Seventh Death Of The Year Under Investigation At Century Correctional

December 5, 2017

The Florida Department of Corrections on Monday released the name of an inmate that died last week at Century Correctional Institution, the seventh inmate death at the prison this year.

Inmate Jack Meyer was identified as the deceased by Michelle Glady, director of communications for FDOC. As first reported last week by, Meyer’s death is under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the FDOC Office of the Inspector General. Due to the ongoing investigation, Glady declined to release further information.

There have been six other inmate deaths reported this year at Century CI, according to the FDOC. One death was been determined to be from natural causes, while six remain under investigation. One of the six was a murder; the FDLE has arrested Century inmate Robert L. Hunt for the stabbing death of Jorge Slaughter in June. He was stabbed multiple times in the abdomen with a metal weapon inside the G dorm.

Deaths reported this year at Century Correctional are:

  • George James, February 7, ruled natural causes
  • Monday Demarsh, March 16, pending – FDLE investigation
  • Rafael Urguiaga, March 22, pending – FDLE investigation
  • Jerry Abbott, June 9, pending, Office of the Inspector General investigation
  • Jorge Slaughter, June 19, pending – FDLE investigation
  • John Hollis, November 4, pending – FDLE investigation
  • Jack Meyer, November 29, pending – FDLE investigation

During the period 2012-2016, there were seven total inmate deaths reported at Century Correctional, according to Florida Department of Corrections data. Two of the deaths were suicides and four were found to be from natural causes. The cause of one inmate death in 2015 was listed as “undetermined”, but an FDLE investigation found there were no criminal violations associated with the death.

Pictured above and below: An inmate involved in a serious altercation is transported by ambulance out of Century Correctional Institution in May 2017, to a nearby medical helicopter before being airlifted to a Pensacola hospital. photos, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Seventh Death Of The Year Under Investigation At Century Correctional”

  1. Scoutsout on December 9th, 2017 11:58 am

    I hear they are taking applications. Maybe some of you should attempt to make a change there by applying and becoming a Correctional Officer. Remember change starts with you. Good Luck

  2. ...... on December 6th, 2017 8:39 pm

    After reading all these comments and as a former co I would like to see the ones of you that think if is the personal fought for these death walk inside the gates an go through what these men an women do for 12 hrs the sacrifice that is made to provide for a family especially when you know that there is a great chance that you might not make it back home to your wife,,husband or kids. So to the few that are brace enough to do that job on a daily basis I say thank you

  3. Ex co on December 5th, 2017 8:44 pm

    Let me tell you all something. These inmates aren’t all bad guys. That being said I back the guys in grey not blue. These aren’t retaliation deaths unless it was one inmate retaliating against another. I also need you oh so educated idiots to understand that these are all hardened criminals that get to sit on their asses, make no contribution to society what so ever, and still get fed for free and allowed a warm or cool place to sleep and shower. But it’s not free. You pay for it. Your beautiful taxes allow these guys to live in basically luxury. Shut up. Just. Shut up.

  4. Mark on December 5th, 2017 8:17 pm

    These dates could be a clue to the psychologist, as to when a suspect might have missed their medication on certain days. Don’t they have cameras in the prison? They should have them to protect the personnel as well as the inmates.

  5. Carl on December 5th, 2017 7:43 pm

    Trocarman, if an inmate kills another why should the person in charge be arrested? These inmates aren’t Boy Scouts you know. Many would slit your throat and eat an ice cream while they watched you die. Somebody has to be in charge, and I have respect for that person.

  6. lmn on December 5th, 2017 4:41 pm

    Anybody else think it’s strange that the death pattern is all in the same month other than the one ruled natural causes. Maybe some retaliation going on there?

  7. 429SCJ on December 5th, 2017 8:44 am

    @Day, former CO.

    Back in the day up at Fountain, when Great Uncle DELETED used to beat them within an inch of their lives, they learned discipline and they behaved; else they were on the receiving end of the blackjack. I would clean that place up in 24 hours or put them all in a box, however the inmates wanted it.

    Fear of the CO is the beginning of wisdom.

  8. David Huie Green on December 5th, 2017 8:22 am

    Backdoor death sentence?

    Being in prison wouldn’t be so bad if you just had better neighbors.

  9. sad on December 5th, 2017 8:17 am

    Well I have no one in prison but there are others that have love one in there and I live by two of them and one is death row and you never here of this so why don’t they just send the death row ones there that way the state wont have to worry about a date to put them down seem this place does a pretty good job of it sad …. js

  10. Day on December 5th, 2017 6:57 am

    As a former C.O. at Century Correctional. I can can say from professional experience. That this prison is run by the inmates. There were so many times inmate discipline had been overlooked. I am a god fearing women and I pray that he protects my former co workers as they have to deal with this place. My heart breaks every time I hear at story about century C.I. I also do know there were a lot a gang affilactions associated with this prison. More than likely all of these deaths have something to do with that. I feared for my life every single day I went to work. And now all I can do is pray for those who are still there. I pray that Jesus and our Father God may protect you each and everyday and wrap his loving arms around you.

  11. 429SCJ on December 5th, 2017 6:41 am

    Save money and appeals, transfer death row inmates to Century Correctional.

  12. Sam on December 5th, 2017 5:49 am

    Anyone else think there might be a problem at the prison? I know there are bad people out there, but it seems that they are all walking around with weapons. The violent offenders i assume are housed separately. If thats where the deaths are occuring thats fine, they probably deserve it.

  13. Trocarman on December 5th, 2017 5:25 am

    Whoever is in charge of Century CI should be arrested.