Cantonment Woman Charged With Shooting, Killing Puppy

December 29, 2017

A Cantonment woman  has been charged with shooting and killing a misbehaving puppy.

Amanda Cay Carpenter, 27, was charged with animal cruelty and firing a weapon in public in connection after the incident at a mobile home park on Ryale Road.

Carpenter’s next door neighbor called the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and reported that she was inside her residence when she heard two gunshots, a slight pause and one more gunshot. The witness told deputies that she heard the dog whimpering and crying after the first two shots. Then after the last shot, she did not hear the animal anymore. She said she walked outside to see what was going on and observed Carpenter going back inside her residence with what was later found to be a .22 caliber rifle, an arrest report states.

Carpenter told deputies that her nine-month old pit bull chewed up and damaged several items in her room. She said she tried to put it in a kennel but it would not go. According to an arrest report, she said the  puppy also attempted to bite her in the face before she put it outside.

When asked by deputies why she did not just leave the dog outside, locked in the yard and call animal control, Carpenter could not answer, the report states.

When Carpenter shot at the dog, she was firing in the direction of another trailer only about 40 feet away, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.


55 Responses to “Cantonment Woman Charged With Shooting, Killing Puppy”

  1. David Huie Green on January 3rd, 2018 12:38 pm

    “your cautionary analysis of the reasons this person is smiling in the photo are interesting. …she was not prepared nor informed enough for pet ownership and the dog died because of it. That’s really nothing to smile about.”

    True, but not likely to have been the reason for the smile, just as she probably wasn’t smiling for any of the other reasons you suggested.

    In fact, I didn’t venture to guess WHY she was smiling, just that the reasons offered might very well NOT be her reason.

    David for good teeth

  2. NWFLAFOB on January 1st, 2018 8:36 am

    David Huie Green, your cautionary analysis of the reasons this person is smiling in the photo are interesting. Whatever her reason for smiling – glee over killing something, proud of her marksmanship, lack of heart, sociopathic tendencies, mistaking the occasion for a Glamor Shot session – the raison d’être for us even seeing her mug shot is the fact a nine month old puppy chewed up some of her belongings and nipped at her when she attempted to “put it in a kennel”; something I’d be willing to bet was not done with calm and patient behavior correction in mind. A puppy was being a puppy. Nine month old dog is still very much in the mental development phase. Heartless, soulless, evil, whatever her character consists of there is one thing for sure – she was not prepared nor informed enough for pet ownership and the dog died because of it. That’s really nothing to smile about.

  3. David Huie Green on December 31st, 2017 9:56 pm

    A pretty girl smiles when her picture is taken and that shows she is a heartless monster, sociopath or psychopath, future serial killer, spawn of Satan????

    I doubt she killed the dog just before the picture was taken. Some people read whatever they expect in a picture or face: sad, angry, confused, doped up or drunk. If they don’t see any of that, they decide she must have no humanity.

    See it from her point of view. She decided the dog was dangerous and believed it was her responsibility to deal with it because it was her dog and her burden. (She may even have been right; we don’t know the dog.) Very likely she thought shooting it would be quick and painless for the dog, just like in the movies when the bad guys are hit and instantly die with no suffering or blood. When it didn’t, she shot it again to put an end to its suffering. That would be an act of mercy.

    As to danger to others, assuming she was shooting down and into the dog, she probably didn’t expect to miss, have the slug pass through the dog, and/or ricochet off to endanger others.

    The fact that she seemed open and honest when talking to officers suggests she saw nothing wrong or irresponsible in her actions. Had she known, she would have probably acted differently.

    Unless she is an expert in dog handling, weapons handling and every law on the books, please consider giving her the benefit of the doubt. Wouldn’t you want the same consideration if you were ever accused of doing something others thought was wrong — even if it WERE wrong?

    David for caution in condemnation

  4. New Year Face on December 30th, 2017 9:15 pm

    As I read this with my beagle asleep at my feet, I had to get on the floor and love on her for a bit. I rescued her about 6 years ago and I’m so glad I have her. However, no matter how you raise a pit bull, they are loose cannons, unpredictable & dangerous. They are one of only a handful of breeds that your homeowners insurance wants to know about. You can’t take them to the river or a park and let them run free if other people, animals or children are around. My gut tells me that girl is a miserable excuse for a pet owner but if the dog did in fact try to bite her face, then a bullet is what it probably needed. But anyone who puts their face near the mouth of a pit isn’t the sharpest pencil on the desk.

  5. Tarrence Wright Sr on December 30th, 2017 8:28 pm

    And she has such a beautifulll smile on her face.. But she’s a monster!

  6. John D Bodie on December 30th, 2017 2:52 pm

    I would imagine if you can kill a dog on purpose and smile like a Cheshire Cat when you get to jail. You may be able to do the same if it were a human. Wondering

  7. dogloversforever on December 30th, 2017 2:28 pm

    I and my family were in harms way because of that gun! I am glad this neighbor is moving.

  8. lone chief on December 30th, 2017 1:28 pm

    One word: Sociopath!!

  9. Rex S on December 30th, 2017 10:58 am

    It’s interesting to read the comments about this from the perspective of having been both an urban dweller and a frequent rural guest. On the one side we have the viewpoint of pets being an integral part of the family structure. Allowed to lie on our beds and have a general run of the house. On the other we have some that view pets in a more utilitarian role. A good companion and also an important part of the owners and their livestock’s safety and well being.

    Whichever side one falls on, isn’t respect for the animal one of the common characteristics of a good and decent steward of the responsibility of ownership?

  10. Alex on December 30th, 2017 10:21 am

    Pj Hughes you are full of misinformation. I know personally of 3 cases where loving pit bulls have mauled and in one case killed a family member. I love all dogs except pit bulls. They are ferocious beasts and as far as I am concerned the breed should be eradicated. They do not just give a quick bite or snap to warn you, they go straight for the kill. I agree that with most pits this probably will not happen, but it happens too many times.

  11. bar on December 30th, 2017 9:38 am

    some people dont care to be an animal lover and thats your business but let me tell you.i am an animal lover becuse i had no one.when youre alone an animal loves you til they die.most older people needs an animal to keeps them can she just sit there and smile like that.ive seen people with pit bulls and they are good dogs.its the owners that cause them to go bad.any animal can go bad and bite you but look how some are treated.thank god we have people that cares what happens to animals.

  12. Bob's Brother on December 30th, 2017 9:19 am

    Anyone who owns a pit bull terrier knows they’re different. I’ve been around them quite a bit as a former vet assistant. Myself and a friend were once watching a football game and his normally sane, gentle, and loving pit bull snapped while we were cheering, and it pounced on another dog in the home and attempted to kill it. My friend sustained severe lacerations on his arm attempting to stop the fight. I also agree that Disney and other entities have brainwashed many of us into valuing the animal over the human. Don’t believe that? Research what happens to humans who harm dolphins.. Don’t believe that? Look what replaced Saturday morning cartoons…

  13. Don Neese on December 30th, 2017 7:42 am

    You do know Mickey’s not real don’t you? He’s just some college kid in a suit :) , a pretend world. That’s where most people live. A pretend world. If a rat was destroying our home we would set traps, bait and brutally murder them, if roaches are in our cabinets we will poison them and be happy when we find them writhing in pain on the floor, should we find fire ants on our feet we will pay the utmost price to perform genocide on their whole society. Looks like we’re all guilty.

  14. JustSaying on December 30th, 2017 7:20 am

    To all of you saying “ get your priorities straight “ and “ putting animals first”. You apparently don’t see the big picture here! Look at her! She’s smiling, does she care, first a dog, next when a person does something to her they may be next! Most people start hurting animals before they start a demented life! If you believe in God, all living things are His creatures! You don’t kill unless it’s for food or sacrifice (and those days are over).

  15. Andy Troyer on December 30th, 2017 6:46 am

    I think it’s disgusting that animal rights have gone so extreme, that now you can end up in jail for killing your dog. Certainly Amanda was angry when she shot her dog, but I would like someone to prove to me just exactly who may have been in harms way due to stray fire from the gun. Amanda made National News for doing what many Americans have been doing for decades – putting their animals down when they become unmanageable. I can understand a valid argument if Amanda was definitely putting neighbors in harms way due to uncontrolled gun-fire. But A DOG!! Really!! THIS IS ABSURD!!! Give Amanda the break she deserves and let her out of jail. We Americans have paid dearly in taxes for jail birds all across the fruited plain. It’s time we THINK about why we are incarcerating people like Amanda. Stop the INSANITY!!

  16. David Huie Green on December 30th, 2017 3:57 am

    “The only dangerous breed is a Human a gun a knife are harmless until they are in the hands of a human!”

    Mosquitoes are dangerous. Lions are dangerous. Eagles are dangerous.Hippos are dangerous. Anacondas are dangerous. Any animal capable of contracting rabies is dangerous. Crocodiles are dangerous. Barracudas are dangerous. Fire ants are dangerous. Elephants are dangerous. Polar bears are dangerous. Wolves are dangerous — but they can contract rabies, so they’re already covered. Buffalo are dangerous. Mules are dangerous — one kicked me around 1958 so I KNOW. Bulls are dangerous — one of them chased me and tried to kill me too.

    Okay, humans are not the only dangerous animals.

    David for multiple cautions

  17. M De on December 30th, 2017 1:49 am

    Yes many people put animals ahead of people

    I’ll tell you why cause the LOVE of an animal IS uncomplicated & unconditional

    The only dangerous breed is a Human a gun a knife are harmless until they are in the hands of a human!

  18. Maureen De on December 30th, 2017 1:03 am

    Puppies chew cause they are teething
    Why does everybody mention pit bull..all dogs chew when they are puppies.
    If it bothered her so much maybe instead of picking up a gun she should have picked up the phone and called a trainer…seriously this woman has a short fuse!

  19. TUMom on December 30th, 2017 12:21 am

    How sorry and demented can some people be? Poor little puppy!

  20. Perplexed on December 30th, 2017 12:13 am

    Come on, folks. This is an animal. I haven’t seen these kind of remarks for any human that has been killed. Maybe things weren’t done just right, but let’s get our priorities straight.

  21. Hello on December 29th, 2017 8:45 pm

    As an adult you have a responsibility to not be reckless. Do not be RECKLESS in owning an animal your temperament is not capable of handling nor RECKLESS in using a weapon that you are again not capable of handling responsibly. My family had a beautiful 2yo rescue pitbull put to sleep for behavior that I would have loved to fix but my family could not ignore and pretend wasn’t there. We still have 2 pits & other than eating Christmas packaging, Tupperware containers, plastic clothes hangers yatta yatta, they both obey our commands well & if not then as sad as I would be their fate would be the same. But we are RESPONSIBLE adults.

  22. Mark on December 29th, 2017 8:11 pm

    I personally know of 2 incidents where the beloved family pet, a pitbull, attached their own family. 1 lady has permanent arm injuries, 1 was attacked as a baby and has had to go through life disfigured in the face.

  23. Jordan on December 29th, 2017 3:42 pm

    I fully read the article and noticed: 1) how many shots and 2) how close she was to other trailers. Not a good shot if it took 3 shots to kill the poor animal. How it must has suffered before the final shot. Also, what if she had missed and a bullet went through the wall and hit a person/child outside. Yes, this woman is dangerous!.

  24. MtnDew on December 29th, 2017 3:14 pm

    @molinoman: yeah you are way off, there IS a huge difference between destroying property and attacking. your views are askew as is your morals.

    IF that dog attacked then ok, I see no marks on her face if that is the immediate mug shot, the discharging of a firearm is not really relevant in this situation, animal cruelty I say yes. shooting in your home if it was a home invasion would be no different in this situation as far as the shooting of the gun. still with her as the only witness and if there are any marks to corroborate her story then I guess only she knows, and God.

  25. Lola on December 29th, 2017 2:51 pm

    Poor little puppy! I hope she goes to prison for a very long time. She certainly doesn’t need to own another animal.Shame on her!

  26. Sara owner of 2 pitbulls on December 29th, 2017 1:22 pm

    First of all, that woman needs a psychological evaluation. If you can hurt/kill a puppy and have that look on your face, she do have issues. It is a fact that if you are able to harm animals, you lack certain emotions (to put it nicely). Second, puppies chew, that what they do, it was her job a the owner to train the puppy. She should have chew yots for the puppy, and redirected to the toys instead of her items.she failed to give. The puppy the rights it should have had. Also, a trailer home is no place for a pitbull, they like to work(run around, play, stay busy).finally, to the person who said that certain dogs have specific traits, correct…puppies chew things, incorrect it is not because it was a pitbull. Yes, some pit bulls have been bred for fighting, however what has been found id’s that the people doing the breeding are making a choice to kill or use as bait dogs the non aggressive pit bulls. Smaller dogs are more likely to bite. I have 2 pit bulls that we rescued and neither one of tried to bite anyone, all they want is love and attention. We have taken the time to train then, give them their toys to chew on, give them boundaries, and let them feel safe. I can almost guaru tee that a 9 month old puppy was responding to however this woman was treating it. I’m pretty sure she told the police that in order to make a better case for herself. Not only should she deal with jail time for killing the puppy, but lose any chance of owning a gun again, since she held regard for the safety of others. Good thing she never went into childcare, think what might have happened if a child broke something.

  27. anne 1of2 on December 29th, 2017 12:48 pm

    That woman needed that breed of dog so people would think she is big and bad too.
    The owner of that park needs to forbid the breed of dog from the park. While I was surprised to see my Cocker Spaniel listed as the #4 breed on the bite dog list, I also knew it was true. I had to get her beyond her alpha attitude but never trusted her around other people. This woman does not need to own an animal. Killing is no way to solve a problem.

  28. getoverit on December 29th, 2017 11:48 am

    I knew the comments on here would be priceless. Every bleeding heart would come out of the woodwork to condemn this girl to the hot place and then some because of the smirk on her face. I’m not saying what she did is right. There would have been a better way to handle it. But as usual, there’s more compassion for the quadrupeds any day of the week than for the suffering of mankind. So many of you guys’ priorities are miles off base. It’s sad.

  29. Marni on December 29th, 2017 10:47 am

    Is this her arrest photo? How heartless!! Her black soul reveals the demonic within her.
    That poor sweet puppy. Obviously this woman is ignorant of puppy behavior.
    Why take your self hatred out on an innocent soul whom God loves.

  30. SL on December 29th, 2017 10:35 am

    Is that a yearbook picture or mugshot? Looks like she is happy to be in jail. There’s many rescue and adoption groups in the area. That are more than welcome to take a puppy in. It’s a call or Facebook post away.

  31. Shay on December 29th, 2017 10:32 am


    I’d have to disagree with you. I work two jobs as a paramedic in two different counties. I spent the first ten years of my life in foster care. Not everybody is as cold hearted as you’d like to believe.

  32. elizoria on December 29th, 2017 9:57 am

    All you folks saying animals are treated better than people need to realize that it’s not an either/or situation. Animals feel pain, just as humans do and anyway you look at this it is not right. This girl has deep issues if she thinks this is how you deal with any situation (and yes, I do own guns so don’t even try to say I’m anti-gun). Just because we love animals doesn’t mean we do not care about our fellow man. The difference is that man has a voice to ask for help, and these animals do not. Walt Disney may have humanized them, but they do feel fear and pain, and that is a fact.

  33. Debi on December 29th, 2017 9:54 am

    What bothers me the most is the look of glee on her face! How can you kill a small puppy and be so happy about it! A puppy has to be taught and trained the way to behave and some are more headstrong than others. I have a Min Pin that is one of the most stubborn dogs in the world and tried my patience almost to the breaking point when we first got him. Firmness and persistent training taught him how to behave and for 9 years he has been the sweetest and most loving little boy anyone could ask for! Puppies chew and are mischievous, that doesn’t make them bad dogs, you have to be firm in their training. I would be very afraid of what else could make her snap and she would have no remorse in killing.

  34. bewildered on December 29th, 2017 9:47 am

    She is smiling and “posing” for her mug shot. People who think they attract attention and admiration this way are mentally disturbed in my opinion. I feel sorry for the neighbor who reported this incident – she will retaliate in some way as soon as she gets out of jail.

  35. john on December 29th, 2017 9:30 am

    Many folks don’t realize most dog breeds often indicate certain characteristics and pitbulls are no exception. I myself would never own one because they are a little unpredictable. Bitbull terriers WERE specifically bred as fighting dogs many years ago. In some country’s it is illegal to own a bitbull terrier, many airlines will not transport them. There is enough evidence, and risk associated with those dogs that I would not own one.

  36. molinoman on December 29th, 2017 9:05 am

    Got a young pit off Craigslist some years ago, when it bite my daughter 2 weeks later and we rushed her to ER. The animal was taken out back and put down as humanely as any livestock. Animal control showed up asking to see the dog since the hospital had to report it. I showed them the vaccination papers and told them where the shovel was. Animal control said good enough and left. No difference to me biting my kid or destroying hundreds of dollars of my property. Should she have done this in such a closed quarters? no. Was she in the right? *shrug* None of us were there. Like another commenter said Disney humanized animals, no one on here is up in arms over the poultry industry, or cattle industry etc. So society says we covet this type animal but everything else is fodder? You know in other countries they eat our “pets” and it is totally acceptable. Doesn’t make us any more civilized because we have the same animal willing to lick us in the face after cleaning itself? Not at all. I guess if a cow could lick itself we’d have them as pets too. Get real.

  37. NWFLAFOB on December 29th, 2017 8:53 am

    It’s a shame humans aren’t administered an intelligence test before taking in a dog or other pet. This woman obviously did not know a 9 month old puppy would chew on things. For those blasting the breed, at 9 months of age this dog was no more dangerous than a beagle or any other dog who was mistreated the way this grinning idiot was likely treating it. The danger and undpredictability in this scenario was only exhibited by the shooter.

    As for those who bemoan the way America treats animals, they should study the well established facts that prove there is a direct correlation between the way humans treat animals and the way they treat other humans. Countless, too innumerable to mention here, murderers/sadists/child abusers started out by aiming their inadequacies at animals. For all who criticize the time, effort, money spent on supporting or rescuing animals, I’m sure it’s safe to assume they are out there on the streets every single day offering the same to the humans they believe deserve that assistance more. It’s an easy criticism to make and one which overlooks the fact the critic has no knowledge of how much involvement in human assistance issues those who rescue and care for animals also take part in. Their compassion isn’t exclusive to animals.

  38. David Huie Green on December 29th, 2017 8:47 am

    ” in america we have more compassion for animals than people. we are willing to feed animals and let people go without. we buy toys for animals and let children go without. we pet our animals and love them while not lifting a hand for a person.”

    Usually different people.

    Some care for animals and/or people.
    Some don’t.

    We kill billions of animals to eat or to keep them from eating our crops.
    We care for millions of people who are too old, too young or too feeble to care for themselves.
    We expect others to care for themselves since we don’t feel responsible for them and assume they don’t want interference in their lives and freedoms.

    A blanket condemnation doesn’t fit.

    David for reality

  39. jeannnie on December 29th, 2017 8:21 am

    There is just absolutely no excuse for what she did. I hope she is made to pay for her despicable actions.

  40. JustSaying on December 29th, 2017 8:14 am

    @Don Neese. So are you saying this is okay??? Like the other comments, she has no remorse? What will she do next??? Hope you don’t let her babysit!!!

    It’s not weak to care for animals, it shows compassion!

    It’s weak not to stand up for an animal that can’t for itself! Hope you don’t own one and plan on going to Disney anytime soon either,Mickey may bust your shin!!!

  41. paul on December 29th, 2017 8:12 am

    I often hear it’s the owner not the breed.. It sure seems like a lot of pit bull owners are worthless people..

  42. JustWondering on December 29th, 2017 8:04 am

    No matter the breed all puppies chew at that age!! He/she probably just trying to protect himself or trying to wipe that smirk off face and not actually attacking! No remorse, hope judge gets a peek at that picture, says a lot!!! She doesn’t deserve a precious animal!

  43. Sehoy on December 29th, 2017 8:01 am

    I adopted a rescue American Bulldog that was found starving on the streets of Miami. Yes, he tore up a lot of stuff, but he’s brought a lot of love and happiness to my life. I gave him extra hugs and kisses thinking about what this woman did. She deserves some harsh punishment. Poor, helpless animal.

  44. Janna on December 29th, 2017 7:50 am

    First step in becoming a psychopath: killing animals with no emotion or regrets. The beginnings of a killer.

  45. Jordan on December 29th, 2017 7:49 am

    wow, if this is how she treats a misbehaving puppy; i wonder how she would treat a misbehaving child.

  46. citizen on December 29th, 2017 7:21 am

    she should have sought help. but in america we have more compassion for animals than people. we are willing to feed animals and let people go without. we buy toys for animals and let children go without. we pet our animals and love them while not lifting a hand for a person. we cry and are so hurt when the animal passes away and bury them in our yard and place a marker on top while many people are buried in unmarked graves. we in america place more value on an animal than a person because as bad as the behavior was of this person i believe her life is more valuable than that of a dog. and there is still hope for her yet.

  47. Don Neese on December 29th, 2017 7:11 am

    We are one weak society. Times get hard enough, animal lovers will be eating their precious little puppies. Walt Disney humanized animals. People now think animals are equal to humans….or is it that humans are now on the animal level?

  48. EMD on December 29th, 2017 6:39 am

    mike. It is the owner that makes or breaks a dog. I am 100% with what Shay said. I have a dog that I got from the shelter that would not even raise her head. I do not know what had happened to her before I got her. With a lot of patience and love, she is now a very obedient and loving dog. I know that she was mistreated and very afraid when I got her, and she seems always on guard when she hears or smells someone or some thing outside. I am thinking someone must have come home and beat her every day. Or perhaps she was just abandoned and never knew why. I would be very cautious around this woman. She does need a new heart. This has made me cry now, first thing in the morning. I feel nauseous.

  49. M in Bratt on December 29th, 2017 5:25 am

    How is this “animal cruelty”, when if she had sent the animal to the dog pound they would have killed it anyway? She may have prevented another vicious pit-bull attack, and actually saved the county some money.

  50. pj hughes on December 29th, 2017 5:23 am

    1st off Pit bulls are ONLY dangerous when they have been raised to be this way by DANGEROUS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! There were and are MANY options to have handled this differently besides shooting an animal! Her face says it all! HEARTLESS!!!!!!!!!!! This SICKENS me and I truly HOPE justice is served on this evil woman! I will spend my last breathe SAVING animals and being their voice against ruthless people like Amanda Carpenter!

  51. ROBERT on December 29th, 2017 5:02 am

    Puppies chew stuff’s a known fact…why not put the puppy in the crate before it chewed stuff up…or how about buy it some chew toys…pit or not..a puppy will be a puppy…A slap on the wrist is coming…animals rarely matter to judges…

  52. Shay on December 29th, 2017 4:50 am

    As a foster mom for a local dog rescue this makes me sick to my stomach. I have had several dogs that have been abused,neglected and tortured, just seconds or minutes from being slaughtered by their owners for just being puppies or dogs. All that dogs want to do is please the owner. Even after all that has been to most of these dogs,they still look at you with such a desire to please. They want to be your best friend. I have lost several dogs in my lifetime due to disease and old age and I can say that I miss everyone very much even though years have passed since their passing. The thought of that poor dog hurting from the first two shots and it probably trying to figure out what it had done wrong is a horrible thought.

    Realistically more than likely she’ll be charged with the gun charge and the killing of the puppy will go unpunished. The laws need to be changed to protect animals from abuse and neglect and the act of doing either should be a felony.

    I have 8 dogs,that couldn’t be rehabilitated to be rehomed because of the abuse they suffered at the hands of owners they loved, and 4 foster pups and I can’t imagine it any other way. I sure wish she’d called animal control so if it needed to be euthanized for aggression it could’ve been done humanely so it wouldn’t suffer.

  53. John Bodie on December 29th, 2017 4:15 am

    I sure hope the judge whipes that stupid smirk off of her face. She should go to prison.

  54. Howie on December 29th, 2017 2:19 am

    You should never be allowed to touch another animal. You have no regard for any life, whether it is humans or animals. The puppy probably was fed up with you yelling and beating it and wasn’t going in the kennel. The dog has more sense than you do. Hopefully the firearm will be taken away and never returned.

  55. mike on December 29th, 2017 1:53 am

    Yep, she could answer, but I guess she didn’t. Takes a special person to handle pitbulls, many people have been killed that didn’t have the tools to do so. A dangerous breed, too dangerous to be of any practical use, just IMO.