Sheriff David Morgan Files Budget Appeal With Gov. Rick Scott

October 20, 2017

Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan has followed through on his promise to file an appeal of his budget with Gov. Rick Scott.

Escambia County commissioners were notified of the appeal by Escambia County Attorney Alison Rogers Thursday night.

All county employees received a pay raise under a budget approved in late September bythe Escambia County Commission — including Sheriff’s deputies — but Sheriff David Morgan said then that he still planned appeal his budget to Scott. The budget included $3.7 million to provide a 3 percent across the board raise for all permanent employees of the Board of County Commissioners, the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, the Supervisor of Elections and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, including those employees capped at the top of their pay ranges.

The budget approval cane at the end of a long summer in which Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan fought for pay raises and changes in the pay structure in his department in order to retain deputies.

“We’re going to Tallahassee,” Morgan said after the budget approval. “We knew that we would have to go. We’ve been at an impasse for a very, very long time so we look forward to putting this before those who think more rationally and I think we’ll prevail in Tallahassee.”

“Thank you for the pay raise. That doesn’t fix the problem. It only worsens the problem and now to get the compression fixed it’s going to cost more. Every year you kick this can down the road the worse it gets,” Morgan said.

Commissioners Doug Underhill and Grover Robinson voted against the budget, presenting their own options that failed to move forward.

Underhill had proposed to fully fund the Sheriff’s request plus user funds from the commissioners’ discretionary budget and about $400,000 from the Pensacola-Escambia Development Commission.  Robinson proposed a middle of the road solution with a 2 percent across the board pay raise plus another $1.25 million for the Sheriff to use as desired for pay raises.

Pictured: Gov. Rick Scott and Escambia County David Morgan during a meeting October 5 at the Escambia County Emergency Operations Center concerning then Tropical Storm Nate. Photos for, click to enlarge.


23 Responses to “Sheriff David Morgan Files Budget Appeal With Gov. Rick Scott”

  1. John on October 24th, 2017 2:43 pm

    You do not need an 8 cylinder gas monster SUV to patrol a neighborhood. The Tahoe is w waste of gas and money.

  2. Reality on October 24th, 2017 1:28 am

    In theory, if taxes had to be raised, how much money would it cost the median household per year? The sheriff has made it no secret that he will appeal to the governor if his employees (ESPECIALLY high risk deputies) pay were not increased and the pay compression issues were not fixed. With our newer generation of workers coming in (aka millenials), they want higher paying jobs and their focus is based on that paycheck every two weeks and no offense to the millennial generation, but many of them want the highest paying jobs now now now and don’t plan for retirement. The ECSO hires them, invests money in them to get trained and then they leave when they get a higher offer. This cripples the agency for manpower, puts the community at risk with officer shortages on the road and also has a negative impact on the county as well because they cut unfilled positions (corrections officers) to attempt to give money to the sheriff in hopes he won’t take it to the governor. Their rationale is if they are vacant, they are not needed. I retired from the jail two years ago because the EBOCC’ s inexperience in law enforcement and corrections, the stress it was causing me doing the workload of 3 people and it is not safe for the staff or public safety. I lost out on money I could have gotten if I would have stayed and went in the DROP, but I wasn’t willing to take part in another “calculated risk”. Certainly not saying the BOCC doesn’t have important local government functions they do, but law enforcement and corrections belong under the sheriff. The sheriff isn’t bullying or threatening the BOCC. Public safety should be top priority and I dont believe it was a sneak attack or threat. He made it very clear as to the consequences of ignoring his needs of additional funding. Crystal clear. Whether one likes him or not, he has leadership and integrity.

  3. Fishing fool on October 23rd, 2017 8:43 am

    So the Chevy Tahoes were purchased because Ford stop making the Crown Victoria? Or dare say Obama bail out of GM and stipulation giving law enforcement agencies huge discounts had anything to do with it.For d made expiditions and explorers also. Maybe the Sheriff brokered that deal with GM.

  4. David Huie Green on October 22nd, 2017 11:41 pm


    ” He’s also spending money on billboards that could have gone to fund pay raises.”

    Probably not, but even if it could be spent that way, you wouldn’t have the inclusive image of two cheerful men standing close together telling you “water safety begins with you.” They look so happy. This will bring in more Memorial Day tourists for sure, raising tax funds available.

    David for money well spent

  5. Fishing fool on October 22nd, 2017 7:11 am

    Great service requires sacrifice. Raise the salaries and them darm taxes. Compare the millage rates in the counties also. Cost of living also. Air Force Sheriff how many good supervisors need more supervision?

  6. DFC on October 22nd, 2017 6:22 am

    @Kate. If you understood the law you would know that he CANT use LET funds for raises.

    @just lil ole me. 2 deputies in a cruiser does not benefit. This is half the “uniform presence” out there doing patrols. Call volume is very high and there are many calls that don’t require 2 calls. Maybe if people would use the Sheriff’s online reporting option for minor cases, it could happen. While Deputies are still getting called for the neighbor’s barking dog…or a wallet that you dropped the night before while getting plastered. They will not be able to ride 2 to a car.

    The Sheriff is fighting for those of us that can’t fight this battle. We are grossly underpaid for the work done. We are expected to put out lives on the line every day for the citizens and then when we say “we need more” people are up in arms over it. YES it is as choice to do this job. I made that choice and I will make it again. It wouldn’t hurt to be able to be at home with my family a little bit more instead of working 20 extra duty jobs a week to make ends meet. Pay increase would equate to higher morale (we would feel appreciated by the community) and better quality officers (we would retain officers that have received extensive advanced training).

    This isn’t a peeing for distance contest. The Sheriff is doing what needs to be done to keep his county safe. If we don’t get the money, more will leave. The quality of coverage is already threatened. It will get worse.

    Thank you.

  7. Rick on October 21st, 2017 7:51 pm

    The money for deputy pay and retention shouldve already been there awhile ago. The commissioners continued kicking the can down the road til who would want to do law enforcement for that pay they get. Especially with the lunacy on the streets around here. Im not a david morgan fan but i do agree on deputy pay. I will say that the amount of crime around here is amazing compared to when Mcnesby was in charge. The bad guys feared what would happen because the deputies knew who they were and how to find them. Unfortunatly that fear doesnt exist under this administration. But we need to pay the deputies a better salary than what they get now . If not the exodous will continue.

  8. Esc co leo on October 21st, 2017 10:21 am

    @ bobs brother

    We switched from sedans because ford stopped making the crown Victoria. The choices available were the Impala (too small) chargers (we tested them but had too many issues at the time) or caprice (too expensive). That Tahoe’s were actually a pretty good balance.

    As for being too heavy, I do have to agree with that.

  9. Bob's Brother on October 21st, 2017 7:33 am

    I’m not writing to rail against the Sheriff. He has a tough job. But couple of years back, he, instead of purchasing sedans for cruisers, he bought much more expensive SUVs. He’s also spending money on billboards that could have gone to fund pay raises. Another writer says the department is “top heavy”… if that’s true, the sheriff should evaluate the positions and make necessary changes.

  10. billy on October 21st, 2017 3:27 am

    man these dudes need a raise………they earn it

  11. Esc co leo on October 20th, 2017 10:12 pm

    To all:

    I just want to say that those of us at the ECSO are generally happy here and enjoy protecting this community. We are only seeking a pay range that will allow us to have a family and live decently without having to work 10-20 hours per week of overtime or off duty security. We need 10-20% raise to make up for years that we got little or nothing. Most agencies are doing this and we need to keep pace. Please support us.

  12. Well on October 20th, 2017 6:29 pm

    Ladies I do not see where people are complaining about the Deputies, they are very much needed, appreciated and most likely underpaid as are others.

    The complaints seem to be more towards Sheriff Morgan and his methods of trying to help his Department.

    Is it so hard to believe that many officers have left there because of things besides pay.

  13. slim jim on October 20th, 2017 4:13 pm

    is that military metals on his uniform

  14. Bama on October 20th, 2017 11:42 am

    Maybe if he wears his sheriffs uniform with his Air Force medals on it he will Impress Gov Scott.

  15. Linda Warrick on October 20th, 2017 11:09 am

    It is crazy to read the slang towards Sheriff Morgan. Let me tell you, when you need help, it is so nice to see the ECSO Deputies “roll in and handle business.” (on the spot deliverance). It gives a feeling of pride and relief that your tax dollars were wisely invested and you are reaping the benefits. These kind and highly skilled “public servants,” the ECSO, are always on duty.
    The Commissioners gain your tax dollars for years and years while you pay into a big “Risk Pooling” system and only hope if comes back to benefit you. The Commissioners are a topical problem but the loss of Deputies could result in long term wounds for this County.

  16. Shay on October 20th, 2017 10:58 am

    He throws bigger fits than my 3 year old does. I hope Scott spanks him and sends him to his room

  17. Diane on October 20th, 2017 10:52 am

    He is appealing a 3% increase package? Just as a point of reference, the gov’t has decided seniors will receive a 2% increase in Social Security benefits in 2018. But many will see their take-home pay stay about the same as 2017 because depending on what happens with Medicare premiums, many could see little or nothing of that 2% COLA.

  18. patti on October 20th, 2017 10:11 am

    I don’t know about others, but I APPRECIATE THE SHERIFF AND ALL THE DEPUTIES who work to protect the people of this county. I place them next to our MILITARY. Their job is to PROTECT, and with Deputies constantly leaving that makes it harder on those still serving. I’ve heard that our officer’ s pay is LESS than those of our neighboring counties. Have you checked out what our county commissioners make, believe me they do not work 40 to 50 hours a week, AND their LIVES are not at RISK like those who work to protect YOU & ME!! AND while I’m putting my views out for others to read, I FEEL THE SAME FOR OUR MILITARY!! Their pay doesn’t to cover what they are exposed to in HELPING others and PROTECTING our COUNTRY!!

  19. Julie Booth-Moran on October 20th, 2017 9:44 am

    He is fighting for the The “Sheriff’s Dept” that’s is inclusive of ALL ECSO employees! I If you think he is only looking out for his self interest-Think Again! He has always worked to make our community a better, safer place to live and to take care of his deputies by fighting for their best interest.

  20. just little ole me on October 20th, 2017 9:44 am

    I still say because 2 deputies should respond to every call for there safety.(and I believe they do) They should put 2 deputies in each cruiser. Then could sale the extra cruisers. and save a lot of money on gas and vehicle maintenance. Then he can give bigger raises and hire more deputies. And the deputies want have to try and drive and operate a computer at the same time

  21. anne 1of2 on October 20th, 2017 9:23 am

    Will his charm work with the governor too?

  22. retired on October 20th, 2017 8:07 am

    If you where not so top heavy you could give bigger raises, to ALL the employees. Instead of percentage raise how about a flat equal raise??????? Hope Gov. Scott sends you home and tells you to suck it up and live with it.

  23. Kate on October 20th, 2017 7:08 am

    Morgan thinks he can bully his way into anything he wants. Lets hope the County Commissioners stand strong and give our tax dollars away. He had a large amount of money he gave away to charities, use that money first then come crying. .