State Attorney Closes Criminal Investigation Into Century Mayor Henry Hawkins

December 7, 2017

The State Attorney’s Office has closed a criminal investigation into Century Mayor Henry Hawkins without filing any charges.

In August, Gov. Rick Scott’s office received any anonymous complaint alleging wrongdoing by Century Mayor Henry Hawkins. The complaint was forwarded to the local State Attorney’s Office for investigation.

“He (the mayor) seems only concerned about spending money…and increasing the utilities of the citizens, I have reason to believe that he and the clerk are not up front and honest with the council and the citizens,” the complainant wrote. The complaint included a copy of an August 8 article “Century’s Mayor Accused Of Using City Resources On Private Property”.

In that article, reported that Hawkins was accused of using town equipment and employees to do work on private property. Council President Ann Brooks said she received an anonymous letter alerting her of the situation.

Hawkins admitted to the town council that town resources had been used to dig up an old tank from the ground on property belonging to Wesley Chapel. The Jefferson Street church was heavily damaged, shifted off its foundation, by the February 2016 tornado that ripped through Century. The remains of the building were reduced to rubble after an arsonist set fire to it in October 2016. In early July, the church held a groundbreaking for a new facility.

“Wrong is wrong even if you have a title,” the complaint sent to the governor’s office stated. “I am only one concerned citizen. People are afraid of the revenge and wrath that might be inflicted upon them for disagreeing with him.”

“We have reviewed the complaint carefully and have made a decision to close the complaint with no further action,” Wm. Taylor Wells, State Attorney’s Office investigator, wrote in a memo released  Wednesday. “We have determined that no criminal charges should be pursued at this time. Based on the complaint and the investigation thus far there is insufficient evidence to warrant any further investigation.”

“No further efforts will be completed at this time unless additional information is discovered. We have currently closed the complaint. file photos, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “State Attorney Closes Criminal Investigation Into Century Mayor Henry Hawkins”

  1. resident on December 8th, 2017 2:18 pm

    Most likely the reason they did not follow through is because it was an anonymous complaint. The Ethics committee only investigates on a sworn, signed compliant.

    Call this OJT—on the job training.

  2. Wendell on December 8th, 2017 2:07 pm

    A speeding violation isn’t a criminal infraction or offense. Try again.

  3. Passing through on December 8th, 2017 1:59 pm

    Perhaps Mayor Hawkin’s should put the employees to work along Century Blvd cleaning up Other People’s property, since it seems to be OK. Just don’t discriminate.

    Mow that lot up between Odom’s Bar and the Auto Parts store for starters.

    That’s an eyesore.

  4. Citizen of Centurion on December 8th, 2017 9:03 am

    >>>According to the investigation, nothing illegal was done. The work performed most likely affected the town and was necessary. Try again

    It does not say nothing illegal was done. It just says charges won’t be filed.

    A deputy can pull you over for speeding and give you a warning — no charges are filed. Does not change the fact that you were speeding.

  5. Wendell on December 8th, 2017 8:27 am

    @JustMe- According to the investigation, nothing illegal was done. The work performed most likely affected the town and was necessary. Try again

  6. JustMe on December 7th, 2017 8:25 pm

    Try again for what? Since when did it become legal to use taxpayer money and do work on private property? It isn’t. It is flat out illegal. The mayor has admitted to doing the work on private property. It’s irrelevant to me as to whom the work was done for or where it was done, bottom line is it was private property. So the next time myself, a tax paying citizen of Century need something done in my yard with equipment, how can they deny helping me as well?

  7. Wendell on December 7th, 2017 2:46 pm

    Sorry, JustMe, but this wasn’t an endorsement or the establishment of a state religion. Try again.

  8. Citizen on December 7th, 2017 1:55 pm

    Seems rather petty, I didn’t think the state would investigate an anonymous complaint.

  9. Duke of Wawbeek on December 7th, 2017 1:49 pm

    How much trouble could a Mayor possibly get into in Century?

    He has not killed anyone.

  10. chris on December 7th, 2017 1:39 pm

    So maybe the town of Century could take those same resources and clean the entire town of blight; not just one “special interest” group’s property.

  11. anne 1of2 on December 7th, 2017 12:19 pm

    Seems to me this man has a vision for Century. I hope he continues to be Mayor and puts Century on the FL map as the most improved city in Northwest FL.

  12. JustMe on December 7th, 2017 9:42 am

    Ok all local churches, next time you need help digging up something on your property, call the Town of Century. How could they deny helping you once they have set a precedent and the state has backed them?

  13. 429SCJ on December 7th, 2017 7:17 am

    I feel that clearing the Church was a good thing for the whole community, as it was most certainly an eye sore. It made way for the resurrection of the sanctuary.

    I’m quid pro quo when the end justifies the means, always the lesser evil for the greater good.

    Hang Tuff Mayor Hawkings, you wanted to play in the big leagues, well welcome to the NFL rookie.