From Dollars To Dinosaurs: Byrne Learns About Atmore Pre-K Program

January 26, 2018

Thursday morning, Rep. Bradley Byrne of Alabama visited with educators and preschoolers at Rachel Patterson Elementary School in Atmore to learn more about how the voluntary Pre-K program is benefiting from a federal Preschool Development Grant.

Byrne heard from educators about the successes of the Pre-K program at Rachel Patterson and talked about the dollars and cents that makes the program work. He also visited two Pre-K classrooms where he joined four and five-year olds on the floor playing with dinosaurs and blocks, and he read the Dr. Seuss classic “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” to students.

Current funding allows about one-fourth of four-year olds in Escambia County to participate in Alabama’s Pre-K program, slightly less than the state average. There are seven Pre-K classrooms at public schools in Escambia County.

“The biggest takeaway from today’s visit is that the rest of the nation has a lot to learn from Alabama’s successful Pre-K programs,” Byrne said. “”I appreciated the opportunity to visit with the students, teachers, administrations, and community leaders who help make the program such a success. As a member of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, I will be sure to take my experiences from today back to Washington as we work to improve Pre-K programs around the country.”

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