Century Planner Resigns Over Moral, Ethical And Credibility Issues With Town

December 21, 2017

Century’s longtime town planner has submitted her resignation over moral and ethical issues, and concerns about the town’s credibility.

The last day on the job for Debbie Nickles will be December 29, but she will continue to complete a few ongoing projects.

Nickles gave no reason for her resignation in a memorandum to Mayor Henry Hawkins and town council members. But Wednesday she told NorthEscambia.com in an email, “I feel that I have been placed in a moral/ethical dilemma and that the Town has lost its focus and credibility”.

She gave no hint of her resignation as she addressed town council members Monday night, but did express grave concerns regarding the town’s decision to bill an apartment developer $180,250 to establish water and sewer service as opposed to $63,500 based upon a 2015 verbal agreement that she and then-mayor Freddie McCall made with the Paces Foundation. The 2015 agreement was based upon then-current published rates. [Read more...]

“I love the town. I’d do anything in the world for the town,” Nickles told the council be expressing displeasure over the $180,250. “In my opinion, that is taking this new development and using them as a way to make up for your lack of maintenance and your lack of taking care of you infrastructure. In other words you are trying to get them to pay for your problems.”

“I feel like this is a moral, ethical thing to me. I feel like we made a commitment to them and the town should honor that commitment,” she said addressing the town council.

“I appreciate the opportunity to have been a part of moving Century forward and the support I have received from the Town and Century residents over the past 30+ years,” Nickles said in her resignation letter. She said Wednesday that she does not currently have future plans.

Pictured top and inset: Town Planner Debbie Nickles at a recent meeting of the Century Town Council. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “Century Planner Resigns Over Moral, Ethical And Credibility Issues With Town”

  1. cheryl cole on December 23rd, 2017 7:03 pm

    would somebody just give century folks what needs to be done rite .all this fighting people need a place to live .century is falling apart little by little no jobs,no place for the kids to go to school do anybody sees this,let the people who are in office do their jobs

  2. Gary on December 22nd, 2017 9:32 pm

    Sounds like the entire Century government should be replaced. They don’t play well with others. Just sayin’.

  3. The truth on December 22nd, 2017 12:06 am

    Another win for the town of CENTURY! Freddie McCall and Debbie Nichols has been doing alot of under the table deals. The real hero is Mayor Hawkins for standing up saying this is truthfully not how we are doing business in century anymore! This city has been torched by Freddie McCall and if mayor Hawkins doesn’t do anything else he has done more then McCall!

  4. Chelleepea on December 21st, 2017 3:42 pm

    I’ve only met Mrs. Nickles twice but she seems genuine and knowledgeable about her role in this community. You can’t replace experience and the know how Mrs. Nickles have easily. I hope that she will reconsider because she knows this town better than most.

  5. Writing on the Wall on December 21st, 2017 1:36 pm

    Well after the audit, and seeing how money was mismanaged by ALL, over time, and the work the hired accountant did (not do) –seeing how the utility was mismanaged and seeing how the council has been non functional for years, just showing up for a meeting does not count.

    And now the new mayor, apparently self serving with his sick kick yes man, and still a basically non functional council.

    Head of departments, employees that do not know how to do their job (Jernigan excluded)..I can see it.

    Not to mention the majority of the citizens that may be ignorant, poor and choose to stay that way.

    You can only beat a dead horse so long.

    I suppose after three years, when there is no way the general fund can be paid back the 3+ Million, the process for the Governor will come in and shut it down will happen but that may take three more uncorrected audits.

    The citizens could vote to disband the charter but will they? Probably not because of Identity Politics and the employee want to keep their jobs.

    I don’t see any hope for Century now that the consultant with the knowledge of how to run a town has seen the writing on the wall.

    I would vote to disband the charter.

    If you can not govern yourself, it may be time to turn it over to some one else.

    It is not necessarily one persons fault, it has been a series of many things over time and I don’t see it improving, just the audit alone tells you that.

    Council… Vote to disband and take the steps to turn it over to D5, have the water and sewer and garbage handled by another more able to manage it.

    It’s over.

  6. TLowery on December 21st, 2017 12:54 pm

    The Town of Century has lost a valuable person Debbie Nickles. Debbie cared about the town and the people in the town. She helped bring in so many grants to this town. After the tornado she was out in the town asking people what they needed. She was responsible for the new houses built in Century after the tornado..If it wasn’t for her contacting the United Way I would not have been able to restore the electricity to my home….The Town of Century should be ashamed…doing something unethical to cause them to lose such a valuable person….She will be missed!!!

  7. EMD on December 21st, 2017 12:46 pm

    Chris, IF a ship is sinking and only one or two are bailing water, and the others are pumping it in, it is TIME to leave the sinking ship, and let the ones sinking it deal with the outcome.

    I do not know you Ms. Debbie, but I worked there and in the surrounding area for 5 years. You MUST be a woman of GREAT patience to have stayed as long as you have. That place seems to be made up mostly of entitlement-minded people, who seem to only care about their OWN interests and do not have a clue about how things work in the real world. Don’t get me wrong There are some fine people there also, and I feel for them, but when there are mostly slackers, things will eventually cave. Some seem to have to learn the hard way. I just hope they learn, and do not try to blame others and turn to others in revenge, OR keep taxing the tax payers that actually work for a living. They will probably be voting for Socialists or Communists in the future, thinking that they will be taken care of. Rude awakening waiting in the shadows. They WILL get an education then…………the hard way. I admire you for standing up for the morals in which you believe. BRAVO ! ! !

  8. Chris on December 21st, 2017 12:27 pm

    Debbie. Your moral backbone is a rare commodity these days. By making this courageous statement you are part of the solution for this troubled town. If Century continues to treat employers, businesses and investors this poorly there will be nothing left for anyone.

  9. FaithinUS on December 21st, 2017 10:08 am

    Doesn’t seem at all unreasonable to have to Re-price something two years after initially proposing it– prices have gone up, after all. Happens every day in the business world.

  10. Pencil on December 21st, 2017 9:21 am

    The key word is “longtime” . . . . . Century is in disarray and has been for a long time.

    It was necessary for the longtime Mayor to leave and its necessary for the remnants of others who kept the city stagnant for so long to leave as well.

    I understand that the way things end up aren’t the way they always start out so thank you for your service to government.

  11. Edna on December 21st, 2017 9:17 am

    WOW~~ What a loss for Century.. Debbie has the most knowledge about Century .. She has made it her business to learn what and how to help Century.. You can’t take 30 years of experience and replace it!! You can give another person the job……but experience is earned not bought.
    Does the council know its responsibility ??? I would say number 1…..RESPECT anyone who comes before you. Listen .politely. It’s time now for you to do your homework. Get the entire story about what’s going on, in your town….Step up and work toward helping the town grow. (not just agree to growing our utility bills).
    Loosing Debbie and her knowledge is a HUGH loss to the town of Century..

  12. Jdub on December 21st, 2017 9:16 am

    Wow! It takes a lot of strength & wisdom to walk away from a job you have a passion for because of moral & ethical problems. I commend you on taking a stand. Sounds like there is a lot of shady business happening in Century & one day…it will catch up with those doing wrong one way or another.

  13. Just me on December 21st, 2017 8:54 am

    Thank you for having the courage and morality to stand up for doing right. I’m sorry it came to this, a choice between doing right and leaving a job that you loved. Best wishes in your future endeavors

  14. DLo on December 21st, 2017 8:52 am

    Congratulations Century town government, in case you missed it, that was integrity that just walked out the door, I understand if you didn’t recognize it when you saw it, there’s precious little of it to be found in that particular location.

  15. chris on December 21st, 2017 8:08 am

    Something about leaving a sinking ship comes to mind.

  16. tg on December 21st, 2017 7:09 am

    Debbie you are the true Pillar of the community.

  17. Question on December 21st, 2017 2:43 am

    What does “the end and formal investigations mean?” In the comments.

  18. Observer on December 21st, 2017 1:54 am

    Wow! Someone with integrity in government willing to stand up for what is right! Debbie Nickles for mayor!

  19. Resident on December 21st, 2017 1:53 am

    God Speed Debbie!

    How many *millions* of dollars in grants have you gotten for the town of Century and its people? How many people have you helped in your decades in Century?

    It’s sad that it’s come to an end. Century and its administration are biting off their noses to spite their faces.

    The Century ship is sinking fast! So glad you got out now before the end and the formal investigations.

    Thanks again Debbie! God Bless!

  20. Kaylene on December 21st, 2017 1:41 am

    Saddened….No matter the reasoning for your choice to resign, that is no ones business.
    Ms. Debbie, YOU ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED AND RESPECTED BY ME. I speak for a lot of people I am sure in voicing my own opinion and experience. I will always have MUCH RESPECT for WHO YOU are as a Woman of Integrity, Loyalty and Admiration. Thank YOU for what YOU have brought to even me personally and professionally. I LOVE YOUR SOUL! You WILL surely be MISSED.

  21. Citizen on December 21st, 2017 1:29 am

    Well that’s it–Up the creek with out a paddle.

    I don’t blame her one bit though.

    I believe she was the only one around that had a clue.