Molino’s Padgett Appointed To Escambia Extension Council

December 19, 2017

The Escambia County Commission has appointed Sabrena Padgett of Molino to the Escambia County Extension Council.

Padgett is a homemaker that home schools her daughter. She is involved in her daughter’s 4-H club, her church and teaches a cooking class with the home school cooperative.  The family has a small farm.

According to Escambia County:

The persons appointed to the Extension Council are to be known to have an interest in and concern for the agricultural, family and consumer sciences (home economics), and youth programs of extension; in developing the rural and urban sections; and in developing the county and its resources.

To ensure that every section of the county is represented, the county is divided into zones and a member is selected from each zone.  Members must live in the zone to which he/she is appointed and serve staggered two-year terms.  Members may serve for a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms before rotating off and must be off the Council for one two-year term before becoming eligible to serve again.

These individuals, which were nominated by the Nominating Committee selected by the Escambia County Extension Council, reside in the zone for which appointed and are known to have an interest and concern for programs of the Escambia County Extension.


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