Congressman Cancels ‘Open Gaetz Day’ Due To Government Shutdown

January 22, 2018

Due to the government shutdown affecting federal agencies and employees, Congressman Matt Gaetz has postponed planned “Open Gaetz Day” events scheduled for Monday, January 22 Escambia County.

Appointments previously scheduled for Mobile Office Hours at PenAir on Nine Mille will go on as scheduled with members of Gaetz’s staff in attendance from 10:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.

“While I’d rather be in Pensacola for the scheduled town hall meeting and other planned Open Gaetz Day events, I’ll be at work in Washington to help make sure our government gets back to business and continues funding our military.  We will reschedule our town hall meeting soon,” Gaetz said.

For more information or to contact Gaetz’s office about a pressing issue, call (850) 479-1183.


13 Responses to “Congressman Cancels ‘Open Gaetz Day’ Due To Government Shutdown”

  1. Carolyn Bramblett on January 22nd, 2018 9:25 pm

    So much going on in one day. I will be glad to meet him and am glad it’s been rescheduled.

  2. Micah on January 22nd, 2018 6:32 pm

    I appreciate that Mr. Gaetz has been working hard to bring awareness of the ramifications of the FISA abuse memo and the fact that it needs to be released.

    As far as accusations of sycophancy goes, one man’s public servant is another man’s career politician; and either can be patriots.

  3. Mr. Metoo on January 22nd, 2018 6:04 pm

    Washington is now the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Pete represents the Panhandle. All I wanna do is make my Daddy proud.

  4. James on January 22nd, 2018 1:51 pm

    Though I support Trump, I’m not impressed at all by Gaetz. He is young and it’s easy to see his only ambition is to become a career politician by saying whatever is popular. Right now he is hanging tight to Trump’s coattails. Gaetz using the shutdown as an excuse to cancel his appearance is just that, an excuse. He House has already passed the legislation. The shutdown is out of his hands. He’s not working hard on this shutdown; he’s working hard to say what he thinks people want to hear so he’ll get the votes come next ballot.

  5. Lee on January 22nd, 2018 1:50 pm

    His bills do not reflect what is best for us. And I’d still like to know how that DUI disappeared.

  6. Grand Locust on January 22nd, 2018 1:42 pm

    Yep, the meeting was canceled because of the government shutdown……I have some swampland to sell you. People are angry and tired of extreme politics. What happen to common sense middle of the road people with experience who know how to govern. You can bet the farm that angry people were going to show up and voice their disapproval about how Washington has denigrated to extreme politics on both sides.

  7. No Excuses on January 22nd, 2018 12:50 pm

    @retired: Your comment is short sighted. The government does work within a budget. The reason for the shutdown is that a budget has not been agreed upon by the Dems or the Republicans because the “Government shutdown” is used as a levying tool to get the other side to cave in to the demands of the other.

    I agree about the military being paid. However, certain federal employees are “excepted” because of the work they do. Would you like for us to empty our prisons out because no staff were there to mind the inmates? Think about it. Certain jobs are essential, and are paid from a special fund in circumstances like these. Still, even though we work, we won’t be paid until this mess is settled, which it will be soon hopefully.

  8. retired on January 22nd, 2018 7:02 am


    The only one the government should be paying is the military! congress and senate should be paid by their states, that way they CAN NOT vote themselves a raise. need to cut all foreign aid in half at leased. stop federal income tax and go to a flat federal sales tax, that way everyone pays their fair share!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Paul on January 21st, 2018 7:31 pm

    Really like this guy. Keep up the great work

  10. Mr. Metoo on January 21st, 2018 4:10 pm

    Same story…Go to Washington D.C. Make some noise, write a book,and get paid….

  11. Tom on January 21st, 2018 12:09 pm

    If you look at some of the bills this guy likes to support and the ones he brings to the floor, It then becomes clear he does not have me or your interest at heart. He is not a very bright congressman, I say that only because I have heard him speak on occasion and its Trump 2.0.

  12. Lou on January 21st, 2018 6:57 am

    Wow! Matt makes himself available more than anyone I can remember. Best vote I ever cast! Man of his word, honorable and a worker for us common working folks.

  13. Ponderosa hill on January 21st, 2018 5:49 am

    Looks like we’ve got us a good-un ( so far ). This guy will hammer the
    Elite Democrats or Republicans when needed. He’s young but seems
    very knowledgeable of the issues we’re facing . I didn’t vote for him due
    to his youth and maybe coatailing on his Fathers political name recognition .
    He’ll “tell-it-like-it-is” regardless of consequences and that’s a very
    welcome change from so many of the ( Me Too’s ) whether they’re Democrats
    or Republicans . If He keeps doin what he’s been doin then I’ll sure vote for
    Him next time.