State Attorney Clears BOCC Over Meeting To Discuss Sheriff’s Budget Appeal

December 28, 2017

The State Attorney’s Office has determined that the Escambia County Commission did not violate the Sunshine Law, as alleged by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The commission held a closed door meeting in October to discuss the Sheriff’s budget appeal to the governor’s office, saying that the meeting was an attorney-client meeting to discuss pending litigation as allowed by the law.

The Sheriff’s Office alleged it was a “shade” meeting held outside the parameters allowed by law and additionally complained that Escambia County’s failure to release a transcript of the meeting violates public records laws.

Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille wrote in his findings that it was clear the co-mission complied with all requirements regarding notice and held the meeting in accordance with all applicable laws . In addition, the State Attorney’s Office found that there were no violations of public records laws. The private session was recorded by an official court reporters as required by law, and the transcript may be kept confidential until the litigation is concluded.


11 Responses to “State Attorney Clears BOCC Over Meeting To Discuss Sheriff’s Budget Appeal”

  1. Tabby on December 30th, 2017 2:36 pm

    @Mike Amerson
    Great comment. I can tell you held back, knowing a little about it myself. Good way to keep it classy.

  2. R. F. D. on December 30th, 2017 1:04 pm

    Sheriff Morgan appears to be grasping at thin straws while treading on shaky ground.
    If he loses his budget appeal to Gov. Scott will he resign to prepare his run for the Mayor of Pensacola?

  3. dishearted on December 29th, 2017 6:33 pm

    and this is what we have as local leaders…what do they really care about the people, not much…..

  4. dishearted on December 29th, 2017 5:05 pm

    our BOCC,sheriff office School system and City system does it to us the TAX payer because they can do it and get away with it. people need to come together and go to meetings and do something about it,not just talk about it,, We need to stand together to get something done…

  5. Newcomer on December 29th, 2017 1:04 pm

    All this blame game going on is odd to say the least. It makes one wonder if the Sheriff Department might do better to look at themselves as the reason so many deputies are leaving and to take personal responsibility internally to deal with perhaps budget and management problems. You can only cast blame outside for so long and when these allegations are discredited at every turn and drama being stirred up it looks like an internal problem that may need to be addressed. When will we here from the Governor? Bergosh Blog is interesting. He seems to have a lot of courage. A lot of people are afraid to call out law enforcement especially if they are corrupt, because they are also so powerful.

    I mean they did get a raise, many benefits, chance for retirement….car, band of brothers and so on. I suspect a “new sheriff in town” will do wonders for the morale of the street deputies and the citizens.

  6. randy on December 29th, 2017 6:56 am

    time for morgan and buddies TO GO

  7. Mike Amerson on December 29th, 2017 4:39 am

    The wind in Thelbert’s sail has finally started to not blow. The only problem is that it’s taken this long for people to figure out just how full of hot air he has been. I for one at one time thought he may do a decent job as Sheriff but it only took about 2 years to figure out he had no idea what he was doing. Had he not surrounded himself with people that did know how to police, he wouldn’t have made it this long. If he can’t see himself winning another election, I don’t see him running again. He wouldn’t be able to accept getting beat in a run off. He’s more of a “here’s the key” kind of person because I’m just tired and want to retire or something of the such. His personality is that I left being unbeatable or I’ve got the Office on track now from where it use to be and my job is done. He’s so ate up with himself to the point that he’ll have to take one of the above avenues. For the sake of the men/women who still have to work there, one can only hope he takes people like David Craig, David Ingram etc.. with him when he goes. I think it would be safe to say that once a new admin’ comes in after Thelbert, people like the above ones will get no respect/authority and the tax payers of Esc’ Co’ will foot the bill for these useless people until they’re either fired, quit or retire. Thanks to all the men/women who’ve had to put up with the crap for all these years and just come to work every day knowing that one day, you’re not going to have to look at either of these people again in the hallways of the Office. You all take care and be careful.

  8. Question on December 28th, 2017 9:57 pm

    So the Sheriff’s office doesn’t know the law ?
    Me either.

  9. David Huie Green on December 28th, 2017 9:46 pm

    Now our beloved Sheriff knows that about the law too. A lawyer to advise in the future might reduce confusion.

    It’s a learning curve.

    David for clear laws

  10. Oliver on December 28th, 2017 8:52 pm

    Careful Stacy, he’ll be after you!

  11. Olin S Schultz on December 28th, 2017 7:42 pm

    Oh No…….Now the Sheriff of Knottingham will be after the States attorneys office next. SMH