Racially Offensive Snapchat Video Shot At Tate High School Under Investigation

November 9, 2017

The Escambia County School District is investigating a racially insensitive Snapchat post made last week at Tate High School.

In the video, a white student reportedly place a laptop charging cord around the neck of a black student and scream out “white power”. The video was posted on the social media app Snapchat. After the video was reported to school administration, it was then reported to the school resource officer.

The student was not injured in the incident, with deputies noting that the victim was not restrained or chocked by the cord. The victim told deputies that he was not worried the incident and did not wish to file a report. The victim’s parents declined to press any charges as long as the student was disciplined by the school.

The student who placed the cord around the other student’s neck said it was simply a joke.

Ellison Bennett of the National Movement for Civil and Human Rights said he was angry over the video and that he will be requesting a dialogue with the school board and superintendent.

The Escambia County School District has declined to comment because it involves students and remains under investigation.


10 Responses to “Racially Offensive Snapchat Video Shot At Tate High School Under Investigation”

  1. FreeDa on November 10th, 2017 5:25 pm

    From reading the comments I can see why a young adult would think this is funny or ok to do. I think when a young person reaches High School they should have enough common sense that kind of play is not to be done at school or in public. Next people will say it’s ok to chase people with a tiki torch. But then again we are in Escambia county where this is ok. Of course the school will do nothing and the people acting like they care don’t. It’s just gonna be a mess for all the children made by adults.

  2. Too sensitive on November 9th, 2017 11:57 pm

    Back in the day..we could hold Hands and say we were an Oreo. Yep we noticed we had different colored skin but it didn’t matter..

  3. Really on November 9th, 2017 3:02 pm

    Let kids be kids.if both kids and family can deal with this then let them. Everybody else but out.

  4. Howie on November 9th, 2017 1:13 pm

    Bennett, go find something else to complain about. These are kids being kids. You as an adult needs to butt out of the situation. All you want is fame and you are creating a bigger issue than it is. Be happy, and don’t worry about the small stuff. The students are okay with this along with their parents.

  5. Seriously on November 9th, 2017 12:57 pm

    Whomever this outsider is needs to mind his own business. If neither student had a problem and if neither set of parents have a problem, then there is no problem. He said he’s going to request dialogue??? I hope they decline his request and tell him to run off

  6. anne 1of2 on November 9th, 2017 9:15 am

    People used to joke and poke and enjoy life. Now we are supposed to worry every second of the day about offending someone. Big Brother needs to take a hike and leave happy humans alone. If you can’t smile, you get sick. What a plan BB has!

  7. molino jim on November 9th, 2017 7:32 am

    It is odd that the parents and the student are ok with the school taking care of this— But then Bennett an outsider who has no standing in this is so “angry” he want a meeting with the school board. why does he not follow up on the air force deal where a black student had written a hate message and tried to cause problems. I can only guess Bennett should get a life.

  8. Understand Your Audience on November 9th, 2017 7:20 am

    Friends can joke. The problem is kids think EVERYTHING needs to go on social media. Just remember, if you put it out there anyone can see it. When you apply for a job they can google and find these things. It may keep you from getting a good job. Also, just because it’s a joke for you and your friend doesn’t mean everyone else is on the joke. In this day and age people get their feelings hurt and cry way too easily. What is a joke for you is racism, discrimination, and intolerable to others. Understand who will be able to see your “joke”. If you think anyone of them would find it offensive you might want to think twice about posting it. It is sad that things have gotten this far. While this joke may have been distasteful to some, do you know what happened before this? Do you know the relationship these kids have? Do you know what happened after this video? Don’t judge until you know the FULL story.

  9. Bobbie on November 9th, 2017 7:20 am

    Pretty sure I could find something to joke around with my friends over that didn’t involve hanging. Just saying.

  10. oooooooooooops on November 9th, 2017 7:03 am