Century Convicted Felon Arrested With Drugs, Ammunition

November 16, 2017

The routine search of a Century area residence by a probation officer landed a man behind bars on multiple charges for weapons and drugs.

Aaron Lee Sutton, 28, was charged with felony possession of a weapon or ammunition by a convicted felon, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

A Florida Department of Corrections probation officer was conducting a routine search of a residence on Whirlpool Road when he reported finding multiple items, including small bags of marijuana, 14 rounds of ammunition, two shotgun shells hidden behind a dresser in Sutton’s bedroom and a .22 long rifle cartridge hidden in an air vent..

The probation officer also found another small bag of marijuana and drug paraphernalia in a shed behind Sutton’s residence.

Sutton is a convicted felon out of Georgia for possession of a controlled substance, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.

Sutton is being held without bond in the Escambia County Jail and will face extradition back to Douglas County, GA.


30 Responses to “Century Convicted Felon Arrested With Drugs, Ammunition”

  1. ByeFelicia on November 23rd, 2017 10:02 am

    Howndoes a convicted felon with felony charges of breaking probation for posession of a firearm, drugs, and drug paraphernalia get out on bail? Good job ESCO. Smh.

  2. Feather on November 20th, 2017 1:10 am

    This is a good man so no the person before you pass judgement we all make mistakes nobody is perfect an who don’t own a gun living were we live the gun laws are over rated this man is a loving man with a family so before you pass judgement know the person

  3. Cast the first stone on November 19th, 2017 1:52 pm

    If you are without sin cast the first stone. If this was you or your family you would not want No one to talk about it. Some of you done or doing bad things just have not got caught and you would want people to pray for you. This family needs prayer.

  4. Zayne on November 18th, 2017 12:40 am

    He knew better. If you’re a felon, you are not allowed to be around guns and drugs. Even if the drug is marijuana. But the fact he was on probation made it obvious he disregarded those facts. So, it is on him. And his family should’ve stepped in harder to help him get himself under control. Whatever it takes for him to learn to stop.

  5. Ann on November 17th, 2017 3:40 pm

    Praying for my class mate.

  6. No Excuses on November 17th, 2017 9:10 am


    I understand your sentiments, and I agree with the comments about God being our final and ultimate judge – but, think about this please.

    He may be a nice guy, but he broke the conditions of his probation if the items found in the home are indeed his. I work in a prison, and many of the inmates I work with are “nice guys” and “good people”. They just got caught and are now paying the penalty. Once someone has a record, they are forever on the radar. If he wants to stay out, then he’s going to have to follow the rules, or he’ll end up back behind bars – nice person or not. Not judging – just stating the facts.

  7. DM on November 17th, 2017 12:43 am

    Being a convicted felon doesn’t make you a “thug”. Before passing judgement on someone maybe you should know them personally so you can be honest about whether they’re a good/bad person. Anyone that really knows Aaron knows what kind of person he is. I bet that 99.9%if not 100% of everyone that has made comments has broken man’s law and God’s laws. Does that mean you’re all bad? No it doesn’t. It means you’ve made bad decisions in your life and you were blessed by not getting caught by the police. But you were caught by God and judgement from him will come one day. Instead of judging this young man (which by the way is not your place since God has that right), why don’t you pray for his wife, children and family? Rude, nasty, judgemental comments are only making them have more pain. Even though he made bad decisions his family still loves him. Wouldn’t y’all still love your family member if this was one of them? And by the way TG…. why don’t you ask his Mama what she thinks before you speak for her?

  8. Lacee on November 16th, 2017 8:51 pm

    praying fro Aaron and the family’s
    As for all you hateful people. You need to pray for anemone I need instead of passing judgement on someone.

  9. No Excuses on November 16th, 2017 7:22 pm

    I’ve seen it from both sides. I tell my guys that I am responsible for that when they are released, they need to be sure that wherever they are staying is clean and to keep it that way. Also, if anyone in the home has weapons or ammo, the probation officer will not allow them (the ex-felon) to stay there, so to ask the people with the weapons to store them elsewhere or get rid of them. IF that’s where they want to stay, then that’s the way it has to be. Now, the story doesn’t tell us if the drugs were his or someone else’s, but the probation officer was doing his job, and believe me, we know how to look and find contraband in some pretty ingenious hiding places.

    I am praying for this man and his family. I hope he will eventually learn to make better choices for his sake and for theirs.

  10. sunnyside on November 16th, 2017 6:43 pm

    you guys need to recheck yourselves. This is what is wrong with the world today. Haters… Judgemental people who prey on other people’s lives when they are already hurting over the situation. stop…. making it worse. what is done is done. Unless God appointed you to condemn them for their imperfections keep your negative thoughts to yourself. shame on you guys.

  11. Nick on November 16th, 2017 5:57 pm

    Ppl get way to much time for some of these petty drug charges criminal justice reform is much needed!

  12. mick on November 16th, 2017 4:29 pm

    From some comments, sounds like they need to do a little house keeping, but probably back to prison he goes

  13. anne 1of2 on November 16th, 2017 11:00 am

    One of our readers who said I’m on my horse cannot read. Convicted felons cannot have guns, amo, or drugs on his property, period. Sounds like this guy doesn’t know how to enjoy any other way of life. When we know better, we do better.

  14. Amanda on November 16th, 2017 10:18 am

    Everyone if you could please not put nasty comments. Even if what you think he did is bad. Everyone has bullets around here and most people think that marijuana is ok.(people in Florida have been trying to make it legal for years) He still has a family at home that love him reguardless of what happened. Pray and just like the golden rule..: if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.

  15. buh-BYE again on November 16th, 2017 10:02 am

    if he wasn’t a bad guy he wouldn’t have to worry about going BACK to jail AGAIN. Telling everyone how self-righteous they are to try and make them feel bad doesn’t work either. I’m not judging him, a jury of his PEERS did and obviously they found him guilty as charged or once again, he wouldn’t have to worry about this ever having to happen. Don’t get up on your barstool and try to convince everyone that he’s a good guy, pray for him, etc, etc. HE made the choice to get in trouble in the first place, HE has to pay the cost and HE has to answer for what he did wrong. As far as his family goes, they may or may not deserve some of the punishment that goes along with it(certainly if he has kids they deserve better) based on how much they have tried to help HIM get out of the kind of trouble he got HIMSELF in to. Enabling someone is a horrible thing and only serves to keep them in the place that got them in trouble in the first place. It’s HIS decision to do right…..

  16. tg on November 16th, 2017 9:21 am

    Chris I bet his Mama says he is a good boy also.

  17. Ashley on November 16th, 2017 9:15 am

    Why do people have to be so heartless? Instead of being so quick to judge, why don’t you pray for him and his family! There is always more to the story…..

  18. Jim on November 16th, 2017 8:56 am

    @Chris – his history of poor choices and past disregard of the law is what put him in this situation in the first place.
    And as far as judgmental, sounds like you’re judging everyone who supports law enforcement. And, no, I don’t drink and drive. (Accusing people of your shortcomings is called “projecting”.)
    I agree with David – that .22 shell wasn’t hidden; it was lost.

  19. Ashley on November 16th, 2017 8:53 am

    People can be so heartless. First of all, it wasn’t a routine visit. There are people that are so miserable with their own lives that they want others to be miserable too. Nothing was hidden…. those shells had all been there since I don’t know when! Instead of all of you being so quick to judge, why don’t you pray for him and his family! And the cops were actually very cordial, so for the record the cops didn’t do anything to Aaron. It was related to the vindictive people that we had the pleasure of knowing.

  20. Samantha on November 16th, 2017 8:48 am


    He is NOT a bad guy, a thug or anything else mentioned. Sure, maybe he has made some not so great decisions in his life but who hasn’t? Some of you sitting on your high horse I’m sure can count a few things you’ve done wrong.

    Praying for Aaron, his wife and kids.

  21. Chris on November 16th, 2017 8:31 am

    You all are such hypocrites. So what he had a little pot on him and just cause their was bullets in his home doesn’t mean he was some killer. Who knows how long the ammunition had been there or who put it there or if he even knew it was there but yall are so quick to judge someone when everyone on here has broken the law in their life, just most haven’t been caught. I guarantee most on here have drank a beer and drove home. You people make me sick with your high judgment ways

  22. paul on November 16th, 2017 8:22 am

    It looks like he resisted..

  23. BUH-BYE on November 16th, 2017 7:24 am

    looks like he might have been unhappy at being caught too. Back to Georgia to do your time. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out either!

  24. Chris on November 16th, 2017 6:40 am

    Looks like maybe he fell, just a little

  25. Sam on November 16th, 2017 6:08 am

    Released felons are the cause of a lot of crimes. Makes you wonder why they keep releasing them.

  26. elmer on November 16th, 2017 6:06 am

    Tell me Again why is Marijuana is Illegal

  27. Trocarman on November 16th, 2017 5:40 am

    Good riddance. Hope Georgia will keep this thug locked up.

  28. Dan on November 16th, 2017 1:37 am

    It don’t look like he made it to well in Florida he’s probably ready to go back to Georgia

  29. Elmo on November 16th, 2017 1:24 am

    Dang,,,,when they come to get Ya, don’t try them….Just do what they tell ya to do because your gonna, one way or another!

  30. David Huie Green on November 15th, 2017 11:02 pm

    Hiding a .22 long rifle cartridge in an air vent could just be it falling through a floor vent. Shotgun shells behind the dresser could have just fallen. The other items are harder to explain away and if you’re on probation, it behooves you to search and clean thoroughly for anything which might send you back to the boy’s club.

    David for clean lives and/or houses