Local Teen Won’t Be Charged For Killing Stepfather

November 29, 2017

The State Attorney’s Office has ruled a local teenager acted in self-defense and won’t be charged in the fatal shooting of his stepfather.

According to a newly released State Attorney’s Office report:

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Circle K on Pine Forest Road about 1 a.m. on Saturday, October 21. Milledge Gordon was located in the backseat of his vehicle with a single gunshot wound to the back. He was pronounced deceased at the scene. Deputies located a handgun on the trunk of the vehicle.

Gordon’s wife and four teenage sons, ranging in age from 13 to 17, were on the scene and were transported to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office for questioning.

The family had gone to the Pensacola Interstate Fair prior to the incident. Gordon consumed a large amount of alcohol at the fair and had an argument with his wife prior to leaving. Gordon wanted to drive but his wife did not want him to because of his level of inebriation. She eventually gave in, and Gordon drove from the fair with his wife in the passenger seat and the four boys in the backseat.

Gordon was driving at an extreme rate of speed and swerving in and out of traffic as his passengers screamed at him to pull the vehicle over. He eventually pulled into the parking lot of the Circle K, which was closed at the time. He then began to attack his wife as his 17-year old stepson reached over the seat to stop the attack. Gordon exited the vehicle, got into the backseat as the boys attempted to escape from the other side of the car. Gordon was able to grab the 17-year old and get on top of him in the backseat and begin punching and choking the teen.

The 16-year old got out of the backseat and popped the trunk, which he knew contained his mother’s purse and a firearm. He retrieved the firearm and pointed it at his stepfather.

Gordon outweighed his stepson by approximately 80 pounds and was laying on top of the boy choking him. The 16-year old shouted at Gordon to get off of his brother but was ignored. He warned his stepfather a second time but Gordon continued to attack the old teen.

The 16-year old then fired a single shot, striking Gordon in the upper back. The boys attempted to render aid to Gordon and 911 was called. The wife and her four  sons remained at the scene and gave voluntary statements to law enforcement.

At the time the teen fired the single shot, his brother was in danger of death or great bodily harm due to being choked by Gordon, according to the State Attorney’s Office. He reasonably believed that the single gunshot was necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to his brother.


13 Responses to “Local Teen Won’t Be Charged For Killing Stepfather”

  1. Jerica on December 1st, 2017 7:29 am

    As this boys mom we appreciate the kind words

  2. freda on November 30th, 2017 4:51 pm

    Whoever wrote this story gets an A+ in report writing. And to the young man you did nothing you should ever think twice about. You acted correct.

  3. BILL on November 29th, 2017 12:36 pm


  4. A son on November 29th, 2017 11:20 am

    That boy is a hero. Sad that it took a loss of life to prevent another, but there is no excuse for what the stepfather did.

    Quick acting by the 16-year-old saved his brother’s life without harming anyone other than the person necessary — that is the correct way to use a firearm.

  5. Jerica on November 29th, 2017 9:19 am

    We tried and tried to change everything that night even they tried to save his life as well as myself

  6. just listing on November 29th, 2017 8:32 am

    “Good Grief”

    Thanks for sharing the scripture “Proverbs 23:32. for the interest of others, start reading from 23;24.

    So True!

  7. Whisperjet on November 29th, 2017 8:06 am

    ..the boy is a hero..he had no choice…I hope in the future that the mother prayerfully seeks the right stepdad for these boys..Alcohol us by far the deadliest drug on the planet..God bless the mother and her boys..better days are ahead…

  8. Molino mom on November 29th, 2017 6:18 am

    Good for him! Good job sweetie, you very well saved your brothers life. If he was willing to go that far then odds are this isn’t the first instance of abuse. You did good buddy. He can’t hurt you or them any more.

  9. William on November 29th, 2017 5:30 am

    >>Circle K on Pine Forest? I thought this happened at the Raceway station on Pine Forest at Interstate Circle

    Circle K on Pine Forest according to the State Attorney’s Office report.

  10. dwbauer on November 29th, 2017 5:16 am

    That makes the young man a hero in my eyes. Everyone is lucky to be alive in and out of the car. Proud of you young man. A hard thing to live with tho…

  11. Good grief on November 29th, 2017 4:28 am

    I HATE what alcohol does to the mind but that’s why people drink it. I have seen it destroy people and families. I’ve watched somebody start out drinking beer to have a good time and get to the point years later that it completely took over their life. Over the years it gets it’s claws in you and it won’t let go. You may think you can control it but when you do it for so long it starts controlling you. Beer is as addictive as any other drug. Yes, it is a drug of sorts, it messes with your mind just like crack or meth. Not the same effect but it messes with your mind. Proverbs 23:32. If you have to have something to mess with your mind to have a good time, you already have problems and beer or any other alcohol is surely going to be a problem in your life. This young boy has to now live with the fact that he killed someone and the whole family watched. Prayers for this family.

  12. Jason on November 29th, 2017 4:21 am

    Circle K on Pine Forest? I thought this happened at the Raceway station on Pine Forest at Interstate Circle?

    Still, its a tragic situation.

  13. A mom on November 29th, 2017 3:01 am

    Bless this child’s heart!! As I’m sure this was not the first time he has to see his step father act and treat them in such manner. And not only has his step father scarred his life by his actions of abuse towards them, but now this young boy has to live with the fact he killed someone. Bless his entire family, but as bless the fact he stood up to protect them as well.