Sunset Over Sunn Hemp (And What Exactly Is Sunn Hemp?)

November 24, 2017

North Escambia farmers sometimes turn to fields of a yellow-flowering crop to prevent soil erosion between regular crops like corn.

It’s called Sunn Hemp (that’s Crotalaria juncea L for the scientific types).

Sunn Hemp is a semi-tropical plant that is grown as a cover crop in the southeast. It’s a legume, growing in a variety of locations and returning nitrogen to the soil. It can also be used as a biomass to produce biofuels.

Pictured above: A golden setting sun Thanksgiving evening over a field of sunn hemp in Walnut Hill. Pictured below: A closer look at the sunn hemp flowers. photos, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Sunset Over Sunn Hemp (And What Exactly Is Sunn Hemp?)”

  1. Charlotte on November 24th, 2017 7:53 am

    Thanks for the info. I saw some of this, a couple of years ago on Hwy 29 North and could not figure out what it was. I grew up, kind of, especially during the Summer, on a small farm and never saw or heard of any of this. Finally the mystery is solved, or for me it is.