School Bus Driver Rear-ends Another School Bus

December 12, 2017

The driver of one school bus rear-ended a second school bus Tuesday afternoon on Chemstrand Road near Kingsfield Road. There were students on at least one of the buses at the time, and there were injuries reported. None of the injuries were serious.

Complete details have not been released as the Florida Highway Patrol continues their investigation. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “School Bus Driver Rear-ends Another School Bus”

  1. A Momma on December 15th, 2017 7:06 am

    John d Bodie, Well, I have to say, some not all of the driver’s do not even remotely try to do anything to any student. A few of the driver’s do not make their own kids behave, I know, a few of the drivers are the parents who lives that life your talking about, I know. When I was a sub, the kids said no, they didn’t have to, my kids have said the same thing, they don’t have too. The others could do more but their excuses are well excuses. We could teach our kids to wear them & then place them back over the seats after they’re used but it would have to be the respsonbiti of the driver not the parents.

  2. M McClintock on December 14th, 2017 5:51 pm

    Evidently many people judging the bus drivers have never driven a bus. It’s like a group of wild animals escaping a cage. Absolutely chaotic when you have unruly students while the driver is “trying to drive the bus in a safe manner”. There is no safe manner when the county expects you to drive and watch those brats. We drivers try to do the best we can do. If the County could afford a bus patrol on the buses, that would be greatly appreciated. But that won’t happen because “there is no money”. Then drivers can drive and the patrol can police the brats. It all starts from their up bringing. Parents need to teach and chastise their children and maybe all these accidents could be prevented somewhat. But no, these brats are jumping over seats, running up and down the aisles, slapping, yelling, kicking, annoying others and just any and everything they can possibly do. WHY? Because the driver can’t drive and control at the same time. I’m going to start stopping the bus in a parking lot or safe location and get respect before I drive off. If more students would get expelled from the bus, that would be great. Then the parents can find transportation for their sweet little angels to get back and forth to school. I once had a student that tantalized much younger students on the bus. He would go as far as to slap and kick students. He was expelled from the bus so many times I lost count. Want to know where he is today? …. Prison. A brat who never grew up. Prayers for all the bus drivers, law enforcement, and teachers. No respect in these occupations.

  3. john d. bodie on December 14th, 2017 9:40 am

    This isn’t as bad a reflection on our drivers as our students are on this county , because they cant sit down and behave on the way home.maybe if parents would do a better job at home things such as this could be avoided. I ask have any one of you all drove a bus with a bunch of unruly children screaming and acting up. a driver can only do so much child rearing while driving.

  4. Trocarman on December 14th, 2017 7:52 am

    Hope the careless driver causing this accident has been fired.

  5. Hannah on December 14th, 2017 6:35 am

    Don’t be to quick to judge? Unless you have driven upto 65-70 children. Maybe there was something going on inside the bus. That caused a distraction such as fighting kids out of seat someone walking down aisle.

  6. Nonya on December 13th, 2017 6:38 pm

    Passing through here the traffic was bad. I often pass through when traffic is much like it was during the accident. between people slamming on brakes and speeding an accident is bound to happen. Prayers for all involved! I’m sure it was just and unfortunate incident.

  7. anne 1of2 on December 13th, 2017 12:53 pm

    Tailgating doesn’t work for school buses either.

  8. Just Wow on December 13th, 2017 8:58 am

    How do you miss a bus?

  9. Amanda on December 13th, 2017 7:31 am

    Both buses were full of children!

  10. Jason on December 12th, 2017 6:18 pm

    It wasnt a good day for the Escambia County School District transportation unit.