Hunter Killed In Accidental Shooting Identified As Alabama Man

January 24, 2018

A hunter died in an apparent accident in Escambia County (AL) Tuesday morning.

Darren Smith, age 45 of Daphne. was discovered deceased at a hunting club from an obvious gunshot wound in the Huxford community, near  Prestwood Bridge Road, according to Escambia County (AL) Chief Deputy Mike Lambert.

Lambert said authorities believe Smith was accidentally shot by another hunter. Foul play is not suspected.

An investigation is underway by the Escambia County Alabama Sheriff’s Office and Alabama Game & Fish.


20 Responses to “Hunter Killed In Accidental Shooting Identified As Alabama Man”

  1. Terri Sanders on January 26th, 2018 7:16 pm

    is this the Darrin Smith who used to live in McDavid?

  2. Terri Sanders on January 26th, 2018 7:10 pm

    Hunting season…a legal time to commit murder and get away with it…I am NOT saying that is the case here..but in times past people have been shot and killed by another hunter who supposedly thought they were shooting at an animal….

  3. Shenna on January 25th, 2018 3:59 pm

    I happen to know BOTH of the parties involved and they were as close as any brothers I have ever seen. Both men are/were avid hunters, awesome, hardworking family men. The “shooter” is DEVASTATED!! There was no foul play, there was no hidden agenda, this was an awful life changing accident for both families. Please keep them in your prayers

  4. Burnie Silcox on January 25th, 2018 2:20 pm

    While on subject….Ive had trouble with Nite Poarchers.To me the worst of the worst.They shoot does ,fawns…horses.They are not hunters….but killers with small souls if any.One guy on Sunshine Hill Rd. Hope GW catches you….

  5. DJC on January 25th, 2018 12:21 pm

    Unfortunately, I have heard of hunters accidentally shot in stands as well.

  6. atmoredude on January 25th, 2018 9:25 am

    ROBINHOOD: You also make the case for me when you say:

    ” I do not participate in Deer Drives because you will always have a couple DUMMIES in the bunch that will shoot you. You just NEVER EVER shoot towards anywhere there may be a risk of shooting someone.”

    THAT is my point exactly, how do we know that it is not the victim in this case that was where he was not supposed to be and got shot accidentally by the person that pulled the trigger. That would not make the person that pulled the trigger, negligent, grossly negligent, or even reckless. It would make it an ACCIDENT on his part because he had no way of knowing.

    I don’t know if this is the case in this situation or not, I wasn’t there and I am assuming you were not there. SO, people need to start offering up charges for the man or woman that pulled the trigger unless you know what you are talking about.

  7. atmoredude on January 25th, 2018 9:20 am

    “Robinhood”, I too have never ever come close to shooting anyone, but I have been on hunts when people were not where they were supposed to be and I know of one hunt where a 15 year old boy was supposed to be in a tree stand on a deer drive, and climbed down out of the tree stand (not thinking) and later in the drive, the drive was coming through a deer jumped up, the drive shot at the deer in a direction there should have been no one in his line of shot, and accidentally shot the kid in the hand, a stray pellet his the kid.

    Don’t assume that because I am making a case here that accidents happen, don’t assume that I am in any way ignorant, or that I shoot at the first thing that moves, or that I am not extremely safe. I have let a monster buck walk once because I could not be certain that I had a clear shot due to the terrain and lay of the land. I could not be certain that my shot was not going to carry past the deer and possibly hit someone.

    My comments are due to the fact that you and others immediately jumped to “reckless endangerment” and “manslaughter” and all other conclusions that really there is no way for you to make that call. Again, ACCIDENTS do happen, yes it is tragic and horrific, but it does not mean that the hunter that shot him was even negligent, must less grossly negligent or recklessly negligent.

    I am speaking from common sense because, YES, I have been on more deer hunts than I care to remember. I too, prefer now to hunt food plots with rifles, but even that is still not 100% safe. Unfortunately, my life is too busy to hunt now days, but all of us that do hunt, have hunt or intend to hunt in the future must realize that there are risks involved. We can and should do all we can to mitigate those risks but the fact remains, ACCIDENTS HAPPEN!

  8. Mike J. on January 25th, 2018 8:49 am

    Instead of arguing with each other and accusing others of never having hunted before, the FIRST thing to do is say prayers for the victim, Darren Smith. Prayers for his life and his family and his friends. May he rest in Peace.

    The next step is to solve the crime OR accident. I’m sure the authorities will find that if he was hunting alone that there were others on the hunting club at the same time. If he was not hunting alone then solving this should be easier. Maybe somebody panicked and fled but they will be found out.

  9. Chad on January 25th, 2018 8:23 am

    No mention of anyone coming forward

  10. Robinhood on January 25th, 2018 7:27 am

    Atmoredude states: You guys must not have hunted all that much…depending on the type of deer hunting, if it was a “deer drive” in which deer are being driven by dogs and at least one “driver”, then accidental shootings can happen when a deer happens to “jump up” or “run” between two hunters.

    I have been hunting for over 55 years and have never shot anyone or come close to shooting anyone for that matter and the very reason I do not participate in Deer Drives because you will always have a couple DUMMIES in the bunch that will shoot you. You just NEVER EVER shoot towards anywhere there may be a risk of shooting someone. I “Still Hunt” where I climb trees to get away from idiots like Atmoredude and his bunch of no hunting idiots.

  11. Straight Shooter on January 25th, 2018 7:15 am

    You are like most on here, spout off without knowing what you are talking about or facts. There is no “doe week” in Florida.

  12. atmoredude on January 25th, 2018 5:58 am

    “A Momma”, I agree with most of what you said, but have you ever considered that I am talking about ACCIDENTS. Of course you don’t shoot if you KNOW the other hunter is on the other side of the deer. I can tell for a fact that YOU have never been hunting before.

    My point is, accidents happen to good people, good people that are SAFE people. I don’t know of anyone that shoots in the direction of a person for ANY deer, no matter what, but let’s be reasonable here…

  13. A Momma on January 24th, 2018 5:03 pm

    Atmoredude, you must be one of those that shoot first & ask questions later. If you believe what you said in your comment, then you shouldn’t be hunting period. This isn’t the wild west & the deer aren’t that important to risk shooting & killing over. If a deer jumps up between 2 people, then you should just try again later. That’s not an accident that is what I call stupid & negligent.

  14. Brian on January 24th, 2018 4:40 pm

    This is why you should not allow does to be killed during the entire hunting season. In Florida. I don’t venture into the woods during doe week, It’s too dangerous.

  15. atmoredude on January 24th, 2018 2:45 pm

    You guys must not have hunted all that much…depending on the type of deer hunting, if it was a “deer drive” in which deer are being driven by dogs and at least one “driver”, then accidental shootings can happen when a deer happens to “jump up” or “run” between two hunters.

    Accidents can and do happen, honest accidents in which everyone was “playing by the rules” and “following the law” and handling their guns in a safe manner. So, come down off your “no excuse” high horse and realize that there is a world out there that you must have never seen.

  16. Patrick Schlobohm on January 24th, 2018 12:47 pm

    People who are not true hunters are responsible for this kind of accident. Never pull a triger until you have identified your target. I hunt alone and worry about killers of animals. Not hunters doing the same to me. Gun handling 101.

  17. Mark on January 24th, 2018 12:02 pm

    Bullets fly long distances. Accidents happen.

  18. Trocarman on January 24th, 2018 9:59 am

    Manslaughter definition in Alabama: “recklessly causes the death of another person.”
    Shooting at ’something’ not identified is reckless don’t you think? I think experience hunters would agree.

  19. Trocarman on January 24th, 2018 9:53 am

    Why isn’t manslaughter appropriate?

  20. Robinhood on January 24th, 2018 7:57 am

    For the life of me as a hunter all my life I have never ever figured out how another hunter shoots their hunting partner. Supposed to be identifying what you are shooting at making sure it is wild life that is legal to take BEFORE pulling the trigger. I am so sorry to hear about this man losing his life from going out to hunt. Where I hunt, You must have a Doe tag to hunt doe’s and Bucks MUST have at least 3 forks on one side with each point at least being an inch in length SO there is really NO EXCUSE for shooting anyone IF you are hunting by the Law. Hunters must also wear ORANGE as well. I wear ORANGE vest and ORANGE Hat just so that kind of crap does not happen. Praying for all involved.