Details Revealed In Escambia Fire Harassment Case

January 30, 2018

An Escambia County investigation into Escambia Fire Rescue has led to the county fire chief being relieved of his duties, the dismissal of a firefighter and a reprimand for a lieutenant.

Chief Patrick Grace was relieved of his duties as of Monday, and his last official day on the county payroll will be April 29. Fire Lieutenant Joseph Martin received a letter of reprimand, and firefighter Christopher Watson was dismissed.

Based upon a complaint by a female career firefighter, multifaceted investigation was launched by county leadership that has spanned the last several months. The allegations brought forth were broad in scope.

“While Chief Grace was not the focus of the investigation, it was concluded that a change in leadership, department direction and culture is needed. A national search for a replacement will be conducted to fill the position. Deputy Chief Paul Williams has been designated as interim chief.” the county said in a prepared statement.

Escambia Fire Rescue is a combination fire service with both paid career firefighters and volunteers. All of the sexual harassment allegations reportedly involve career firefighters, not volunteers.

The female firefighter was a certified “Firefighter II” which requires a minimum of 360 hours of training, is a certified Fire EMT, is a registered nurse and worked in the Auburn Fire Division for four years. She also hold a degree from Auburn University. has obtained a detailed personal journal kept by the female firefighter in which she detailed a culture of verbal, physical and sexual harassment within the fire department. The journal was a part of the county’s investigation. Readers should be warned that the personal journal contains numerous sexual references and terms, racial slurs and other details that may be disturbing. Additionally, it should be noted that the document is a personal journal and the allegations it contains have not necessarily been substantiated. Click here to read the journal (pdf).

She also told an internal affairs investigator that she reported several incidents that “were a little over the line” to her lieutenant.

“It started before I even was hired with Escambia County. I noticed it seemed the firefighters had not been around a female firefighter in the career aspect before. Um, so I noticed that there were things that were a little over the line,” she said.

“I was reporting the different incidents to my lieutenant, and letting other people know what was going on. Things were not being handled. I eventually got it to my battalion chief- I would just be moved to other stations, she said.

“I didn’t want to handle it anymore, I decided I just was gonna go to the Fire Chief That’s when the Fire Chief decided not to meet with me, and he decided to meet with my (redacted name) intead That’s when they got the information that was in this journal. They said that they were going to take it seriously, and things were going to change. Um, my new battalion chief kept coming out and checking on me almost every other shift, and then a complaint was made against me saying I was exposing myself to the other guys, and an investigation was going to be made. At that time, I knew that was bogus, and I then decided to take it further and made an appointment with the County Administrator to let them know what was going on, and they put me on administrative leave and started the investigation.”

She said Watson started a “big rumor” that she was having sexual relations with a married doctor at a local hospital and was fired. She said Watson told her that females should not work as firefighters and should not serve in the military.

The female firefighter wrote that during a training exercise, Watson grabbed another male firefighter, stared at her, and said “You want to play the Rape Game?”

During an off-duty fight at the Tin Cow restaurant in Pace, Watson allegedly broke the jaw of fellow firefighter Lt. Joseph Martin. Martin was off work for six weeks recovering.

The county alleged that Watson violated a county policy that says “Gross misconduct which reflects very unfavorably upon the image and ethics of the County as an employer, whether on or off duty.”

The investigator found that Watson was guilty of verbal harassment for inappropriatep remarks, physical harassment for unwanted touching, and sexual harassment for the “Rape Game” incident.

Watson responded to the allegations in an letter to the county administrator.

“I have never knowingly created an atmosphere in which to discriminate against anyone based on their gender or sex…There have been times that I have expressed an opinion that no person: male or female, be allowed to perform this job if they are not physically capable of performing at the highest tier.”

As for the “Rape Game” comment, he admitted making the remark, but said, “This comment in no way shape or form was intended to intimidate or harass any individual, nor do I believe it represents my beliefs or character.”

The county’s investigation is continuing.


42 Responses to “Details Revealed In Escambia Fire Harassment Case”

  1. A on February 2nd, 2018 7:01 pm

    Some women know how to game the system in their favor and become very good at it. Before you hang all the men that this person points to, you might want to take a look at that possibility.

  2. Tom Vroman on February 1st, 2018 10:48 pm

    Having been involved in the career fire service for some 53 years, much of which has been at the executive and command level, I have personally known Chief Grace for approximately 55 years. You can not ask for a more knowledgeable, dedicated and compassionate individual as Chief Grace. Your replacement search will go on for a long time to give find anyone who even comes close to him, but that’s your loss!

  3. B on January 31st, 2018 11:29 pm

    Kudos to our County government for its efforts to ouster antiquated work environments along with those toxic supervisors who are lost in the past. Appropriate action was taken after due process. Is this a loose thread to deeper issues? Is This County Government harboring Toxic issues in relating to its employee relations that center around nepotism, hostile work environments, that have yet not gained public scrutiny? It appears that the victim kept good notes and presented a solid case that… had to be acted upon. Usually when theres such a strong case demanding action such as terminating high level supervisors there is a problem that is much more systemic in the organization. This is usually not condoned but rather treated as a “panic management” issue until something happens. The board should look closely at their own 4th floor, accountability always seems to stop just below there???
    Why is D2 getting PR on this? Why aren’t we seeing the Administrator or the Chair address this on video media outlets? Whose up for re election ?

  4. Randal Gillette on January 31st, 2018 9:23 pm

    Mr Waas…..
    Good answer sir , thank you !

  5. John Waas on January 31st, 2018 6:12 pm

    Randal Gillette, no rollers and not superwoman. She was well trained to use various methods in moving downed firefighters, In this case she rolled me to my right side and used the bottle on the SCBA to help slide my bulk while using a web strap. Again it not all about physical “power”, but the ability to use methods and tools we taught firefighters to “work smarter, not harder”.

  6. Granny on January 31st, 2018 5:34 pm

    Before my retirement over 10 years ago, I worked for the federal government for over 30 years, first in computer programming and then telecommunications, fields where women were overwhelmingly outnumbered by men. I must have been in the most unique environment around, because I was always treated like a lady, was never harassed, belittled, or treated in any way other than with respect. During the last few years of my career, I supervised nearly 50 employees, and the only complaint I ever received was from one of the men – a female employee was telling ‘inappropriate’ jokes! I know that was a very unusual environment – but just want you to know that a FEW places like this do exist – there are still some good people out there, both women and men. So unfortunate that not all workplaces can be that peaceful and pleasant.

  7. David on January 31st, 2018 1:46 pm

    Glad to see the county remove Chief Grace from his job, We tried to talk to Chief Grace about somethings going on with a Fire Department and he acted like it was nothing to him and we where bothering him.

  8. Just Wow on January 31st, 2018 12:30 pm

    It’s amazing reading the comments from the men and women that aren’t ashamed of the prevalent rape culture we have in this country. This attitude doesn’t help anyone. It doesn’t matter who you work with you owe it to yourself and your employer to be professional.

    I’m a woman. A veteran. I’ve worked jobs in construction and jobs in offices. Right is right and wrong is wrong. No one should be harassed. No one’s complaint should be pushed to the side or explained away. The fire chief was wrong for not taking this seriously and deserves to lose his job.

    Imagine if this was a situation with kids at school. Change the offense to bullying. Do you allow little boys to continue harassing little girls? Boys will be boys right? Should the sexes be separated from all activities? Get real.

  9. Randal Gillette on January 31st, 2018 12:04 pm

    Mr Waas,
    Please forgive me and I hate to armchair anything but regarding your comment …..
    You stated you were 300 pounds she weighs 100 pounds…… both of you wore bunker gear which is at a minimum of 60 to 70 pounds per person and you tell me she drug you hundred feet ? That’s at least 420 pounds . Either she’s (:superwoman or She had you on rollers .

  10. GiGi on January 31st, 2018 9:48 am

    The journal shows ECFR lacked the will to self-correct when faced with substantial internal problems she identified. She continually faced the same problems because there were defenders of ECFR’s hostile workplace.

    Although her plight is labeled as sexual harassment. She also reports sexism, racism, workplace safety hazards, routine failure to follow EMT training requirements, retaliation, and favoritism for the good ole boys. She is identifying what is called a toxic and hostile workplace environment.

    ECFR’s problems is not limited to just the internal workplace, her report of firefighter’s disdain towards citizens they encounter while in crisis is heart breaking.

    This journal reports a public safety crisis which impacts every person living within Escambia County. Firing Chief Grace, FF Watson, and LT Martin and a few classes on sexual harassment WILL NOT solve the public safety threat her journal identifies.

  11. ? on January 31st, 2018 9:37 am

    It would be interesting if the entire conversations were posted in the “Complaint Book”. However she chose to only write down the parts of the conversations that would ” BENEFIT HER”, how convenient. The real story will never be released because others don’t find the need to record every detail of every shift at a job that most work 30yrs.

  12. Know the facts on January 31st, 2018 9:07 am

    C, I would suggest you know facts before you post. This firefighter is not a victim.

  13. Johnny Freedom on January 31st, 2018 8:58 am

    @area resident

    “Furthermore, some of these gals crying foul should take a good look in the mirror before leaving the house to make sure they are dressed appropriately and not causing some of their own grief.”

    This is called victim shaming and has been used for years by men accused of sexual misconduct, assault, and rape.

    What you choose to wear is not an invitation for assault. Period.

  14. David Huie Green on January 31st, 2018 7:48 am

    “I’d be tickled to death to have the 40’s back”

    Some parts. Not being killed by Nazis or lynched or dying of diseases we have all but forgotten or working for less than a dollar a day if you can find work.

    But other than that…

    David for better living with electricity and indoor plumbing

  15. Momof3 on January 31st, 2018 6:26 am

    If this is who is responding when I call 911, I’ll take my chances and call someone else! Believe me the good ole boys club is still alive in the workplace around here. I just hope things Change before my girls enter the workforce. I’d be in jail if this were my daughter. Really sad that we can’t act right.

  16. Don Neese on January 30th, 2018 11:03 pm

    “Open your eyes people! We don’t live in the 1940s any longer. ”

    I’d be tickled to death to have the 40’s back.

  17. Bob on January 30th, 2018 11:02 pm

    Before commenting I suggest reading through the whole journal. I worked for this county’s public safety department for several years and am familiar with many of the named leadership. Like this lady, my service was a career, not a job, nor a joke. Sadly, I can attest to much of the mindset behind the behavior detailed. It is apparent that when lacking the knowledge and skill this firefighter has or was attempting to attain, those threatened resorted to their areas of strength as a rebuttal, bullying and immature behavior. The acts detailed are no less than conduct unbecoming of a public servant. Sadly I witnessed as buddy’s were “pencilled whiped” while others “encouraged” to move aside. The cultural mindset of the department is nowhere near the level our citizens deserve. The problem starts at the top, namely Chief Weaver who has tolerated the behavior of many senior level positions. Unfortunatly, the department has run off or quieted professional minded individuals while advancing those who will play ball and who are frankly, way over there heads when it comes to senior level or operational management. Whether a lack of training, or otherwise, it is obvious that even the well intentioned officers where not adequatly prepared to address these issues, a condition that lies on the lap of Chief Grace.

    To this firefighter who was forced to endure so much, I apologize as a citizen of this county and ask others to join in demaning change from the county administrator and commission. You, as do all, deserve to work in a safe, clean environment.

  18. Tabby on January 30th, 2018 10:09 pm

    Not going to argue back and forth with anyone here. Everyone has an opinion but to look around at how the world is now and not acknowledge it’s darn foolish is, well, darn foolish. Just what does this girl seek to gain here ? I hope she doesn’t think she’s gonna keep working. If so, better watch your back. Although just by the firing of the Chief, the county is acknowledging wrong doing so here comes the big fat settlement with the “but I just wanted things to be equal” statement. Ha

  19. Jim Snyder on January 30th, 2018 10:02 pm

    I have know Chief Grace for over 45 years, I am also a retired Fire Lt., with 45 years of Fire service. I have worked with female firefighters for many years. When you are approached with a problem, the first thing you have to do is gather ALL the information not just one sided. I believe if given the proper time to gather the ALL the information, Chief Patrick Grace would have handled this problem……………….
    You Have LOST a great Chief, He loved the Fire Service, SHAME ON YOU, You don’t know what you have LOST………………………………………………….

  20. Floridagirl on January 30th, 2018 9:24 pm

    I read the entire journal. This kind of behavior is way too common in jobs where mostly men work. Women who want to work in the field as a firefighter or construction worker, etc usually just adapt and deal with it for fear of being treated just like this woman. This happened to me. I couldn’t tell anyone because then no one would want me in their crew. I believe every word she said. I also believe that the people she is accusing thinks she is making a big deal out of nothing. The guys I worked with that were inappropriate did not care about morals. They had none. I was there to make money. My job is my life. It’s not a joke! People would say inappropriate things and then try to justify it by saying they can only act that way at work, because their wives don’t like the bad language and the dirty jokes. It’s their Outlet according to them. I would just smile and nod, just like this lady said she did. I spent years in jobs like this letting guys say whatever they wanted for fear of being shunned. But they never laid hands on me. That would’ve been a different story. I hope whoever you are, you stay strong, and don’t let anyone get to you.

  21. John Waas on January 30th, 2018 8:44 pm

    ES, I am not sure who you talked too to get that impression but as a very experienced firefighter (no longer serving) I worked with multiple women throughout my 14 years in the fire service. Yes, there were few (VERY FEW) isolated incidents with female members that were unable to perform at the physical levels needed to be effective on the fire ground. Naturally, since we were a busy department they did not stay long. However, this happened with several male recruits as well.

    That being said, I have seen female firefighters run male firefighters into the ground on multiple occasions. I could list off over 20 women that I would personally have back me up at any fire or incident that could be thrown at us. Physical ability is a part of it, but not the only part. At 6ft 300+ pounds I had a 4ft 8in woman that was 100 pounds drag me in full gear and SCBA over 100 feet while she herself was fully bunked out during a drill.

    Get with the program people, otherwise I suggest you take your argument directly to the women who have been there and get their opinions personally.

  22. Former Vollie and Career ECFR on January 30th, 2018 8:05 pm

    wow, the comments on here condoning the separation of the sexes concerning workplace are laughable and hilarious. I have seen instances where women were given and extra chance or 2 because they couldn’t do the PAT the first time, however, I have also seen the good old boys club alive and well in this county. if any LT or Chief allowed this to happen, yep fired at once. I know all the people this article has named beside the woman firefighter. when I was there, the GOBC was going strong, most of the men(I use the tem loosely), I have worked with and have seen them not pull their weight due to being out of shape or over weight as well. if she wen to the whip, the LT or any other firefighter this should shave been handled immediately and with swift justice. for you women condoning this behavior by saying a woman cant do the job, I have to disagree both in the fore service and in the military. and for those of you who knew this was going on, shame on you….you are pathetic.

  23. Former FF on January 30th, 2018 7:22 pm

    I am appalled that this type of behavior is still apparently prevalent in any organization, much less a county government. If what I’ve read in the journal written by the complainant is even half true, then Some other employees in ECFR, including some Battalion Chiefs and Company Lieutenants, need to face disciplinary action. I applaud the complainant, and wish her well.

  24. Sandman on January 30th, 2018 7:07 pm

    I knew Chief Grace and he was a really kind man. It saddens me that he is gone. If he is at fault I am totally shocked.

  25. area resident on January 30th, 2018 6:49 pm

    Full disclosure–I am a woman. In general, if a woman wants to do a man’s job in a man’s line of work, then she needs to have the fortitude to shrug off the snide remarks, etc. Jobs should be merit-based, not guaranteed because of gender or ethnicity. Furthermore, some of these gals crying foul should take a good look in the mirror before leaving the house to make sure they are dressed appropriately and not causing some of their own grief. Like I tell my grandkids, “keep your nose clean.”

  26. Doug on January 30th, 2018 5:45 pm

    First, I wish to express sorrow for any person who has undergone harassment and abuse. There is no circumstance that warrants such actions against another. While I have no knowledge of any of the complaints mentioned in the news stories, I do, however, know Lt. Grace and his family and can attest to his outstanding character and to that of every one of his family. Lt. Grace has ALWAYS demonstrated the utmost kindness and respect for people no matter their race, creed, sex, religion, political view, or any other characteristic. Never in the time that I have known Pat has he said, acted, or even implied any type of disregard or disrespect for another human being. Citizens need to remember and be aware that the news articles are clear: Lt. Grace was NOT the focus of any of the complaints that were levied against the department. It is indeed unfortunate that someone who so selflessly served his community in such an admirable manner ends up being one of the parties who is punished in this situation. I have to conjecture whether this decision by Escambia County was based upon an honest desire to change leadership or is instead a political maneuver orchestrated in an attempt to avoid further scrutiny by appearing to take a hard line whenever there is any mention of “sexual harassment.” I believe that we citizens owe Lt. Grace our support and gratitude for his work over the years in keeping his community safe. My prayers are with all who have been affected here.

  27. Sarah on January 30th, 2018 4:49 pm

    I was a paid firefighter in South Carolina in 2000. I was 21 years old and second female firefighter ever to work for Greenville. I was stuck at one station rarely got many calls it was slow and didn’t get my the experience other rookies got because they didn’t have accommodations bathroom stalls, partitions in bunk area sucked but if I wanted to work there that was my option. Rookies worked in the, “squad” who went to every call. I thought it was ridiculous but those were the times in that career and city

  28. C on January 30th, 2018 2:12 pm

    I’m mom to this firefighter everyone is talking about and I can assure you that she’s an amazing person. She was raised well and only wanted to do her job. You have no idea what she’s been through. You don’t know the whole story and I’m sorry you will judge her anyway.

  29. Lisa on January 30th, 2018 1:53 pm

    I had a Vol Chief tell me there was no way in hell a woman was going to drive his fire trucks. Should have sued him

  30. ES on January 30th, 2018 1:14 pm

    People who disagree with Sam have probably been in a situation that would land them in the newspaper. As a woman I’m happy to say that women don’t belong in fire service. I don’t know a single man that if asked to be backed up in a fire by either a man or a woman, would choose the woman. If men don’t feel comfortable with a woman having their back in a fire, what’s their point in the station? oh yeah, political correctness and equal opportunity. This would be all well if the standards for women were the same as they are for men, but they are not. meanwhile the fire wife’s are home with the children hoping that their husband isn’t having to rely on a female to have his back in a fire, or worse try to pin a harassment case in them….. especially one who has proven unable to perform her duties in the past…. all it takes is for one female to take something the wrong way (after jeering around with the boys before) to ruin someone’s life and career.

  31. AT on January 30th, 2018 12:59 pm

    Really?!? In any profession there are men AND women that do and say things that constitute sexual harassment. But, do not generalize it to say men and women should not work “in close contact constantly”. I worked 24 years as a female paramedic, with male and female co-workers, sometimes for 24+ hour shifts, and some is my best co-workers were the opposite sex. Just because a small number of idiots make inappropriate comments or actions DOES NOT mean the majority do. Sexual harassment has become such a problem because society accepts and, often times, promotes and encourages it. There is something to be said about “Old fashion values”.×

  32. Really! on January 30th, 2018 12:54 pm

    Really!! How can you sit here and say that men and women should not be able to work together. I was in the fire service for many years and NEVER had an issue with any kind of harassment or someone saying that we (Women) don’t belong. I, as well as any other woman, that was in the department with us was well respected because we done our job! There is no reason that a woman can not work right along beside a man or heck even hold a higher position than the men. Open your eyes people! We don’t live in the 1940s any longer. Women have and will continue to get the respect we deserve by doing our jobs.
    I certainly hope that this “woman” that is calling for this charge is being honest with herself as well as everyone else. NO, I am not condoning harassment if it be true, just really hope it’s not someone scorned.

  33. Janice on January 30th, 2018 12:53 pm

    I am a female and have worked in jobs primarily working with men my whole life. I have also worked as a volunteer at our fire station since I was a teen. I have never had a problem. Of course there is going to be jokes and fun. If you handle yourself like a lady then there will not be a problem. If you can’t handle it the heat then stay out of the kitchen.

  34. RTR on January 30th, 2018 12:04 pm


  35. paul on January 30th, 2018 11:58 am

    I disagree with Sam.. I never had a problem with women working with me on offshore tugs.. It was kinda nice having them there..

  36. Nod on January 30th, 2018 11:32 am

    I would still like to know exactly what sexual One day what you do is ok the next day it changes. What is going on? I agree with Sam, do not mix men and women on the job. When i was in the navy, if a woman walked into the room i left. You did not know what might happen. I wonder if that too was sexual harassment.

  37. Donna Bell on January 30th, 2018 10:57 am

    Amen, Sam. Amen. The end of common sense has come and gone, long ago. I know that’s not a politically correct statement and we may be sued for making it now, but it is very true. There is a difference in men and women, always has been always will be. The two do not mix in close contact, not without problems.

  38. anne 1of2 on January 30th, 2018 10:40 am

    If all of us wrote what happened while on the job, would be printing a newspaper that weighed 50lbs this morning. Sam is so right, it happens on every job.

  39. fisherman on January 30th, 2018 10:26 am

    I was a supervisor for many years in an office with over 50 women working. I never at anytime made any inappropriate advances nor comments to any one of them. If an woman or man complained about inappropriate behavior with them actions were taken immediately to correct the behavior. Your statement is untrue!!!!!!

  40. JL on January 30th, 2018 9:50 am

    These men are your husbands, your sons, your brothers. They are daddy’s with precious little girls. They are men of such great character that they risk their lives to protect yours. Do you really think that many men at multiple fire stations are that poor in character and behavior?

  41. KK on January 30th, 2018 6:35 am

    A female firefighter filed several sexual harassment complaints against coworkers at different fire stations? Is that the culture or poor leadership?

  42. Sam on January 30th, 2018 5:34 am

    You cannot mix men and women in jobs where they are in close contact consrantly. Be it in the military, building a house, in walmart, or digging ditches. The proof is in the news constantly.