BOCC Approves Tax Breaks For Company Looking To Relocate 35 Jobs To Cantonment

January 5, 2018

The Escambia County Commission Thursday night voted to approve a tax break and incentive package for a small manufacturing company looking to relocate 35 jobs to the Central Commerce Park off Highway 29 in Cantonment.

The name of company and their product has not yet been revealed as economic development negotiations continue….they are currently known publicly only as “Project Fisher”.

“They are manufacturers; they manufacture a product…that is very unique and it’s a very niche market. And they are developing a second product,” Commission Chairman Jeff Bergosh said. “There’s growth potential in the second product for which here has been a patent applied for and granted.  And it fits within the Florida type lifestyle.”

The commission approved an Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption (EDATE) of 69.23 percent on real estate taxes per year for 10 years, and a total incentive of $105,000 based upon 35 jobs at $3,000 each. The incentive will be redeemed at $10,500 per year for 10 years. The company will be audited annual for a decade to ensure they are providing the promised jobs.

While it is known that the company will relocate some executives to Escambia County, the county commission is requesting that they have a local hiring preference for the remaining positions.

If the company accepts the EDATE and incentives, they will go back before the commission for final tax break and incentive approvals, at which time the company’s name and product will be revealed.

“They are good fit for Escambia County and District 5,” Commissioner Steven Barry said following the commission meeting. “These are real jobs on property that has been empty for years in the commerce park.” He said Project Fisher, presented to the commission by the FloridaWest Economic Development Alliance, has been property vetted.

The company has been in operation elsewhere in the country for 50 years. Their new location in Cantonment will serve as their primary corporate and manufacturing location to produce the company’s specialized products. The business has committed to 35 jobs with an average annual wage of $50,000. They are expected to invest about $7 million for their new 70,000 square foot facility in the Central Commerce Park.

Commissioner Douglas Underhill voted against both the incentive and EDATE.

“I have no idea who this company is, or what they are actually willing to bring to the table,” Underhill said. “It says they are going to build a $7 million facility. OK, but when they build their $7 million facility, they will then have a $7 million asset. To use that term that they are investing that money in Escambia isn’t entirely accurate.”

“I don’t think we are giving a whole lot if we get a manufacturing type firm that comes in here, takes root, they do what they say they are going to do — they generate jobs. It’s all about jobs. Manufacturing jobs, that’s a targeted sector we are trying to grow in this area….We need a manufacturing sector,” Bergosh said.

Pictured: The Escambia County Commission Thursday night. Photos for, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “BOCC Approves Tax Breaks For Company Looking To Relocate 35 Jobs To Cantonment”

  1. Sage2 on January 6th, 2018 8:20 pm

    Not to have the last word, but work is work and the residual benefits float all boats including your salary. Just stop drinking the water or comparing folk’s ideas with Pelosi.

  2. Anne on January 6th, 2018 2:53 pm

    @ Retired LEO
    ABSOLUTELY Agree with you on Mr. Underhills request for a basically Go-Fund ME account for his Personal legal fees.
    PLUS the lawsuit against Mr. Underhill is for actions BEFORE he was elected to the Board.
    How dare he even suggest such personal consideration.
    For him to say “fairness and logic” is laughable.

  3. Joan on January 6th, 2018 12:12 pm

    I thought the per job financial incentive was $3000 – Commissioner Underhill, can’t tell if you’re being intentionally misleading (as this is clearly something you oppose) or if you’re simply ill informed – genuinely inquiring.

  4. Dudley Herrington on January 6th, 2018 10:13 am

    I hope that ALL you negative People will get behind a GOOD MOVE to create JOBS !!!
    Commissioner Barry is Good Man, an if You will GET Behind Him with a little
    SUPPORT , You just might find that a Positive Attitude will make You a Better
    Person !!!
    We elect each Commissioner to Represent our District, so Let them make a
    Combined Decision. I believe they have more Knowledge about what’s going
    than we do.

  5. A on January 5th, 2018 10:23 pm

    I never in my lifetime thought I would see a Board of County Commissioners conducting business this way with all the secrets and riddles. Why can’t you say who it is and what they make? Only one reason. No sir, this smells very fishy. Is Underhill the only adult in the group?

  6. Retired LEO on January 5th, 2018 10:06 pm

    Doug Underhill, you sure didn’t mind asking the taxpayers to foot the bill for your legal problems did you? Hopefully we will see a new commissioner in Perdido next election.

  7. Doug Underhill on January 5th, 2018 4:24 pm

    @Sage2, what is in the water is fairness and logic. It is not fair to tell everyone else you gotta pay 100% of your taxes but these people only pay 30% of theirs. It is not fair to give them $5k per job when other Escambia businesses get none. And as for logic, it is illogical to say yes to something I am not allowed to read. Unless you like the Nancy Pelosi “pass it so we can see what is in it” method. Until I am provided a staffing plan to prove me wrong, we are spending your tax dollars to bring a bunch of near-minimum wage jobs to your neighborhood.
    Commissioner Doug Underhill

  8. Secret Service on January 5th, 2018 12:06 pm

    Why does Escambia County have to do everything like it is some sort of covert spy mission? Why can’t they just say, “Hey so and so wants to build whatever here and we think it is great!”?

  9. Sage2 on January 5th, 2018 9:34 am

    Is there something in the water in District 2 that causes the commissioners representing that area to behave and vote as they do? Just asking….

  10. bar on January 5th, 2018 9:27 am

    well thats good but that commerence park is empty.should have more industries like mobile,al does.quit worrying about the beach so much and get some good paying jobs in here for the people that need it and more than mim.wage.we need it.alot of people in this area lives way below average. rent here is terrible and low wages dont help.

  11. Patriot on January 5th, 2018 8:37 am

    Commissioner Barry, I am deeply disappointed in the job you’ve done as my commissioner thus far. Just blindly throwing money at something and hoping it turns out is NOT a strategy that I want my representative to use. It should go without saying that you will not be getting my vote, should you choose to run again.

  12. Cottage Hill Retired on January 5th, 2018 7:06 am

    1. A temp hire agency’s may help with the hiring process but, that’s all they can do, the employee must be paid by the company not the temp agency (the employee must be on the employers books as a company employee).

    2. At least 80% of the employees must be full time and receive all company benefits.

    3. At least 60-75% blue collar workers must be hired from local residents, if the majority of the jobs are desk jobs the same applies.

    4. Annually verification by the County Commissioners while receiving tax relief.