Little Free Library Now Available In Cantonment

January 11, 2018

Saint Monica’s Episcopal Church is now hosting a Little Free Library in Cantonment. The library is contained in an old newspaper stand that is painted bright red directly in front of the church at 699 S. Highway 95A, next to and facing the highway.

Anyone from the community may borrow a book or keep a book or add a book to the library. Anyone taking a book or two from library does not need to return that exact book. The library is currently supplied with mostly children’s books, but donations of more books for adults would be greatly appreciated. The library is never locked, so people can access it at any time.

“The purpose of the Little Free Library is to inspire a love of reading, build community, and spark creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges. Through Little Free Libraries, millions of books are exchanged each year around the world, profoundly increasing access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds,” said Viven Welch of Saint Monica’s.

The Little Free Library has its own Facebook page  — — with planned updates on the latest available books.


2 Responses to “Little Free Library Now Available In Cantonment”

  1. tg on January 11th, 2018 3:10 pm

    Fill it with kidsbooks they will love it.

  2. Whisperjet on January 11th, 2018 9:41 am

    ..great idea..I will add to the collection soon..