment Rate Falls Slightly

January 21, 2018

The latest job numbers released Friday  show the employment rate falling slightly in Escambia County.

Escambia County’s seasonably adjusted unemployment rate fell to 3.6 percent in December, down slightly from 3.9 percent in November.  There were 5,117 people reported unemployed  during the period. One year ago, unemployment in Escambia County was 4.8 percent.

Florida’s unemployment rate ticked up slightly from November to December, as the estimated number of people out of work grew by 5,000 from the state’s workforce of 10.1 million.

The change pushed the jobless rate from 3.6 percent in November to 3.7 percent in December, representing 374,000 Floridians out of work as the year ended, according to numbers posted Friday by the Department of Economic Opportunity. The numbers also indicate 118,000 fewer people were classified as unemployed in December compared to the end of 2016. Fields that experienced the top growth over the past year include the service industry, office jobs and construction.

The jobless numbers released by the state do not include persons that have given up on finding a job and are no longer reported as unemployed.

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.


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