FHP Conducts Roadside Checkpoint On Nine Mile Road

December 30, 2017

The Florida Highway Patrol conducted a roadside checkpoint on Nine Mile Road Friday night from 8:00 until about midnight at Baron Miller Road (between Walmart and Kohls). There were scheduled to be about 30 uniformed officers participating, along with support personnel from the local Mothers Against Drunk Driving chapter.

During the operation, vehicles were stopped to check for driver impairment with roadside sobriety testing performed on site.

Statistics from the checkpoint, including the number of citations and arrests, were not immediately available.

Courtesy photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “FHP Conducts Roadside Checkpoint On Nine Mile Road”

  1. William Thompson on January 1st, 2018 11:16 pm

    Police State action here … Forth Amendment gone out the window
    Driving is a privilege … SMH …Robin hood days again …

  2. Grand Locust on December 31st, 2017 8:25 pm

    Totally a waste of taxpayer money. We have created a police state which is entirely ineffective preventing 13k people being slaughtered by impaired drivers, yet the alcohol industry fights ignition interlocks in oem cars. The introduction of mandatory ignition interlock on repeat offenders has caused deaths to drop since 30k were dying a year on roads. A drunk who cannot start his car does not kill, and a deputy arresting a drunk after he kills a family is like the Easter Bunny……it is all illusion that they really prevent families from being killed. It is time to tell the alcohol industry to take their lobby efforts against ignition interlocks and go jump in the bay.

  3. wharf rat on December 30th, 2017 2:13 pm

    @ Willis……AMEN!

    The few blocks between PenAir and Dodges has turned into a demolition derby…and that’s with (hopefully) sober drivers.

  4. Willis on December 30th, 2017 5:45 am

    Glad to see them slowing traffic down on 9 mile.

  5. Trocarman on December 30th, 2017 1:15 am

    Excellent. Hope the FHP put the drunks in jail.