ECSO: Man High On Meth Charged For Throwing Brick Into His Mother’s Home

December 4, 2017

A Cantonment man that admitted to deputies that he was high on meth was jailed after throwing a brick into the wall of his mother’s home.

Timothy Garrett, 27, was charged with a felony offense for deadly missile into a building and resisting arrest without violence. He remained in the Escambia County Jail Monday morning with bond set at $3,000.

Garrett’s mother told Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies that she was arguing with her son about entering rehabilitation for a methamphetamine addiction when he became irate. The mother and several others then went inside her home on Jacks Branch Road. She reported hearing a loud noise a short time later and walking outside to find a hole in her wall with a brick below the hole on the ground.

When deputies approached Garrett, who was living in a camper behind his mother’s home, he was shaking, became irate and was screaming and cussing, according to an arrest report. Deputies also said Garrett made numerous verbal threats against them.

Once Garrett was in custody, he again became irate and began kicking and headbutting the metal partition inside a deputy’s patrol vehicle. He was then further restrained using hobbles, the report states.

Garrett was evaluated and medically cleared at Baptist Hospital for an injury to his eye. While in the hospital, he admitted to deputies that he was high on methamphetamine, an arrest report states.


8 Responses to “ECSO: Man High On Meth Charged For Throwing Brick Into His Mother’s Home”

  1. anne 1of2 on December 5th, 2017 7:29 am

    So, do they get off with the crime when they mention meth? Meth translates to loser in my head. Put him on the street mom!

  2. phillip on December 4th, 2017 5:52 pm

    unfortunately you can’t get any real work out of them in prison.

  3. David D. on December 4th, 2017 2:13 pm

    Hopefully his mother can sleep at night without worrying about what he will do next. I doubt rehab will help that boy. Meth is too easy to get when he gets done in rehab or jail time. Sure would be nice if he leaves that stuff alone. Especially for his mother’s sake.

    I have a nephew in State Prison right now because after 5 trips to jail for manufacturing meth – he didn’t learn a lesson. Spending 8 years behind State bars might be the answer. We will see when they release him in 2 years. He’s missed out on attending several funerals for his immediate family. None related to drugs, alcohol or illegal substances. I would hate to know that my parents died while in prison, and I couldn’t get out to go. That memory will linger on forever.

    Mr. Garrett, get your life in order and enjoy time with your mother. She needs you.

  4. 40s on December 4th, 2017 1:39 pm

    Strong young guy, 27, with grey hair (from meth?). Got time to turn around, learn, work, tell your mom you’re sorry.

  5. Mom on December 4th, 2017 1:01 pm

    Mom, you did the right thing, sell the camper next. Get a restraining order, change the lock and phone or move away where he can’t follow you if you can.

  6. Duke of Wawbeek on December 4th, 2017 11:36 am

    A good CO and the Florida sun will straighten him out.

  7. My2Cents on December 4th, 2017 11:21 am

    I initially thought the brick bounced back and hit him in the head. I also hopes he goes to rehab after this incident.

  8. Good grief on December 4th, 2017 4:43 am

    WOW! Being high on meth sounds like such a good time. Hopefully, they will get him some help while he’s locked up. So sorry for his mom.