Cantonment Rotary Provides Thanksgiving Meals For 545 Local Residents

November 23, 2017

Over 100 local families will enjoy Thanksgiving thanks to the efforts of the Cantonment Rotary Club.

This was the sixth year the group has delivered turkeys and all the fixings to those in need. The first year, the  Rotatians delivered meals to four families, and last year that number was up to 45 families.  Wednesday, the Cantonment Rotary club delivered meals to 115 families, a total of 545 people.

The needy family were identified with the help of counselors and the administration at Jim Allen Elementary, McArthur Elementary, Pine Meadow Elementary, R.C. Lipscomb Elementary, Ransom Middle and Tate High School.

“I cannot stress how helpful these schools are. All of the schools are full of kind-hearted folks who appreciate what we are doing for their families that they know need the help,” Cantonment Rotary members Kevin Howell said.

Pictured top: A member of the Cantonment Rotary Club delivers one of 115 meals Wednesday. Pictured below: Rotarians box the meals for delivery at the Scenic Hills Country Club. Photos courtesy Eric Dupre/WEAR TV for, click to enlarge.


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