Teen Works To Raise $1,000 To Feed The Homeless On Thanksgiving

November 16, 2017

Claire Jimenez is 14. She has a heart for her community, and her enthusiasm is contagious. With some of her friends, she formed a group called the Volunteens. They look for opportunities to be a blessing to their not-so- blessed neighbors, to the have-nots, to the underprivileged. And in October, Claire decided they’d help Waterfront Rescue Mission.

They set up a table to collect donations in front of Apple Market, and then went door to door in Claire’s neighborhood. They asked that people help Waterfront Rescue Mission feed the homeless on Thanksgiving, that we needed turkeys, stuffing, rolls, all the fixin’s to make Thanksgiving thankful. They took time that could have gone to any of a dozen things that we all do to relax and distract ourselves, and instead they went and collected money to make lives better for others. And they raised over $1,000.

“I was trying to find a service project to do and I thought the perfect one would be helping feed the homeless for Thanksgiving through Waterfront Rescue Mission,” Claire said. “My family has worked with Waterfront Rescue Mission before. We know it’s a trusting organization and helps a lot of people.”


4 Responses to “Teen Works To Raise $1,000 To Feed The Homeless On Thanksgiving”

  1. Anne on November 16th, 2017 7:28 pm

    Are they still taking $ $ $ contributions?
    If so how and where can people give to support these Awesome Teens?

  2. Danny Hall on November 16th, 2017 3:18 pm

    You can’t tell me “all” teens are “bad” – WAY TO GO YOUNG LADY . . .

  3. anne 1of2 on November 16th, 2017 11:04 am

    Claire and those who helped her collect are great people. To me , this is one of the best organizations in our area.

  4. The DOER on November 16th, 2017 10:31 am

    What a great service project. Thank you for your time and devotion to those less fortunate!