Trump Brings Tax Cut, Vote For Moore And Thanks Pensacola Message

December 9, 2017

President Donald Trump brought his tax cut message  to Pensacola Friday night, along with a special message for Alabama residents — get out and vote for Roy Moore.

It’s was Trump’s fourth visit to Pensacola, but his first as president. And for that, he offered a special thanks.

“Hello Pensacola. What a place! Right here on the Emerald Coast in the great State of Florida where we had a tremendous victory,” Trump said.

“I’ve been here three times, I just keep coming back. When we were doing well all over Florida I said ‘was the Pensacola area included yet?’. They said ‘no’. I said ‘guess what? We just won that election.’,” he said.

Despite multiple allegations of sexual misconduct by the candidate, Trump encouraged Alabama residents to vote for Roy Moore for the U.S. Senate.

“The future of this country can’t afford to lose a seat,” he said. “We want jobs, jobs, jobs. So, get out and vote for Roy Moore.”

Trump also stumped for his proposed tax cut.

“I can’t think of a better Christmas present than a massive tax cut,” Trump stated.

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27 Responses to “Trump Brings Tax Cut, Vote For Moore And Thanks Pensacola Message”

  1. Moore Problems on December 11th, 2017 9:02 pm

    @Bob’s Brother

    In many cases, victims of sexual abuse are ashamed or afraid to tell their friends or family. Especially in the cases of children and teenagers, they sometimes feel that they did something to cause the abuse and remain silent in fear of repercussions.

    The burden of proof is not on Doug Jones. It is on Roy Moore.

  2. Dudley Herrington on December 11th, 2017 5:29 pm

    I was born in Pensacola, Florida, and am Proud to see the Best President in a long
    time to come here!!!! Mr. Donald Trump Loves this Great Country as much as
    I do, and if you are a Patriotic Citizen you Love it ALSO !!!
    IF YOU DON”T LOVE THIS GREAT COUNTRY, Get your sorry A– Down the
    ROAD !!!!

  3. Bob's Brother on December 11th, 2017 5:22 pm

    @ Moore Problems… if the shoe were on the other foot, couldn’t we say that if these women were so violated, why did they not go to their parents or authorities? I know if my 16 yo daughter came to me with allegations that someone touched her or worse, there would be no need for police, lawsuits.. etc.

    On another note, if all of this were true, couldn’t the Jones team get a lot of verification from the residents of Gadsden? The “victims”… have been very mute about these allegations.

  4. Kate on December 11th, 2017 6:38 am

    You folks wouldn’t know a liberal if you ran into one. These folks are not liberal just SMART enough to see what you refuse to look at.

  5. Duke of Wawbeek on December 11th, 2017 4:37 am

    Trumps tax cuts are racist, welfare recipients will suffer and aid to immigrants will be reduced. Immigration quotas may have to even be reduced. My greatest fear is that aid to Israel and other nations will suffer.

    Is President Trump’s America a place that you would want to live, for your children grow up in?

  6. ben on December 10th, 2017 9:42 pm

    i like to see all the burny/clintion supporters voice what they feel.

  7. TUMom on December 10th, 2017 4:03 pm

    WELL SAID THE DOER. I AGREE WITH YOU 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Moore Problems on December 10th, 2017 8:20 am

    So if these allegations are untrue, where are the lawsuits against those coming forward with their accounts of misconduct by Moore? Surely he’d want to settle this in court. He hasn’t even bothered to try and refute the allegations. He “may have dated teenagers” but “he can’t remember.”

    Let’s also not forget that the little Alabama dress-up cowboy has been removed from his job twice for not being able to do his duty or follow the law. Not only is he a pederast, but a drain on taxpayer’s time and money.

    Have any of you known anyone or been a victim of sexual abuse? It is a lifelong struggle to recover and maintain the person that you were beforehand. But ya know, we should all just get over it so that Bama can stay red. Gross.

  9. randy on December 10th, 2017 7:16 am

    MR. TRUMP is and will be a GREAT PRESIDENT .. he was given 2 million by his parents when he finished college .. he did very well .. he is a business man .. not a no good politician

  10. Kate on December 10th, 2017 6:31 am

    All I can say is it reminds me of the Nazi leader, who had total control of the entire German population. I guess when you are part of a tribe you must obediently follow the leader to the death of a nation. I think these women came forward because it has become safe to come forward, not because they want to sabatage the man, just expose the man for what he did to them. They are Republican women for the most part.

  11. Citizen on December 9th, 2017 11:55 pm

    Roy Moore is the one who wouldn’t take the 10 Commandment Down after a legal ruling. This could be retaliation by the left.

    Cool President Trump came to Pensacola.

    Trump 2020.

  12. BT on December 9th, 2017 10:39 pm

    To The Doer:

    Not only do I understand economics, I actually read the Senate tax bill and made my own calculations. The claim that it is a massive tax cut for the lower and middle classes is absurd.

    Yes there are things everyone can do to change their situation. I’ll be fine, the wealthy will be fine. That’s a nice misdirection, but not really what we’re talking about.

  13. John Reading on December 9th, 2017 6:39 pm

    There were only two accusations, and one (the yearbook fiasco) has been proven to be a forgery by the owner of the yearbook. Boo on the liberal liers. SJW always lie.

  14. Grand Locust on December 9th, 2017 6:22 pm

    This is not about politics. If the senate refuses to seat Moore because of the allegations of child sexual abuse, then a Republican governor will seat a Republican. There NEVER was a chance that my Republican Party was going to lose a seat.

    So this idea that all news media is fake is simply intellectually dishonest. This is a moral question on how people in power, abuse employees and weaker people. What grown man goes to a high school and writes in children’s yearbooks? How many people have to tell their story before a monster can be identified. The President of the United States admitted sexual assault on tape, yet the voters said… know what morality does not matter. A tax break for the 1%…….that matters.

    I will vote for any Republican candidate in 2020 who runs against this immoral man who came to Pensacola to and supported a candidate where the victim child said Moore as a 32 year old man took her to his house, removed her clothing to her underwear, and fondled the child while guiding the child to fondle Moore. If it was only this child, then a moral argument might be raised, but the pattern of behavior is not fake news. In regard to why it took so long for victims to speak…..can you say Bill Cosby. He counted on nobody believing the victims…..they always count on that because there are always people who turn the victim child into the bad person. Shame.

  15. Kathy on December 9th, 2017 4:40 pm

    Great President!

  16. No Excuses on December 9th, 2017 2:46 pm

    For those of you who are calling others “Child Sexual Predators” take note: No one has been charged or convicted of the crime. You are committing slander by saying what you are saying, and I’d stop while I was ahead if I were you.

    I’d like to add a personal story about Roy Moore here. My sister in law was mentored by a community leader when she was 13-14 years old. Her mentor was none other than Roy Moore! She states that they had conversations many times and that she was always treated like a young lady. Roy Moore was always a perfect gentleman.

    I also find it strange that Roy has run for several different things and now that he’s running for the Senate, suddenly all these accusations arise. Sounds like someone is paying several other someones to “come forward” to me.

    That being said, I am most honored that President Trump has come to our community to visit, and I wish him well. God Bless the USA.

  17. THE DOER on December 9th, 2017 2:05 pm

    It really is mind-blowing at some of the negative comments about this president who has brought jobs and confidence back to our country. To GRAND LOCUST: Do you know these accusations for a fact, or are you basing your “knowledge” on the likes of CNN? You probably need to learn to evaluate your sources, if that’s the case.

    To BT: No disrespect, but do you actually understand economics? Anyone who works and pays in has the legal right to attempt to reduce taxes. He or she who is able to do so is actually smart and considered an economic strategist. That’s the great thing about America! The wealthy have carried this country for a long time. If it weren’t for the wealthy, who would take the financial risks to start businesses, etc. If you are not seeing any tax cuts, do something about it. Invest in things that will allow you to have more tax breaks, such as businesses, property, etc. And guess what ? You really don’t have to have money to do that. Just a good business plan and decent credit or bank relationships. There are many books out there about cutting your own taxes. Don’t hate the rich. If they all pulled out and left, our country would be in trouble. They, just like all of us, have the right to legally try to lower their taxes too. That’s the IRS way.

  18. bewildered on December 9th, 2017 12:22 pm

    Grand Locust please name one above approach politician. What exactly did Moore do? Verifiable details, please. The most outspoken woman now admits that she lied and has written the racy sexual notation in her yearbook herself – only the signature was Moore’s handwriting. Should Alabama elect Jones who obviously paid this woman to come out of the wood works after 40 years to cry and spread lies? I would have understood had these “sex slaves” objected to Moore when he refused to take down the 10 commandments in Montgomery years ago – but NO – everyone was quiet as a mouse and did not call him out to be a child molester. MONEY TALKS for these Jones supporters. As a registered independent I see dire flaws with each party – but I would view Democrats more favorably as soon as they encourage and support a system of US children growing up in a stable household, school, good education, job – then and only then marriage and/or kids. (In that order!!!) This subject is dropped by each and every democratic politician or talk show host like a hot potato. Democrats work hard to keep this underclass to exploit. Moral high ground – please!!!!

  19. John on December 9th, 2017 12:04 pm

    Grand Locust, don’t believe everything you see and hear from the corporate elite television media.

  20. anne1o2 on December 9th, 2017 10:41 am

    There was nothing in his speech that didn’t make me feel proud to be an American. He tries hard and that is all I want to see in a President. All of this protesting has gotten old.

  21. BT on December 9th, 2017 9:32 am

    Massive tax cut? If my taxes stay basically the same and a rich guy’s taxes go down by a million dollars, then collectively we have had a massive tax cut.

  22. Kate on December 9th, 2017 6:43 am

    He gives billions to the wealthy and $1200 to you and your suppose to be happy.

  23. tg on December 9th, 2017 6:38 am

    This was a fabulous speech and FAKE News CNN did not carry it.

  24. steve on December 9th, 2017 5:47 am

    I watched his speech on WKRG out of Mobile. WEAR channel 3 in Pensacola refused to show it on television, what a disgrace.

  25. Mike Amerson on December 9th, 2017 4:44 am

    I bet the Sheriff tried asking for a private meeting with the President to get his budget approved. Maybe he asked if he wanted a Press job? Regardless, I wonder if he’s told everyone he has a direct line to him if needed.

  26. Jay on December 9th, 2017 4:13 am

    Best thing to ever happen to our country , could not and never could see 4 more years of Obama’s /Clinton’s and no way to ever have beanbag Bernie in there .unbeknowest to him, Nothing is free someone has to pay for it

  27. Grand Locust on December 9th, 2017 3:33 am

    It is a very strange world when a child sexual predator is running for the Senate, and a President ignores the same and says that politics is more important. There was a time that politics were not preached from the pulpit, and morality was the subject of a sermon. Three marriages, cheating, lying, and admissions of sexual assault, and giving the wealthy 60% of the tax breaks is more important than simple decency, and recognition of what Moore did. As a life long Republican who voted for another Republican candidate in the primary, I am only certain about one thing………he keeps coming back to Pensacola because people give their stamp of approval to his morality. It is rumored that there are more churches per capita Escambia and Santa Rosa County, and at one time it is clear how folks who follow the bible would react to a 32 year old man bringing a 14 year old child to his house and removing her clothes down to her underwear and fondling the child while having her touch him. That would be a 20 year sentence for any other person not in a powerful position. I guess he could shoot somebody and people would ignore the same and welcome him in Pensacola. When you lose the moral high ground, you lose your soul.